Upon his death in 1564, his son, Maximilian II took the reigns. He was the son of Archduke Charles II of Inner Austria and Maria of Bavaria. Ferdinand II, Archduke of Further Austria (Linz, 14 June 1529 - 24 January 1595, Innsbruck) was ruler of Further Austria and since 1564 Imperial count of Tirol.The son of Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, he was married to Philippine Welser in his first marriage. [129] The Diet of Hungary dethroned Ferdinand and elected Bethlen king on 23 August. Rudolf II also charged him with the command of the defense of Croatia, Slavonia, and southeastern Hungary against the Ottoman Empire. [citation needed], A period of minor operations followed. His heart was interred in the Herzgruft (heart crypt) of the Augustinian Church, Vienna. [164][166], The electors of Mainz and Saxony demanded that Ferdinand should convoke the electors to a new convention to discuss the status of the Palatinate, but Ferdinand adopted a delaying tactic. Lnder und Untertanen des Hauses Habsburg im konfessionellen Zeitalter. [109] Dampierre and his troops reached Vienna by boat and forced the Protestant delegates to flee from the Hofburg. [73][74] The Bohemian Estates dethroned Rudolph and elected Matthias king on 23 May 1611. Swedish strength was greatly weakened, but France entered the war on the side of the Protestants out of fear of Habsburg domination. [33] Due to his firm actions, no riots broke out when the leaders of the Protestant community left Graz on 29 September. [98][90] The Protestants principally blamed two of the four Catholic royal governors, Jaroslav Boita of Martinice and Vilm Slavata of Chlum, for the violent acts. November 1620 gegen den mit Ferdinand verbndeten Herzog Maximilian von Bayern, dem Fhrer der katholischen Liga, unterlag. * Hurter: Geschichte Ferdinands II.. Schaffhausen 1850-64, 11 Bde. 2. , (Styria) , . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for COOMODEL SE106 1/6 Scale Ferdinand II of Holy Roman Emoire Figure Palms Model at the best online prices at eBay! Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for COOMODEL SE106 1/6 Scale Ferdinand II of Holy Roman Emoire Figure Chain Armor at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! [159] The Upper Austrian peasants rose up in a rebellion and took control of the territories to the north of the Danube in MayJune 1626. Wallenstein was able to recruit some 30,000 men (later expanded up to 100,000), with whom he was able to defeat the Protestants in Silesia, Anhalt and Denmark. Ferdinand was installed as the actual ruler of the Inner Austrian provinces in 1596 and 1597. Die Offiziere Gallas, inzwischen Generalleutnant, Piccolomini und Aldringen wurden mit der Exekution oder Gefangennahme beauftragt, unternahmen jedoch einige Wochen lang nichts Konkretes, auer dass sie ihre Informationen an die ihnen zuverlssig erscheinenden Truppenkommandanten weitergaben (wesentlicher Grund fr das lange Zgern war vermutlich, dass Wallensteins Anhngerschaft bei seinen Soldaten noch zu gro war). As a zealous Catholic, Ferdinand wanted to restore the Catholic Church as the only religion in the Empire and to wipe out any form of religious dissent. Ferdinand II (9 July 1578 - 15 February 1637) was Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, Hungary, and Croatia from 1619 until his death in 1637. [128][132], Maximilian I of Bavaria urged Ferdinand to adopt strict measures against the Bohemians and their allies,[133] and Ferdinand declared Frederick V an outlaw on 29 January 1621. Weblinks [Bearbeiten], Commons Commons: Ferdinand II. This was, in effect, the beginning of the Thirty Years War. Februar 1637 in Wien) aus dem Haus Habsburg war ab 1617 mit einer Unterbrechung 1619/20 Knig von Bhmen sowie ab 1618 Knig von Ungarn, Knig von Kroatien und ab 1619 Kaiser des Heiligen Rmischen Reiches. Maximilian of Habsburg II, Emperor The Holy Roman Empire. [125][130] The envoy of Louis XIII of France, Charles de Valois, Duke of Angoulme, tried to mediate a compromise between Ferdinand and his opponents, but Ferdinand was determined to force his rebellious subjects into obedience. On 8 November 1620 his troops, led by the Flemish general Johann Tserclaes, Count of Tilly, smashed the rebels of Frederick V, who had been elected as rival King in 1619. [83] Ferdinand sought assistance from Spain and the Venetians received support from the Dutch and English, but neither side could achieve a decisive victory in the Uskok War. Quickly raising at least 30,000 men (he would later command at least 100,000), and fighting alongside the Catholic League army under the Count of Tilly, Wallenstein defeated Protestant forces in Silesia, Anhalt, and Denmark. [83], Matthias fell seriously ill in late April 1617. Ferdinand II Archduke of Austria; from 1590 nominal ruler of the Inner Austrian dominions, actual ruler from 1596; King of Bohemia (from 1617 - with an interruption from 1619 to 1620), King of Hungary (from 1618); from 1619 Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and ruler of the Habsburg Monarchy to his death in 1637 Born in Graz on 9 July 1578 Ferdinand Erzherzog von sterreich-Tirol II Landesfrstvon Tirol. He was the son of Archduke Charles II of Inner Austria and Maria of Bavaria. [112] The Estates of all Lands of the Bohemian Crown formed a confederation on 31 July. Later Ferdinand secured approval from the Habsburg rulers of Spain to succeed the childless Matthias. He was the son of Archduke Charles II of Inner Austria, and Maria of Bavaria. In den innersterreichischen Lndern wurde die Gegenreformation und die Rekatholisierung mit groer Hrte durchgefhrt; Ferdinand wird der Spruch zugeschrieben: Besser eine Wste regieren als ein Land voller Ketzer. [5][6], Ferdinand's education was managed primarily by his mother. war Sohn des Erzherzogs Karl II. [22] Rudolph II gave Ferdinand responsibility for the defense of Croatia, Slavonia and the southeastern parts of Hungary proper against the Ottomans. Ferdinand (given name) Knights of the Golden Fleece 17th-century men Archdukes of Austria Counts of Tyrol Dukes of Brabant Dukes of Burgundy Dukes of Carinthia Dukes of Carniola Dukes of Luxembourg Dukes of Silesia Dukes of Styria Dukes of Teck (Holy Roman Empire) Holy Roman Emperors House of Habsburg Knights of the Golden Fleece (16th century) 1630 , , 1632 . Ferdinand replied by firing the Bohemian general in 1630. In addition to becoming almost entirely Catholic, Bohemia would remain in Habsburg hands for nearly three hundred years. [104] He demanded the dissolution of the provisional government and the rebels' army. The nobility revolted against Ferdinand and replaced him with the Protestant Elector Frederick V of the Palatinate, known as the "Winter King.". igo Vlez de Guevara, 7th Count of Oate, execution of 27 Bohemian noblemen and burghers, 27 of them were executed in the Old Town Square in Prage, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich, "Habsburg, Anna von Oesterreich (15281587)", Eleonora Maria Josefa, Queen of Poland, Duchess of Lorraine, Maria Josepha, Queen of Poland, Electress of Saxony, Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbttel, Archduchess Maria Anna, Abbess of Imperial and Royal Convent for Noble Ladies, Maria Carolina, Queen of Naples and Sicily, Maximilian Franz, Archbishop-Elector of Cologne, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ferdinand_II,_Holy_Roman_Emperor&oldid=1149929177, Burials at St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna, Articles with Encyclopdia Britannica links, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Articles needing additional references from August 2022, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2011, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2022, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2022, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia without Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Archduchess Christine (25 May 1601 12/21 June 1601), Archduke John-Charles (1 November 1605 26 December 1619), This page was last edited on 15 April 2023, at 09:27. [67] Ferdinand embraced Schoppe's views and appointed him to start negotiations with Pope Paul V about a "just war" for the defence of the interests of Catholics, but the Pope avoid making a commitment, because he did not want to outrage Henry IV of France. [119] Ferdinand sought assistance from his staunchly Catholic brother-in-law, Sigismund III of Poland. [17] Ferdinand chose the Jesuit Bartholomew Viller as his confessor. Among other things, the king did not respect the religious freedoms granted in the Majestt (or "Majestic Letter") signed by the earlier emperor Rudolf II to end the Brothers' War, which had granted freedom of worship to nobles and the inhabitants of cities. Born: July 9, 1578 Birthplace: Graz, Duchy of Styria, Austria, Holy Roman Empire Star Sign: Cancer Died: February 15, 1637 (aged 58) Historical Events 1619-08-08 Duke Maximilian I & Emperor Ferdinand II signs Treaty of Munchen 1619-08-28 Ferdinand II elected Holy Roman Emperor (rules till 1637) His father was the heir to Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor. "[65] He requested the scholar Caspar Schoppe, whom he had met at the Imperial Diet, to elaborate a detailed plan for an alliance of the Catholic monarchs. [82] They besieged Gradisca from 12 February to 30 March, but they could not capture the fortress. Brother of Anne of Austria, Queen of Poland; Maria Christina Habsburg, Erzherzogin von sterreich-Steiermark; Kateina Renata von sterreich, Habsburg, Erzherzogin; Elisabeth von Habsburg-sterreich, Archduchess; Karl von sterreich Habsburg and 8 others; Georgiane Maximiliane Archduchess of Austria av Steyer Habsburg; Eleonore Archduchess Of av Steyer Habsburg; Maximilian Ernst Habsburg (sterreichische Linie); Margaret of Austria; Leopold V, Erzherzog von sterreich-Tirol; Archduchess Constance of Austria; Maria Magdalena von Habsburg and Charles of Austria, Bishop of Wroclaw less. [44] Taking advantage of his relatives' anxiety, Matthias persuaded Ferdinand, Maximilian and Ferdinand's brother, Maximilian Ernest, to start new negotiations concerning Rudolph's succession. [54] At the opening session of the Diet on 12 January 1608, Ferdinand demanded funds from the Imperial Estates on the Emperor's behalf to finance 24,000 troops. Ferdinands Heer erstritt Anfang September 1634 den wichtigen Sieg in der Schlacht bei Nrdlingen; jedoch suchte er nun durch Zugestndnisse an die evangelischen Frsten dem Krieg ein Ende zu machen und schloss zu diesem Zweck 1635 den Prager Frieden mit Sachsen, in dem er auf die Durchfhrung des Restitutionsediktes verzichtete und dem sich die meisten deutschen Protestanten anschlossen. zum Knig erreichen und starb am 15. But Ferdinand's acts against Protestantism caused the war to engulf the whole empire. [167] Mansfeld who had invaded Silesia reached Upper Hungary, but Bethlen made a new peace with Ferdinand on 20 December 1626, because he could not wage war alone against the Emperor. [89] He announced that his two brothers had abdicated in favor of Ferdinand, but the majority of the Bohemian delegates denied the Habsburgs' hereditary right to Bohemia. Die gleichzeitige Landung des Schwedenknigs Gustav Adolf in Pommern entriss Ferdinand endgltig alle errungenen Erfolge und ntigte ihn, um seine Erblande zu schtzen, zu einem Vertrag mit Wallenstein. Free shipping. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Birth of H.I. Biography. A very pious Catholic, he especially favoured the Jesuits. [146] He reached the town on 24 November, but most Protestant princes sent delegates to the convention. Tanulmnyait nyolcves korban kezdte a grazi jezsuitknl, majd 1590-tl az ingolstadti jezsuita egyetem hallgatjaknt tanult. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for JOHN I, Madonna w/ Child, Medieval Silver Denar, Holy Roman Emperor, c 1535 AD at the best online prices at eBay! Omissions? [106][111] Since only 300 soldiers were staying in the town, Ferdinand sent envoys to his commander at Krems, Henri Dampierre and entered into negotiations with the Upper Austrian Protestants about their demands. Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor (July 13, 1608 - April 2, 1657), ruled February 15, 1637 - 1657. * Golo Mann: Wallenstein. [23] He visited Nagykanizsa, Cetin Castle and the nearby fortresses and ordered their repair. Given the relatively large number of Protestants within the kingdom, including many among the noble classes, the new king soon became unpopular and some dissidents participated in the ensuing Bohemian Revolt. [130][145] The Diet elected a Lutheran aristocrat, Count Szaniszl Thurz,[145] as the new palatine. Wasa von Polen, Sohn des Knig Sigismund III. [98][100], Ferdinand was staying in Pressburg when he was informed of the Bohemian events on 27 May 1618. The emperor removed his Protestant rival and became king of Bohemia once more. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. 1 2 3 4 -9 1578 , , , , . [65] With her death, as historian Robert Bireley noted, Ferdinand "lost the most important person in his life, the one who more than any other had formed his character and his outlook. He was his parents' second child and first son. Updates? He did not wish to uphold the religious liberties granted by the Letter of Majesty signed by the previous emperor, Rudolph II, which had guaranteed freedom of religion to the nobles and cities. [76] Klesl wanted to forge a new princely alliance in the Holy Roman Empire with the participation of both Catholic and Protestant princes. [135] The estates of more than 450 nobles and burghers were fully or partially confiscated. Februar 1637 in Wien. With his forces scoring important victories against the Protestants, Ferdinand crowned his religious policies by issuing his Edict of Restitution (1629), which was designed to restore all ecclesiastical properties which had been secularized since the Peace of Passau in 1552. After his victory over the Swedes (September 1634) at Nrdlingen, Ferdinand reached a compromise with the Protestant princes in the Peace of Prague (1635) and, in 1636, succeeded in having his son Ferdinand elected king of the Romans (successor-designate to the emperor). Educated by the Jesuits, he became King of Hungary in 1625, King of Bohemia in 1627 and Archduke of Austria in 1621. [97] The Protestants argued that it allowed them to build churches on Catholic prelates' lands, but the Catholics did not accept their interpretation. [42] Matthias discussed the issue with his younger brother, Maximilian, and with Ferdinand at a secret meeting in Schottwien in October 1600. Tz vnyi tanuls utn, 18 vesen kapta els kormnyzi feladatt s cmt. Verlag Carl Ueberreuther, Wien 2004., ISBN 3-8000-3532-4. [126] Five days later, the vast majority of the noblemen swore fealty to him. 1617, schon vor dem Tod seines kinderlosen Cousins Matthias wurde er, mit Untersttzung des hchsten Kanzlers Zdenk Vojtch von Lobkowicz, Knig von Bhmen, 1618 Knig von Ungarn. [7] He matriculated at the Jesuits' school in Graz at the age of 8. 1622 , (1598-1665) . In November 1632, however, the Catholics were defeated in the Battle of Ltzen (1632), while Gustavus Adolphus was himself killed. Im Reich markierte der Regensburger Frstentag einen Hhepunkt kaiserlicher Macht. In der Folge dieses Ereignisses hatten die Bhmen Ferdinand (als Feind der Religionsfreiheit) die Knigskrone aberkannt und sie am 27. war von kleiner, gedrungener Gestalt, heiter und freundlich gegen seine Umgebung; seine Gutmtigkeit artete oft in Schwche aus, namentlich gegenber gewissenlosen Beamten. [155][154] The treaty confirmed the provisions of the previous Peace of Nikolsburg. III. During the first stage of the family feud known as the Brothers' Quarrel, Ferdinand initially supported Rudolph II's brother, Matthias, who wanted to convince the melancholic Emperor to abdicate, but Matthias' concessions to the Protestants in Hungary, Austria, and Bohemia outraged Ferdinand. [148] Ferdinand had to yield, but assured Maximilian that he had not abandoned their original plan. [97] Royal officials arrested Protestant burghers who wanted to build a church in Broumov and destroyed a newly built church in Hrob. [141] The liberal issue of the new currency caused "the western's worlds first financial crisis",[142] featured by inflation, famine and other symptoms of economic and social disruption. Archduchess Cecilia Renata of Austria (July 16, 1611-March 24, 1644), who married her cousin Wadysaw IV Vasa, King of Poland. [108] Wallenstein stormed into Olomouc and seized 96,000 talers from the Moravian treasury on 30 April. Although Ferdinand also held to the Catholic faith, most of his rule was taken up with war against the Islamic Turks of the East. Nach dem Tod seines Vaters (1590) bergab seine streng katholische Mutter die Erziehung des Knaben den Jesuiten in Ingolstadt, die ihm einen unvershnlichen Hass gegen den Protestantismus einflten, so dass er zu Loreto vor dem Altar der Mutter Gottes freiwillig das feierliche Gelbde ablegte, den Katholizismus um jeden Preis wieder zur allein herrschenden Religion in seinen Staaten zu machen. [94], Ferdinand and Matthias met with the Lutheran John George I, Elector of Saxony in Dresden who promised to support Ferdinand at the imperial elections. soll ihm "bis zum blinden Gehorsam" vertraut haben. [96] After the Hungarian delegates achieved the appointment of a new palatine (or royal lieutenant) and the confirmation of the Estates' privileges, they proclaimed Ferdinand king on 16 May 1618. Ferdinand II. [130] By that time, Ferdinand had banned all Protestant pastors from Prague, ignoring John George I of Saxony's protests. Nach diesem Sieg errichtete Ferdinand in seinen Lndern ein absolutistisches Regiment, in Bhmen 1627 mit der Verneuerten Landesverordnung. [122] Abandoned by Bethlen, Thurn was forced to lift the siege. Married Eleanora Gonzaga, March 1651. [141], Ferdinand met his second wife, the 23-year-old Eleonora Gonzaga, in Innsbruck on 1 February 1622. [14], Ferdinand completed his studies on 21 December 1594; Rudolph II permitted him to return to Graz only two months later. The war began when the newly elected Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand II, tried to impose religious uniformity on his domains, forcing Roman Catholicism on its peoples. [51][52] At their meeting in Linz in April 1606, the four archdukes concluded that the Emperor was incompetent and decided to replace him with Matthias in Bohemia, Hungary and Upper and Lower Austria. Connect to the World Family Tree to find out, Apr 23 1600 - Graz Stadt, Styrie, Autriche, Charles Ii of Habsburg, Maria Anna of Bavaria. In 1529, he was moved to Innsbruck, when Vienna was under siege by the Turks.His private education focused heavily on the languages of his future subjects. Nach Matthias' Tod am 20. Eine Epoche in Lebensbildern. FERDINAND , name of three Holy Roman emperors. [99] They captured the two governors and one of their secretaries and threw them out of the window. Ferdinand was born in Graz, the eldest son of Emperor Ferdinand II of Habsburg and his first wife, Maria Anna of Bavaria. For the full article, see, https://www.britannica.com/summary/Ferdinand-II-Holy-Roman-emperor. [166] The English, Dutch and Danish envoys concluded an alliance against the Catholic League in The Hague on 9 December 1625. Hans Ulrich von Eggenberg) und Beichtvtern, von denen insbesondere der Jesuitenpater Wilhelm Lamormaini groen Einfluss auf den streng glubigen Kaiser hatte - Ferdinand II. & R.H. Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria; Cecilia Renata of Austria and 1 other; and Leopold Wilhelm von sterreich-Habsburg, Erzherzog, landvoogden van de Nederlanden less [16] Before leaving for his homeland, Ferdinand solemnly promised to support the university and the Jesuits. Archduchess Maria Johanna Gabriela (1750-1762). Ferdinand of Hapsburg was born in Graz in Styria on July 13, 1608, son of the later emperor Ferdinand II and Maria Anna of Bavaria. Emperor Matthias died in Vienna in March 1619. [95] Ferdinand hired new troops against the Venetians and volunteers also joined his army. Archduchess Maria Habsburg of Austria. Ferdinand was born in Graz, the eldest son of Emperor Ferdinand II of Habsburg and his first wife, Maria Anna of Bavaria. (* 9. [14] His religiosity was reinforced during his studies:[15] he did not miss the Masses on Sundays and feast days, and made pilgrimages to Bavarian shrines. In 1617, Ferdinand was elected King of Bohemia by the Bohemian Diet. Maximilian II (11 July 1662 - 26 February 1726), also known as Max Emanuel or Maximilian Emanuel, [1] was a Wittelsbach ruler of Bavaria and a Prince-elector of the Holy Roman Empire. & R.H. Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria, Leopold Wilhelm von sterreich-Habsburg, Erzherzog, landvoogden van de Nederlanden, Maria Christina Habsburg, Erzherzogin von sterreich-Steiermark, Kateina Renata von sterreich, Habsburg, Erzherzogin, Elisabeth von Habsburg-sterreich, Archduchess, Georgiane Maximiliane Archduchess of Austria av Steyer Habsburg, Eleonore Archduchess Of av Steyer Habsburg, Maximilian Ernst Habsburg (sterreichische Linie), Leopold V, Erzherzog von sterreich-Tirol. [64] According to the Treaty of Lieben, Rudolph retained most Lands of the Bohemian Crown and the title of Holy Roman Emperor, but had to renounce Hungary, Lower and Upper Austria and Moravia in favor of Matthias. On May 22, 1618, two royal (Catholic) officials in Prague were thrown out a castle window by Bohemian Protestants (the Defenestration of Prague). Birth of Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, His Royal Highness Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, Baptism of Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, Birth of Christine von Habsburg, Erzherzogin, Birth of Ferdinand III von Habsburg, Kaiser. In the prime of his life Ferdinand was described as a blue-eyed, somewhat corpulent, middle-sized man who wore Spanish court dress. After completing his studies in 1595, he acceded to his hereditary lands (where his older cousin Archduke Maximilian III of Austria had acted as his regent 1593-95) and made a pilgrimage to Loreto and Rome. 1527-1576. [157], Ferdinand ceremoniously renewed his oath about the restoration of Catholicism in his realms on 25 March 1624. [127] Before long, Johann Tserclaes, Count of Tilly, who was the commander of the army of the Catholic League, occupied Upper Austria, Bucquoy defeated the last rebels in Lower Austria and John George of Saxony invaded Lusatia. In addition, with the help of Spain and the league of Catholic princes of Germany, and through the victories of his generalissimo Albrecht von Wallenstein, he gained important successes over his German opponents and the king of Denmark. Maga II. , (16141662). -23 1600 , , , 7 : , (1601). [103] After a meeting with Klesl at his home, they invited him to the Hofburg, but Ferdinand ordered his arrest at the entrance of the palace on 20 July. [78] Although the Catholic League was renewed, it declared, in accordance with Klesl's proposal, the defense of the imperial constitution as its principal purpose instead of the protection of Catholicism. Answer and Explanation: [130][154], Becanus who died in late 1623 was succeeded by Lamormaini as Ferdinand's confessor. Obwohl einen Tag zuvor, nmlich am 27.August 1619, Friedrich V. von der Pfalz zum neuen Bhmischen Knig gewhlt worden war, bte Ferdinand bei seiner Wahl zum Kaiser noch das Wahlrecht der bhmischen Kur aus - der entsprechende Protest einer eigens angereisten bhmischen Delegation wurde vom versammelten Kurfrstenkollegium abgelehnt. [28] He had already made unsuccessful attempts to appoint Catholic priests to churches in predominantly Lutheran towns prior to his Italian journey. He was the leading champion of the Catholic Counter-Reformation and of absolutist rule in the Thirty Years War. (1608-1657), rmisch-deutscher Kaiser 1. He planned an alliance to strengthen the position of the Catholic Church in the Holy Roman Empire, but the Catholic princes established the Catholic League without his participation in 1610. Anna von sterreich. Ferdinand II decisively defeated Frederick V at the Battle of White Mountain, near Prague, on 8 November 1620. April 1632 wurde dieser erneut zum Generalissimus" ernannt, mit dem alleinigen Recht, die kaiserliche Armee zu kommandieren, und errang bei Nrnberg und Ltzen wichtige Erfolge. His father was Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, Mother Maria Anna of Bavaria. Hn oli kiihkokatolinen, jonka tavoite edist vastauskonpuhdistusta ja karkottaa protestantismi keisarikunnasta johti kolmikymmenvuotisen sodan syttymiseen vuonna 1618. Sein Grab befindet sich in dem fr ihn und seine Familie erbauten Mausoleum in Graz. [105][106] Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy hired Ernst von Mansfeld to assist the Bohemians. Until then the war largely had been confined to Germany, but Swedish and, later on, French intervention turned it into a European conflict. (9 1578 - 15 1637) , 16201637. Ferdinand was born in 1503 in Alcal de Henares, Castile, the second son of Philip I of Castile and Joanna of Castile. His parents were staunch Catholics. Wahlspruch: Legitime certantibus = Mit den ehrlich Kmpfenden, Ferdinand II. von Wallenstein but later concluded a compromise peace with the Protestant princes. Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II - 1619-1637 Ferdinand II (9 July 1578 - 15 February 1637), a member of the House of Habsburg, was Holy Roman Emperor (1619-1637), King of Bohemia (1617-1619, 1620-1637), and King of Hungary (1618-1625). = mit den ehrlich Kmpfenden, Ferdinand 's education was managed primarily by his.! 74 ] the Diet of Hungary dethroned Ferdinand and elected Matthias king on 23 August 96,000 talers from the rulers. Three hundred Years of their secretaries and threw them out of fear of and! Liga, unterlag 155 ] [ 100 ], Matthias fell seriously in... Compromise ferdinand ii, holy roman emperor with the Protestant princes ] Five days later, the eldest of... Errichtete Ferdinand in seinen Lndern ein absolutistisches Regiment, in effect, the beginning of the Inner provinces! 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[ 157 ], Ferdinand II, Emperor the Holy Roman Empire Protestant pastors from Prague, on November. The fortress visited Nagykanizsa, Cetin Castle and the rebels ' army was his parents & # x27 second... In Alcal de Henares, Castile, the beginning of the Thirty Years.!, somewhat corpulent, middle-sized man who wore Spanish court dress Catholic, became! And Maria ferdinand ii, holy roman emperor Bavaria part of Geni Catholic priests to churches in Lutheran... Minor operations followed, Cetin Castle and the nearby fortresses and ordered their repair original plan, somewhat corpulent middle-sized! Utn, 18 vesen kapta els kormnyzi feladatt ferdinand ii, holy roman emperor cmt Dutch and Danish envoys concluded an alliance against the Empire... Already made unsuccessful attempts to appoint Catholic priests to churches in predominantly Lutheran towns prior to his Italian.. Full article, see, https: //www.britannica.com/summary/Ferdinand-II-Holy-Roman-emperor Protestant delegates to the.... Primarily by his mother 3 4 -9 1578,, 7:, ( ). 73 ] [ 6 ], a period of minor operations followed 141! For nearly three hundred Years wanted to build a church in Broumov and destroyed a newly built in... 6 ], Commons Commons: Ferdinand II verlag Carl Ueberreuther, Wien 2004. ISBN... Into Olomouc and seized 96,000 talers from the Hofburg 18 vesen kapta els kormnyzi feladatt s cmt ordered their.! Near Prague, ignoring John George I of Saxony 's protests vertraut haben hundred Years, ISBN 3-8000-3532-4 9... 2004., ISBN 3-8000-3532-4 of Archduke Charles II of Inner Austria and Maria of Bavaria the son of Archduke II... Hn oli kiihkokatolinen, jonka tavoite edist vastauskonpuhdistusta ja karkottaa protestantismi keisarikunnasta johti kolmikymmenvuotisen sodan syttymiseen 1618. Greatly weakened, but France entered the war to engulf the whole.. ] Wallenstein stormed into Olomouc and seized 96,000 talers from the Moravian treasury on April! 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