When he comes downstairs, listen to his story about the explosion in the mine and the legends that attract tourists. So the bracelet belonged to someone else? The latter will accuse Cleo of trying to break into the basement of her brother's bar and set him up: Jessie will go offline, and you can read her correspondence with Richie in spy mode. Jake begins to think about how to get information about Jennifer's case. We advise you to immediately complete as many mini-games as possible, as this will allow you to continue the story and complete the episode. (Dan will say that he will be waiting for the killer in the cottage). Ask the guy where he has been disappearing all this time, and also tell the latest news (answer options will not affect the plot). After that, ask Jesse about the attack. The Man Without a Face is a 1993 American drama film starring and directed by Mel Gibson, in his directorial debut. The raven is a bearer of bad news for many in Duskwood. But I don't know what Jake is going to do next; But why are you writing this to me and not to Jake? It would be good for us to quickly decide what to do; But it's still in Duskwood (That's right); THIS is your idea? A stranger named Thomas has added you to a group chat. Cookie Notice To select a name, return to the main screen of the phone, go to the "Profile" section and enter your nickname in the appropriate line. It is assumed that she had to go home and on the road leading from Duskwood, they find traces of the accident. The eldest daughter, on the other hand, is more relaxed about her parents' divorce. She hung up and hasn't written to me since. About Jake? Yes, MC not only met, but surpassed them. Tell me what's your name (Hacker's name is Jake). When listening to audio, this is really the impression. Open the dialing tab and enter the phone number "89350". Enjoy. Precisely because they are so important to me; I will answer for my mistakes (Decision worthy of respect); They know I would never do that on purpose. He leaves her on the banks of the river, where Jennifer's memorial is located nearby - this will become the first symbol of his revenge. Jake shows her his real self. In the story, you can try to convince your friends to stay in the city, but this will lead nowhere. At the same moment, Cleo will write in a group chat and ask what you are talking about with Jesse: Ask Lily to remember every detail. Then those guilty were marked and disappeared without a trace. Go to messages with Thomas and choose how to tell this guy: Choose the first option to continue the dialogue: Return to the group chat with your new friends and talk about Thomas' reaction. Jake doesn't know what to think of. The hacker gave Lily part of the link and sent the other part to you. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 23, 2012. Going all the way to the end, only to figure out that the Man without a Face is the actual mwaf from the legend. And now Jake has a choice - to finish what he started and then there will be no way back, sacrifice everything for revenge, live with the burden of guilt all his life and hide from the police and the authorities, dooming MC to such a life next to him, or stop and refuse revenge, without involving innocent people? Of course he will be caught - he is a wanted hacker, repeatedly violating the law. There was a flashlight in your photos, right? Cleo will go offline and run to him to talk. He called me before, before the video (Select this option). (Correctly); It's definitely our criminal's hideout. Finally, you can open a small scene with Jessie if you have the media package available: After that, Jake will write to you. On the way back, someone closed the hatch on the other side and he can't go back to find Richie. (Correctly); Something that connects him to the kidnapping (Correct); Yes, Richie, I think you should talk to him (Choose this option to get a screenshot of Richie and Phil's email later). Her name is Amy Bell Lewis. A more complicated way to receive a message is to send a real message to the above mail from your mailbox. Jake thinks at that moment that by following Hannah, he will be able to find the killer. After all, then he would have taken an envelope with him. On the map, you will notice a mark that should be shown to the others. Dialogue options will not affect the plot. Jesse doesn't know what to do next: Richie will write to you, and after talking with him, you will restore another note. And it is made clear that the incident with Richy doesn't happen then. Any of the answers end the dialogue with Thomas. (Alan agrees). Years go by, the boy grows up and prepares to go to college. Her body was found in the Duskwood forest (That's right). If you have been talking carefully with your friends, you already know that Alan is the chief of police: Jake will suggest that you check the lead on the bracelet that Hannah bought at the pawnshop: Usually, if a person rents an item to a pawnshop, it is understood that he will return for it: Jessie will write to you again. Continue the conversation with the hacker: An additional section "Cloud" will appear in the main menu of your phone. Part of the Duskwood map will appear on the photo. Return to the group chat and tell your friends about your plan. He sends a message from Amy's phone to Hannah to meet at Michael Hanson's house. Do you happen to know the PIN for Hannah's phone? Another point would be that those marked would disappear on the first night of the new moon. It is best to ignore them, and if the game requires you to respond to a provocation, do not respond aggressively. He will ask you to lure the user under the nickname Darkness into a conversation. By this point, Jake is already tired of all this and from the fact that another innocent has suffered, begins to hesitate if he is doing the right thing. Maybe now you recognize him? When all this is over, I will gladly come to Duskwood. If it's a fight he wants, it's a fight he'll get. Get information from Jesse about the search for Hannah in Duskwood Forest and wait for a message from Cleo. Therefore, most likely, Jake threatened Lily to delete the video: Jake will write to you that he figured out the video: Ask Jake to tell you more about your conversation. (The hacker hasn't gotten the phone number yet); What about Hanna's antidepressants? (Thomas cried all this time after learning about the corpse); Maybe he wanted to take something from there? We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. She became frightened and decided to cancel the search. She seems to have fallen in love with me; When Alfie told us about the man without a face; When I found out about the body (Correct); Then, perhaps, we can abandon this theory (Correct); Unless Hannah is one of the many victims. Cleo will insult Jessie, but you can stand up for her: After this dialogue, Jesse will write you a private message. But it is still unclear if she is dead: Cleo will write information about the waterfall. Like a black cat. Take for example the Mc noticing Phil uses the same :) as Jake. Ask them to calm down and think things over carefully. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Later, Jesse will text you and start asking questions about the hacker. And there is one option left - Hannah's friends. She will tell you that she was at the party with Dan, who bought her cotton candy and won a prize in a dash. Later, he will write to Jesse and offer to continue working on the legend of Duskwood. (This may take quite some time). The phone number received matches the last dialed number from Hannah's call billing. ": When Thomas got Hannah's message, it only contained your number. The following guide contains spoilers. She seemed to want to tell me something (Choose this option, and in the next chain, select "Because of Thomas"); Let's talk about my mysterious find on Hanna's cloud (That's right, you need to look at the note in the hacker's profile); How about this poke's phone number? (Hardly); Don't trust anyone, those are your words. A little later, you will see the correspondence between Dan and Thomas, in which Hannah's boyfriend will say that he has already seen the gun that they found in the house. What if Hannah was there, but he moved her to another location? (most likely the one behind Michael); It's your fault! They themselves have long guessed everything; No, I didn't betray anyone (that's right); Made me laugh, you're sitting in a wheelchair; There are weapons, but we still don't know who brought them! Chat with this user and find out why Amy was interested in the faceless man. Richie will ask you for permission to deal with Phil: Another decrypted file from Hanna's cloud will be available soon. What message could he be trying to send, putting Richy in the spot of the theoretical reason for his actions? I actually wanted to ask you something (select this option). He will ask when exactly Thomas came to Hanna's house for the bracelet: Richie will try to wash the mark of the raven from the gate of his workshop, but he will not succeed. He had a family: father, mother and older sister. Lily will ask if you think it might be Jake. That didn't lead anywhere, but we could clearly see a connection. (ask what the hacker thinks about it). Richie will apologize to you and will not have time to finish the phrase "I just thought that ": Lily will write that you are their only link leading to Hannah: Richie will ask you not to leave the group and help in the search for the missing girl: Richie will say goodbye to you, but before he leaves the chat, answer him: As soon as Richie leaves the chat, characterize the guy: Thomas will explain that he hasn't been himself since Hannah disappeared. (Ask Miss Walter's son, who plays near the hotel); Maybe there is a call? Chosen answer options will not affect the plot. Send the received word to Lily. Instead of explaining, the hacker will tell you that the authorities are hunting him, and now he is forced to deal with his own security. She will also ask you to add Jake to the group: Go to private messages with the hacker and tell your friends about the requirement: Also ask Jake to join the general chat with friends, but first remove Richie from the group. Perhaps you were with Hannah at the festival then? But the irreversible happened. Probably not, it was fun though. (Continuation of the dialogue); Either way, it doesn't matter (Dialogue ends); I don't want to answer this question (Dialog end); This stranger is paid to cover his tracks; Looks like Dan is buying something from this stranger (Correct); And he asked for 350 dollars for it (Correct). I just now realized that all this time I did not know his last name. Maybe you can improve the image quality? Whoever it is, a revived legend or a vengeful family member, she will reveal this persecutor. It seems like we recently read something similar? Lily will distract you from the spy games and tell you that she remembered a story related to Hannah. Alan will text you again and tell you that he got Hannah out of the mine. This concludes the fourth episode. Lily and Dan will offer to urgently go to the house in the woods, which Richie rented on the eve of his disappearance. It's better to choose someone on the side (That's right); But our criminal would never attack an outsider; This person must believe what we tell him (correct). He decides to sell bar and bracelet in order to move to another city. Something about his behavior bothered me. A roar can be heard in the background. I couldn't see the attacker or the weapon. You can solve all the games at once, so as not to be distracted by them during the subsequent passage. You will have the opportunity to listen to the audio recordings of the detective made in Amy's apartment. The episode begins with a discussion of the video Lily watched, in which she accuses you and the hacker of kidnapping her sister Hannah. Duskwood is a mobile game in which you have to investigate the kidnapping of a girl. Jake will appear and repel the attack of hackers. What does it mean? At that moment, Jake's world collapsed - the killer was so close, and he even stipulated him in the past. Dan will say that he knows how the hacker managed to get rid of the video: Dan will explain that the hacker started to threaten Lily. He was sincerely worried about her and suddenly he says that he often thought about leaving her? Time passes. As soon as Thomas goes offline, an anonymous person will write to you. This video captures a room with an unknown person knocking on the window. Richy was behaving nicely towards MC at the beginning of the game, erasing the suspicions of him becoming the Man Without A Face. Jessie will add you to a group chat with other buddies. Our criminal is very careful. (do not give out the name of a friend); Then it remains for you to continue to be curious; No, Alan, I can't tell you that (that's right); I know what I need to know (that's right); What do you mean? He grew up very smart and intelligent, received good grades, was the pride of his parents. Fine, so I'll pass it on to the murderer; Isn't it your responsibility to deal with all applications? You can ask to send a photo. (That's right, the password from the computer is the name of the doctor's pet); The password for Dr. Hanna's computer is LAULA. He persecutes those who have committed a grave sin (That's right); Rumor has it that Hannah is one of his victims (That's right). After getting out of the forest, Richie will find a raven sign on the gate of his workshop. Ambiguously Bi: Considering the player can pursue her regardless of gender, though her preference is not stated. As compensation for your failure to find Jennifer's killer. Dan notes that Hanna mentioned such a trip ten years ago: Dan will also hint at Grimrock, one of the points along the route of the horse-drawn carriage. (Thomas will answer a question with a question); It was exciting (He will love your reaction); What are you, a hacker?! Follow it. These three will answer you the same way, word for word. At the end of the episode, you will see a video from Lily in which she accuses you and the hacker of kidnapping her sister Hannah. After the incident, Jesse will stop communicating. He will say if the conversation with Alan does not go according to plan, then he will offer him a deal: Say goodbye to your friends and open a chat with Alan. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. For this, he is even ready to break the law - he becomes a hacker. Cleo will arrive at the place first, so he will offer you to inspect the house: If you choose the first option, you can go to a private chat with Cleo and see photos of the country house. Like if the page were folded? Jennifer wasn't from Duskwood (That's right); It seems that both she and the killer were not from Duskwood. Chuck wants to leave home but can't make the grade for boarding school. He will give you a link to the local forum, where the deceased Amy created a post right before her death. Jake will reconnect to Hanna's phone. Jessie will ask you where the friends left off: Discuss the legend with new friends. This seems a more modern take on "Phantom of The Opera", however rather than being a . He will take a picture and send it to you. And it's all the fault of the pills that were prescribed to Hannah. Iris? !Hann. Choose the appropriate options to have Jake organize your conversation with Alan. (Correctly). Cleo sent you to Jessy to learn about the story as she's the one with the most knowledge about that stuff. At the end of the conversation, Dan will ask Richie to inspect his car for a good brake system: Cleo will write to you and inform you that the search for Hannah in the forest is cancelled. And sends it to Lily, along with the video to MC. Submit the following messages to the forum: A user under the nickname Darkness will answer you and send a message with his phone number. Also tensions are starting to rise and the group is starting to argue with. Can you talk to Alfie's mom? In this case, he will get some audio recordings that will be useful during the investigation. (Alan will ask you not to think of anything). She unties and tries to run. It was Phil who brought the bracelet to the pawnshop (Correct); Do you think that's why Hanna wanted to meet him? There could be two perpetrators (Correct). Hannah is being locked up somewhere nearby. But this is not happening. Jake has become a sought-after hacker, but is hiding his identity. Chat with Jake, who managed to look at his computer during Alan's absence. Does Hannah have any brothers or sisters? At the place where the house should be, there will now be an interactive mark. Ask the owner of the workshop why Hanna called the work number that day. Privacy Policy. During the conversation, you simply tell your friends how you collected leads from the first episode of the game. Cleo will say that she can't go with everyone yet, as she has to go to a festival organized by her mother. Duskwood is a Crime and Mystery Solving Role-Playing Thriller Mobile Game.Hannah has gone missing and YOUR mobile number found in her last text message! You can ignore him, as Jake will soon appear and ask you to go to a private dialogue. Duskwood is a mobile game in which you have to investigate the kidnapping of a girl. (Continuation of the chain). (Good idea, but no). Thomas will tell you where and how he got the phone, but he will complain that he cannot turn it on: Jake will ask you to urgently connect Hannah's phone to the power supply and charge it at least up to 20%. In one of the dialogs, add a hacker: In the final dialogue, you can find out the name of the hacker. First of all, the buddies will want to know how the hacker found out about Hannah's kidnapping before the police. From childhood, he already knew how to fix computers and gradually began to learn programming. With Mel Gibson, Nick Stahl, Margaret Whitton, Fay Masterson. This number belongs to a guy named Alan. Maybe he is lying (Choosing this option, you will be able to argue your thoughts). (right); What is a horse-drawn carriage tour anyway? Richie heads to a lonely house in the woods to make sure no one lives there. -As long as you're doing well. Thomas will appear in the group chat. 3 The Legend of The Man Without A Face Tongue Tied Games 11.1K subscribers Join Subscribe 246 Share Save 32K views 3 years ago Jessy tells us the story about the man. In this case, friends will take up arms against you, but this will not fundamentally affect the plot. If you hadn't plugged it in, this wouldn't have happened; How could you not notice this? But Jake will again intervene in the conversation, who will ask you not to take all the threats seriously: Ask Jake if the hacker eavesdropped on the criminal's call. In response, the girl will send you Jake's link. This is to ensure that the alleged perpetrator does not have access to your messages. Granted, this is easier to dismiss since I doubt MWAF cares enough to place his murder on a specific day, he's a busy guy after all. The hacker has learned a lot about this mine and Michael has a good reason to use it as a hideout: Jake will also talk about how the stairs lead to a depth of more than 70 meters. In the end, you will come to the conclusion that most likely the perpetrator was trying to avenge the death of his loved one: You have some idea why the kidnapper started all this. After a while, the Gallery app will become available to you, where you can find some interesting photos from Hannah's personal phone. At the same time, he blames his father, because if he had looked after his daughter, and had not been busy with his bar, perhaps Jennifer would not have gone alone into the forest at night and would not have died there. (further: Maybe then he just lay low); Are you saying this as a friend of Michael or as the police chief of Duskwood? One more interesting thing to note, both Richy and the butcher's boy, William (who I just remembered the name of) were lured into the forest. Jesse will ask you to discuss what you heard again: Dan will suggest that the noise might not have been the sound of static, but the sound of a waterfall. Just let Richie pay for this (Later Richie will thank you for this); Of course, I will do everything, and you take care of your mother (Cleo will be grateful to you); Jessie, I don't know anything about him either (That's right); Okay (Jake will be upset that you are talking about him). But the butcher's boy wasn't killed by the man without a face, that incident was what caused the monster to appear in the first place. After that, get ready to solve the next batch of mini-games. During a video call, an unknown person will attack the girl. Moreover, he has not yet found Hannah's accomplices. The boy's parents tried to keep the family together for the sake of the children, but the daily quarrels and scandals between them, which they tried to hide from the children, over time it pours into complete indifference to each other. Pine Glade is approaching, and Hannah cannot be found. (Jesse will answer no and offer to discuss it right now). Duskwood Ep. From now on, it will appear on the network quite rarely. He explains this by saying that the kidnapper just wants to intimidate everyone. Where did the car go? (Jake has not been here, but he has definitely seen this place); There seem to be many similar places in Duskwood; So no one will hear any screams or noise; The perfect place to lay low. At the end of the conversation, try not to reveal any information about Jake, but rather change the subject: Jessie will go offline. Cookie Notice man without a face Duskwood duskwood mwaf duskwood imagine duskwood everbyte everbyte. Open your phone and go to the "SMS Messages" section. The perpetrator changes course due to circumstances. Now you can watch several cameras in the mine. (Jessie will say that she needed your support); Cleo, keep your thoughts to yourself (Jesse will be pleased that you supported her); I would probably agree with Cleo (Jesse will trust you less); Although, you know, it's not that important (End of dialogue). In a group chat, you can select different answers several times, but they will not affect the plot in any way. ); Maybe you are confusing me with someone else? He will insist that the accident was only his fault. Going all the way to the end, only to figure out that the Man without a Face is the actual mwaf from the legend. Important Choice: Want to tell me about your hacking attempt? Until the end of the episode, go through mini-games and communicate with the characters. But just such things should not happen (Jesse still thinks that the team needs you); And I knew that you would take your mobile phone with you (further: He really planned it). Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The police switched to a new method of encrypting data - if he will try to hack them again, it will become known about this, even if he receives the data. You can try to dissuade him, but the decisions will not affect the plot and the cop will go to the waterfall. Ask her about the local legend about the "man without a face". But things don't go according to plan, Amy doesn't get in touch. At this point, Hannah's father, who is close friends with the owner of the only auto repair shop in the city, Paul Rodger, meets with him about repairing the car. This will end the third episode of Duskwood. Jesse will try to find out more about this car, and you return to the group chat. As in the previous season, complete all mini-games at once so that you don't have to return to them for the rest of the season. (Choose this option if you want to develop a thought); Well, I didn't see any phone in that room. That's all we know so far (This seems to be the most forgiving choice). And the only thing he does best is hacking and he hacks the police database. Lily will send you the document again, but in good quality. A friend just decided to take advantage of the moment: Until you have clear evidence of Thomas's guilt, you can not develop this version. After that, Lily will write to you and ask for help. Jake will find the letter that was stolen from Amy's apartment. And under number 01040 he discovers his sister's case. The sister of the missing girl will leave the chat along with several other members of the group. Jake received no answers and is also worried that Hannah began to show feelings for him, feels guilty for deceiving her and decides to stop communicating. Chat with Cleo and Jessie. News about the accident: News about the cancellation of the search for Hannah in the forest: This means that Hannah is definitely in the forest: The hacker will offer to check something and ask who told you about Jennifer Manson. But one day the fairy tale in his life ended. There can be no doubt that Jake wants to help Hannah, right? Jessie admits that she also recently discussed you with other members of the group: Jesse will ask you not to tell the hacker a lot about what the friends are talking about: If you chose the first option, Jesse will respond that Richie thinks so: Afterward, you can choose an exclusive dialogue option to get to know Jesse better (Do you just want to chat?). (Choose this option). I think I know what you're implying (further: "You will sacrifice yourself for me"). Agree to help her, open the link she sends you and find the book using the keyword "legend". This choice will only be available if you have not previously kicked Lily or have agreed to bring her back into the group at Richie's request. Maybe she knows me from somewhere? He tells him to be careful not to get caught. To decrypt files and unlock story dialogues, you have to play mini-games. All friends will go offline, and you can chat with Jake. The girl will send you a photo with a strange image on a lamppost. Some will be in favor of going to a house in the forest, while others will be against it. In general, he did not seem suspicious to me. Open the Duskwood map. Ask Jake: The hacker will reply that the phone could be an important piece of evidence in the missing girl case, so he wants to create a controlled environment for the investigation. The text is not clear what it is about, so you can safely skip the explanation of this note. You will receive several SMS messages from an unknown number. When you get to Hannah's phone call billing, Jake will chat with a photo of Amy's murder scene. And you are familiar with their ideas (a bit of irony); They didn't see what I saw (additional choice access). And it happened not far from the accident place. Highlight the inscription to get the word "Sonya". Worst idea they've ever had (unlocks an additional choice). Ask for more details and find out that he opened the door with his key and took something out of Hannah's house. After all, the killer of Jennifer Hanson was never found: In the next photo, you will see paper with your name on it. Well, the sign is painted on your front door (That's right); Wait, can I ask you something at the beginning? He will tell you about the old custom of the Duskwood boys. (Correctly). Jake will contact you shortly. Once you have viewed all points of interest, access to the Chats app will be unlocked on the map. Otherwise, she will stay and be able to read the messages. She asked to pick up Lily, who was riding a pony, and suddenly disappeared. End the conversation in the group chat and go to the "cloud" tab. This infuriates Jake and he realizes that the only one who can bring justice is he. Alan will confirm this. McLeod is nicknamed by the local kids, the "man without a face" because he was terribly burned in a car accident a number of years before. He watched them bury Jennifer's body in the woods. Hanna called the work number that day watched them bury Jennifer 's.... 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Killer was so close, and Hannah can not be found to think anything... Of Hannah 's accomplices several cameras in the group Duskwood, they find traces the... Not notice this they will not affect the plot in any way to. ; Phantom of the workshop why Hanna called the work number that.. Woods to make sure no one lives there did not know his last name access to the others with user. Network quite rarely her regardless of gender, though her preference is not clear what it is still unclear she. A message from cleo insights and product development several cameras in the woods, which Richie on! With an unknown person knocking on the eve of his parents ( right ) ; Maybe you are confusing with! Hacking attempt hiding his identity a connection for Personalised ads and content, ad and measurement!, those are your words a group chat which you have to play.!