Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Answer: Thankfully aircraft insurance is not too difficult to come by in the United States. Fuel tank modifications are also provided to allow for more fuel capacity and therefore longer range. You can actually dress to go to a meeting and not have to put on the shorts and the raggedy shirt.. By As such, your Fixed Costs add up to $12,800 assuming the worst on the insurance premium. The engine stayed cool, and we were still climbing at 500 fpm through 8,000 feet pitching for 114 knots with 21.9 mp and 2,500 rpm. But you can only expect to get away with this for two overhaul cycles at the most. To get an idea of what it would cost to operate a Bonanza G36 for private use, we divide the costs into three categories. Both are good, solid, fast airplanes, but I think you'll choose the Bonanza. You mention 25, what does this actually mean? By far my favorite Beechcraft Bonanza variant, however, is the six-seater Beechcraft Bonanza G36. I can give you another example of a joker who claims to be A320 TRI, yet doesnt understand how a crosswind landing works This clown thinks that the aircraft is experiencing a crosswind component and the nose will weather vane into the wind when in-flight, making a direct crosswind not a direct crosswind anymore . PS: The so called "fast one" S35 book speed is 2 mph faster than the V35A at 100 lb lower weight. . It's noisy and "tingly" on the feet after a long flight. Bonanza does ~172 at the same altitudes burning about 15 gal/hr. A brand-new 2011 Bonanza G36 at the Beechcraft display; EAA AirVenture 2011. As soon as you pitch for level flight watch that airspeed increase. Maximum Cruise Speed: 176 ktas (326 km/h) Maximum Range: 920 nm (1,704 km) Takeoff Distance: 1,913 ft (583 m) Ground Roll: 962 ft (293 m) Landing Distance . Although it contains the capacity for six people and a variety of camping gear, the Bonanza isnt a particularly large aircraft. She looked at me and said "Now THIS is an airplane." When the check was cut I am 99.9% certain there would be a new G36 in the hangar with a Tornado Alley conversion.A Beech looks,flies and is built like an airplane should beat least to me. As you climb above 3000 feet, and every 500 feet higher, adjust the mixture (red) lever. Specs, range, speed, operating weights and performance for the Bonanza G36 here. The Model 33 debonair was equipped with 225 horsepower. The Beechcraft Bonanza G36 was certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the utility category in 2006. Thank you for this chart. The price of a Beechcraft Bonanza G36 is not a set-in-stone number. The A36 was an improvement of the Model 36 that Beechcraft released two years earlier. The only standard ice protection Beechcraft provides for the Bonanza is the pitot heat. -Howard. Being decently sized, they are known to be a great option for pilots who want to fly their family and are comfortable for long flights. If you are flying it yourself, there is no need to include the monthly payments as part of your cost of flying. The third phase of flight is the cruise phase. The good news? It was a typical hot, dry day at Scottsdale Airport when I was introduced to a brand-new factory demonstrator, appropriately registered N136HB since it was built during the Bonanzas Hawker Beechcraft days. The factory air that comes with the G36 doesnt diminish the power of the fuel injected 9-liter 300 horsepower engine in front. The Beechcraft G36 Bonanza is currently priced at $950,000 for its base model and can reach over $1,300,000 if a buyer chooses to take all the factory has to offer in options. Still built today, the Beechcraft Bonanza G36 is an all-purpose six seater airplane, According to the Beechcraft website, a new Bonanza G36 aircraft costs anywhere from $750,000 to $900,000, Conversely, a used G36 costs $600,000 to $800,000 according to current sale prices on the Trade-a-Plane site. i.e. Mainly those factors are your decision on fuel conservation or speed. This low wing aircraft was put on the market with a noticeable V tail, six seats, and a six-cylinder engine that was horizontal instead of radial. Its performance is slightly less impressive than that of a Bonanza but is still excellent for taking the family on vacation. The highest speed I've been able to cruise somewhat efficiently at is 147 ktas at 7,000 ft, and the highest speed during level flight at maximum power is 157 ktas. For descent mixture is set to full rich, or when flying at high altitude, for smooth operation and then progressively enrich the mixture during descent to full rich. With an average price of $900,000 and an average total time of 1000 hours with remaining time before overhaul of 1500 hours, the Beechcraft Bonanza G36 is one of the easiest high-end personal airplanes with conventional tail configurations to be able to get into. Get the most you can for your money and then upgrade it the way you want.Most of us have owned our Bonanza for more than 10 years. Like most general aviation aircraft there arent many choices when it comes to purchasing parts, but luckily there are parts in abundance. Read more about us, here. The extra drag reduction is good for an extra 2 knots for the same thrust and RPM setting. Because of this, there are numerous clubs and associations available for a Beechcraft owner to join. Best Cruise: 181 KIAS In addition to the Bonanzas terrific handling characteristics, luxurious cabin and the history behind Beechcraft, Santanas final decision to go with the Bonanza over the Cirrus was its resale value. For example, flight from Wisconsin to Florida or New Orleans in the winter.Thus, one of the first things you should do after your purchase is participate in a Bonanza Pilot Proficiency Program (link from the ABS website).Thus, should you purchase a Bonanza find the most for your money with the knowledge that you will have to "improve" it soon. Ive used 23/2300 in the past as well and I think that is a good setting to use, but I think my experience has been around 160kts I think if I remember, Lately, Ive found that its easier to just keep it at 2500 rpms and full throttle especially at cruise and then setting up for approach, so you are controlling the manifold only (one less thing to think about in IMC) . It was certified in the Utility category and its G-limits are restricted to the categorys 4.4 positive and 1.76 negative limits, provided the flaps are up. A pilot with fewer qualifications can expect a price of up to 1050$ a year. Hangaring versus tie-down costs can be substantial, but the cost comes back in one way or another. Later on, a metal propeller option was provided, and strengthened wing leading edges were becoming more common. It will take 14 minutes to climb to 10,000 feet from this point. Cruise speed of original Bonanza: 152 ktas. The difference in fuel burn, however, is significant. One solution is to install a turbo normalization system. Cruise speed: 176 kn (203 mph, 326 km/h) Range: 716 nmi (824 mi, 1,326 km) with full passenger load; This site uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. (16.3 gallons/hr @ $5.40/gal), Misc: landing, parking, supplies,catering, etc, Typical Price: $380,033.00 What is the Price of a Beechcraft G36 Bonanza? Standard horsepower for original Bonanza: 165-hp (Continental E-185-1 engine. Has An Aircraft Carrier Ever Helped A Civilian Plane? One thing that needs to be monitored is the aircraft gear. The latest Bonanza from Textron Aviation is the G36 and you'll pay dearly for a new one . Flying the Mooney fast meant running it at 2600 rpm. Because the aircraft is still being manufactured today, new parts are widely available and are constantly being updated. The ability to quickly reconfigure the cabin is one of the Bonanzas greatest selling points over its main competitors the Cirrus SR22 and Cessna TTx for pleasure and business operators alike, allowing the Bonanza to win numerous sales despite being significantly slower than its sleek composite competitors. Advertise your BEECHCRAFT G36 BONANZA on this page. Another good addition that new owners should consider, whether buying it new out of the factory or picking up a used one is to add the vortex generator kit. Mike has been a pilot and aircraft owner for 50+ years with 8,000+ hours logged, and he is a CFIA/I/ME. Beechcraft produced just a few dozen Bonanzas each year during the past few years while Cirrus produced around 200 SR22s and SR22Ts. The national average for 100LL now is $6 per gallon which will result in an hourly cost of $72. Just follow the POH and not what some guys says on Youtube. For Landings - in a Normally Aspirated engine, you will be fine with going full rich just before landing (typically I teach that for the Finals Check (just after turning Final and doing one more checklist run) I think you can do the all three full forward too (just depends on which Bonanza and how the controls are setup) the older bonanzas the knobs are awkwardly placed to do that. . Every aircraft needs a minimum of liability insurance, while hull coverage is optional. Does the Beechcraft Bonanza G36 seem a bit underpowered? The post listed the advised throttle / prop / mixture settings for various altitudes and stages of flight. The G36 has a cruise speed of up to 176 knots, which is approximately 203 miles per hour. How would we fly a standard pattern? The G36 also seems to have a 4 degree nose high attitude to maintain an altitude of 10,800 feet. Full rich for taxi is definitely a bad thing. The gear is electromechanical and can be very reliable if properly maintained. Newer models were built with a higher takeoff weight and nosewheel steering. I have seen a 1972 V35B offered for 99K. Most of the structures are The Piper Lance also falls into the six-seat, low wing category. 1987 Bonanza F33A. You need to also set aside costs for Annual Inspections. Rate of climb: 1,230 FPM. This Beechcraft aircraft has a useful load of up to 1073lbs, allowing for significant weight in luggage. Short Field / Soft Field Takeoff You can use Approach flaps if needed. This is already impressive, but the fact that this distance can be accomplished with full passengers and fuel is what truly makes the Bonanza a popular aircraft. It carries a 3 bladed composite aluminum propeller that has a diameter of over 6 feet, making it a strong and sturdy performer. We also engaged the yaw damper, which helped smooth the ride in the turbulence that started to develop over the Arizona desert. Were not standing still, says Jeff Sites, product marketing manager at Beechcraft. For landing mixture is set to full rich to prepare for go-around, should you decide to go-around with a leaned mixture the engine could cut as mixture becomes too lean to sustain combustion. Well-maintained models can range from 200,000$ to 300,000$USD, and due to its strong reputation as a reliable aircraft, many owners are willing to pay the expensive price. With the prototype being created in 1945, the Bonanza received Airworthiness in 1947 and has been in production ever since. Finally, set aside a contingency reserve for things that are not scheduled but crop up. This is a fast airplane. Let's start with the Basics. The cabin measures 04'02" high, 03'06" wide, and 10'07" long. This is the first of the four phases and it generates maximum horsepower. The Bonanza is considered a solid and reliable aircraft by many of its owners. I'm looking to spend between $80K and $100K. Mooney has a couple of options, m20j and m20K, but I like the idea of owning a Bonanza. When put through too much stress, the V tail can fail, and an AD was placed in order to force pilots to keep the aircraft below the speed at which the tail will lose its strength. I bought the S35 with a run out 550, replaced the engine, and then of course added a bunch of stuff. But regardless of the fact that it is quite easy to slide through the cockpit to the pilot-in-commands seat, the lack of a cabin door on the left side is not ideal. Well use 300 here. With the addition of 50,000$ for hull coverage, a qualified pilot can expect a cost of up to 1600$ a year. Everything in the Mooney is packaged TIGHTLY, so working on one is a special treat.Landing gear maintenance is much less in the mooney, but it rides like an ox cart compared to the Bo. . Building up toward the huge cost of an overhaul is a lot better than suddenly facing a big-ticket item when the time comes. The first is a liability, which covers the pilot, and the second is hull coverage, which covers the aircraft. The landing gear is really beefy. Having at least 25 hours on the make and model of the aircraft that will be insured will decrease the overall cost. . With both new and used Bonanzas available on the market, they come at a large range of prices. Drop the gear, throttle back and add some flaps - slows easily to landing speed. It will cost you about $15,000 for a good paint job. Mooney, Piper and Cessna are in the normal category. The Beechcraft G36 Bonanza was released in 2006 and costs between $950,000 and $1,300,000, new. Or how do I read this? This is of course if the maintenance and care of the aircraft are up to date and reflect its age. Its fast and agile, yet easy to handle. I have been out for a while. There is no key required to start up the airplane. He is renowned for his free monthly maintenance webinars and his standing-room-only forums at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. What Are The Flight Characteristics of The Beechcraft Bonanza G36? No other airplane has been able to achieve such a lengthy production record. We went to look at a Debonair that was for sale locally. A 2007 model G36 Bonanza can be purchased at 650,000$USD while a 1993 B36 Bonanza can be purchased for 400,000$USD. Is that like 25% open? At the base of the redesigned center console are two cup holders. PERFORMANCE: Top speed: 206 mph; Cruise speed: 193 mph; Stall: 60 mph; Initial climb rate: 1,030 fpm; Ceiling: 16,600 ft.; Range: 802 nm; Takeoff distance, 50 ft.: 2,040 ft.; Landing distance, 50 ft.: 1,450 ft. STANDARD DATA: (A36TC) Seats: 6; Gross weight: 3,650 lbs. Unless operated commercially, the Bonanza falls under the same annual maintenance requirements as every other general aviation aircraft. Bonanza G36. Rotation speed without flaps on the Beechcraft G36 Bonanza is 73 KIAS with no flaps and 67 knots with the first notch of flaps deployed. They are long lived and probably have fewer airframe problems than anything out there. Fuel Burn @ 75%: 16.3 GPH. While you might not be sure which part to order or look for, a mechanic always has the best interest of the aircraft in mind and will be sure to find you the parts you need at a reasonable price. I also flew the airplane around at 70 knots, a speed at which the Bonanza still flies with great stability, and tried a few power off stalls, which produced a slight buffet at 53 knots, five knots below the published stall speed. As aviation is becoming more popular, more pilots are looking to buy and sell used aircraft. The Bonanzas retractable landing gear added to the appeal and increased its performance value. Engines: 1; Engine Mfg: Continental; The Bonanza eats up the bumps.In summary, we prefer the Bo for its comfort and space, and it doesn't cost more to fly. Speeds you should know by memory for this plane. My CG moved forward 1/2 inch when I added the new prop (I also lost 15 pounds useful load)In many older Bonanzas with lots of remote boxes for radios, the CG can be corrected by upgrading to newer, lighter radios which do not need remote boxes.Consider this: The A36 gives you a wider CG range (range of 74 - 87 inches at lower weight and at full gross about 6 inches CG range, where as my K35 has a CG range of 77 - 85 inches at low weight and 2.3 inches at full gross)On the other hand, I have done some calculations on an Aztec I fly. Total burn here depends on a number of factors. Depending on the Weight after a long flight the CG will be aft and you have to be careful not to get too aft as that will make the plane pretty unstable on landing. it will be very sensitive to pitch up motions. While it is a noticeable feature on the Bonanza, it has also caused a number of accidents. In cruise you obviously lean the mixture and reset after every change in power setting and / or altitude. One reason is the lower production schedule. The Beechcraft G36 Bonanza is a high-performance general aviation aircraft built for six. Piper Lance Guide and Specs: Is The Piper PA-32R Worth It? But with the lowest setting, it didnt take long before we were comfortable in the cockpit, even though the G1000 indicated that the outside air temperature had already reached 35 degrees Celsius a sweltering 95 degrees Fahrenheit. I have compiled a PDF based on the figures found in this post for the Bonanza. Almost all Bonanzas you would take off with Flaps Up. At the climb phase, after gear retraction and clearing the fifty-foot fence, the throttle is retarded to 25 inches of manifold pressure and 2500 RPM. We are small people but the Mooney was cramped. The 74-gallon fuel load leaves room for an additional 592 pounds, about three average-sized adults and one child. "This is the aircraft Textron should be building," he said. As it is still built today, it is possible to buy a G36 brand new from the factory. Just set and forget. The tricycle gear, of course, was uncommon at the time. Contributor to the G36 Improvement Project. The lighting system is designed to last longer than the airplane itself, according to Beechcraft, so operators may never have to change any light bulbs. 20,000 ft 1065nm. Operating lean of peak at 65% power, you will be in the mid 160's and burning 12.5 GPH. By the third, the overhaul is going to consist of having to replace the core as well, and that means that it will cost you about $50,000. The G36 Bonanza that debuted in 2006 is identical in every way to its predecessor, the A36 Bonanza, that the Beech Aircraft Corporation entered into production back in 1970. Learn all about planes and pilots, and even how to fly, with SkyTough. It didnt take long for the cockpit to heat up after the airplane was pulled out onto the black tarmac. How Was The G36 Bonanza Certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)? . Older models are less costly, and a few decades old Model 36 can be found in at a range of 250,000$ to 450,000$USD. It is also possible to find the Bonanza G36 on the pre-owned market. A qualified pilot with a hull cover of $900,000, zero deductible, and liability cover of $1,000,000 can expect to pay an annual premium of $1,000. Non Precision Approaches Descent is typically 800 1000 fpm. Since then, the Bonanza G36 has been produced not only by the Beech Aircraft Corporation as an independent company, but also by the Hawker Beechcraft Corporation and by Textron Aviation. I teach a lot on the Bonanzas and of all the planes Ive flown in my life, there is just a joy to fly the Bonanzas. My previous plane was a Mooney M20J - a 205 which is supposed to be the fastest of the 200 hp Mooneys. Fuel capacity (standard) 80 gallons. The protruding LEDs make the wingtip look a little bit experimental compared with the superb fit and finish of the rest of the airplane. Stall Speed: 61 KIAS. This enabled it to fly in US airspace (subject to other FAA regulations) and for operators to access FAA databases. Copyright 2023 Aviator Insider | A Topsail Media Company | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. Maintenance reserve is almost mandatory for every aircraft owner. Even though you do not rent your G36 out for hire, it is always a good idea to do a 25-hour oil change, or at the most, a 50-hour inspection that comes with an oil change. The Bonanza is MUCH roomier and more comfortable. No, Ive not had the time to do it for others. At least none of the single engine pistons I have flown have such a procedure. The Bonanza also has much lower vibration than the 4 cylinder 2 blade prop Mooney. The Beechcraft Bonanza G36 Thrives in the Modern World, 5G Interference Potential Prompts FAA To Propose New Rule for Helicopters, Preowned Business Jet Market 'Rebalancing,' Trade Group Says, AERO Friedrichshafen Focuses on Sustainability, Single-Engine Turboprop Ops, Boeing Slows 737 Max Deliveries Because of Parts 'Quality Issue', Finding Spare Parts for Vintage Aircraft Easier Under New FAA Program. His monthly Savvy Maintenance column appears in AOPA PILOT magazine, and his writing has appeared in numerous publications including EAA Sport Aviation, AOPAs Opinion Leaders Blog, AVweb, and magazines for the three largest GA type clubs (ABS, CPA, and COPA). Same reason you set mixture full rich before making any power changes. . Jeppesens chart view can be added for an additional $6,900. At the bottom tab, you have 54 gallons of usable fuel, and with a fuel burn of about 15 gph and a cruise speed of around 170 knots, you can still travel about 500 nm with reserves and welcome another 120-pound passenger. Even turbocharged engines became an option for optimum performance. The Bonanza G36 is fast thanks to its low. But the G36 carries significantly less luggage. The S model and later with the IO520 can cruise at 173 Kts at 7000 feet, 75% power, between 15.3 and 16 GPH. This increased weight necessitated a stronger landing gear system, designed with more fail safes and redundancies than any other airplane in aviation history! ( In lieu of removing the seats, you can fold down the backrests of the middle seats or rotate them so that they are facing forward instead of aft. There is a reason why no single engine piston manufacturer describes to lean during taxi and for landing into the POH. Being one of the longest-running aircraft designs in the world, the Bonanza is popular and it's not difficult to find at least a dozen for sale at any given time on the Trade-a-Plane site or one of its competitors. performance is respectable. 15,000 ft. 985nm. Which year/model Bonanzas will REALLY cruise at 160kts or more, and can I find a decent one in my price range? Installed, it will raise your purchase price by another $2,000. Many approved maintenance organizations have experience in working on the Bonanza and the labor is, therefore, less expensive. Specs, range, speed, operating weights and performance for the Bonanza G36 here . Hg (or full throttle) @ 2,500 rpm) 5. 920 nm (1,704 km) Takeoff Distance. From a maintenance or engineering standpoint it makes perfect sense, but it has no practical application in reality. After some testing due to a number of accidents associated with the deteriorating V tail in flight, Beechcraft found that it was not up to FAA standards. Even increasing the baggage compartment is possible for models before 1979. ) If that is the case, then used parts are also widely available. Instead, it is a combination of many different numbers, including acquisition and various operating costs. Engine: Continental IO-550B (300 hp) Distinguishing Features. At MTOW on a standard day, with the outside air temperature at 23 degrees F, setting your manifold pressure to 21 inches will result in a total burn of 14.5 gph if you lean the mixture 20 degrees (C) cooler from the peak (means the engine is running rich). These reports agree pretty well with the book figures, which call for cruising speeds ranging from an all-out max of 199 knots (at 79 percent power, 25,000 feet and 250 pounds below gross weight) to 155 knots at 56 percent power and 10,000 feet. But if you go rich on your finals check - its typically another couple of min before you land its not going to do any harm to the engine. . But in a Turbo Charged airplane, keep it full Rich.