His map also showed a plywood panel, a false wall, and behind that panel, he said, were some significant documents. She had been sent with her sisters to Glasgow's Nazareth House from their home in the Highlands after their mother was diagnosed with tuberculosis, a disease that was still "like a death knell in the 1950s". "Wetting the bed was a nightmare - they'd strip the covers off and the child would be made to stand with the wet sheets for hours, to set an example. I saw it.". All we want is for the Catholic church to change its ways and let us live in peace. Thomas Paine, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13JK5kChbRw. After all, we all have our own crosses to bear. Its crucial for nuns to be aware of this and to try to break the cycle. They were raised in abusive homes and grew up as abusive adults. Strain if necessary, season with salt or sugar, and serve. The priest to whom he made his confession, he says, was Father Conti. She was sent to the orphanage, with her brother, when she was five - her grandmother had just died, her mother had left, and her father felt he could not take care of the children. So, its no wonder nuns can be so cruel. Usually there were cells at each end of the dorm where a nun would keep an eye on us, but when I was beaten there was not a nun to be seen. Think for example of other people in committed relationships. She was obsessed with me 24 hours a day, Finnegan, now 67, told The Post. It was so tragic. Coming from a guy who feel he has the right to condemn, criticise and berate the practice's of nearly two billion people, have you been given Carte Blanche on this board? Cusiter says she was force-fed: "She'd be pulling your head back, then she'd hold your nose so you couldn't breathe, until your mouth opened, and she'd shove food in. She said she never told her father I was afraid of what he would do to the nun when he found out and only summoned up the courage to tell her mother of the trauma just before her death in 2002. I was clothed, fed, paid a weekly wage. In most movies, nuns are seen as strange recluses from society. ", Some former residents say they were sexually abused - Cusiter remembers a driver who "would touch up the boys and the girls" and, she says, a child would often be used to keep watch while one of the handymen pursued his sexual relationship with a nun - but most of the cases against the Sisters of Nazareth concern physical violence. While your doing that, tell any stories of nuns that you might have. "I was passed to the child abuse unit at the age of 39." Its not easy to grow up in an abusive or neglectful home, which can lead to trauma and emotional damage. The allegations stretch back. Narcissistic people may also be quick to anger or lash out at others, which can make them seem mean. For being late for prayer. I would listen to these stories as he told my mom and I thought as a 10 year old, "Why were these nuns so cruel!". I think what happens is that religion is handed down from generation to generation in what ever form it maybe and catholics had no problem sparing the rod as that's how they grew up. I often. Instead of fetching a doctor they kept me in bed and surrounded me with hot water bottles. I know that they are supposed to be married to god and suchbut when you are married to a guy that is never around, doesn't talk to you, sets up impossible rules, and never has sex with youwell you would be cranky too. The punishment was being forced to stand in front of a nun's cell with the soiled linen on your head or being sat in the galvanized steel bath while two assistants poured buckets of cold water over your head. Though it was three miles away and there was a school bus, we were only given enough money to make the journey once a day, so depending on the weather we'd take it in the morning or afternoon. Beatings and acts of extreme cruelty were commonplace, they say, and together with the spartan existence in the home, gave them lives of utter misery. This mission is still in use today and as far as I know they have not slacked off of the punishments. Nobody wanted to hear about the Vestal Virgins back then, she said. They are recalling what were, after all, very public regimes of pain and punishment. He told me he'd been sexually abused by a priest. They were always calling us guttersnipes or scavengers and seemed to enjoy humiliating us. Nuns are often women who don't have much (if any) maternal instinct - To enter a life where you not only aren't supposed to have sex with anyone else but where you also cannot bear children of your own requires a person who has limited amounts of maternal instinct for them to be successful. ), it wouldn't be hard to, Couple a sadistic personality and a whole lot of pent up sexual frustration.yeah anybody would go psycho. 5 Top The Silver Thong Member 33.4k Cusiter was eight when her mother disappeared and she and her five brothers and sisters were taken from Glasgow to Aberdeen's Nazareth House. This vow means they will not have sex or engage in sexual activity, leading to frustration and feeling trapped. Thats awefull! Dealing with those wounds and scars, and surviving through daily life is a challenge for many of us. But trying to be perfect always is enough to make anyone go a little crazy. "It could happen for any thing, any time of the night or day. Its no wonder nuns can be so cruel. He is never surprised by attempts to discredit people like himself. In those days the people were encouraged to bring their children to the mission to be schooled by the church and they children all lived there. There was a constant atmosphere of fear, and beatings all the time. The Nazareth House children face another difficulty: the time bar. And thats a good thing for everyone involved. There is the cruel nun (The Magdalene Sisters), the anti-fun nun (Sound of Music) . This is the next big thing for the church the biggest untold secret, Mary Dispenza, a director at Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP), a St. Louis-based advocacy group. Nuns with leather straps hanging from their waist beside their rosary beads. Allegations of abuse by its nuns first surfaced in Scotland last year. To learn more, you can also read our posts on why 911 operators are so rude, why judges are so rude, and why cops are so rude. Cameron Fyfe says there's no great problem of proof in this case: individuals who have not seen each other for years, who may scarcely remember each other, are corroborating each other's narratives. I thought maybe he'd do something about it. He was brought up in Smyllum Park orphanage in Lanark, run by the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul. No one did and I was just told to follow on. The abuse began when Finnegan was 15 and continued throughout her high school years on school buses to out-of-town sporting events, at religious retreats in upstate New York, at Finnegans childhood home in Woodside and at a Long Island convent. One bed-wetter was held out of the window by her ankles as punishment. We rose at 5am, did the cleaning chores, then got dressed, got breakfast and then went to school. Eight years ago, when a handful of victims of nun abuse came forward to SNAP, Dispenza urged the Chicago-based Leadership Conference of Women Religious, an association of the leaders of congregations of Catholic nuns, to address the issue and reach out to victims of nun abuse. FOR MORE than 100 years, the Poor Sisters of Nazareth cared for children in the order's dozens of homes across Britain. Its not easy to live up to such high standards. To this day I cannot go into a loft or a small room and I sleep with the light on because of that. My Father's Story on the Nuns and Priests. Well, the little girl in me wept because that kid had longed for Juanita to be a spiritual mother to me thats how I loved her, as a mother, she wrote. She was overwhelmed by shame - ashamed of leaving other children behind, of failing to protect them from harm. Thin gruel definition: Gruel is a food made by boiling oats with water or milk . No matter what any "spiritual leader" might say. They were like prison officers. Or worse. If that fails, Fyfe intends to take the challenge to the European Court of Human Rights. "I need answers, not just about Betsy but about the whole damned thing. The retired telephonist has never forgotten the summer of 1955 when the children of Cardonald Nazareth House in Glasgow went to Aberdeen on an exchange. First off I'd change that to SOME nuns, not all. Not a day went by without someone getting a battering. The boy forswears spending his pocket money, bad language and playing at fire engines, but the letter begins with "No Dirt At All", the 'No' underlined many times. But it left the family with inconsolable sadness. Orphans, abandoned babies and children deemed uncontrollable or accused of petty crimes were all put in the hands of the nuns who, to the outside world, epitomised kindness and compassion. "She broke all my front teeth, my face was a mashed mess, the other kids were all screaming." He joined the RAF and although other young men lay in their beds weeping for their mothers, Aitken thrived: the military were "the first people who treated me as a human being. (7 Reasons Why), Why Are 911 Operators So Rude? It is anger, suffering and self isolation.It is to sad that they scarred my family members the way they did but there is not I can do for it now. I've never found it easy forming relationships and had periods when I've had to go to hospital and had all sorts of problems.". Therefore, trying to live a perfect life is both impossible and unnecessary. It makes perfect sense that some would take their emotions out on others. Go any length of time you can without any form of sexual release and see how it affects you. But in her collection of personal records, there is the evidence: a telegram adorned with top hats and lucky horseshoes, addressed to her at Aberdeen's Nazareth House on August 3, 1955, saying, "Happy Birthday Darling, from Mummy." But, back in the day, this is how nuns were taught, and its no wonder they turned out to be so cruel. "You were thrashed about the feet, head and hands, you had your hair pulled and your head bounced off the walls. You could get beaten for nothing at all. Many of these unfortunate children suffered consequential emotional disturbance, and some of them no other institutions would accept. This woman, like Currie and Cusiter, has joined the civil action against the Sisters of Nazareth because they believe it is the only way of calling the order to account. He said, 'Pray for him my son.' i think they just really need to get laid, Damn nuns I don't think I have ever met a nun but damn them anyway errrrr. Why are Nuns so mean? Why? "You could get hammered for anything. None the less, there have been scandals and debates within the church about the ill-treatment of children for decades. It was only 30 years later, when other Nazareth House survivors began to speak out about their experiences, that his childhood and its bleak effects could no longer be dismissed as his imaginings. Fyfe argues that the cultures of orphanages and schools tend to be specific and different - he also represents clients who were in the hands of the de la Salle monks in Britain, against whom there are more allegations of sexual abuse than there are against the Nazareth House nuns. Girls abused by nuns often speak of the psychological and spiritual damage done to them, stolen childhood and adolescent years of friendships, dates, dances, and often God. I was terrified the whole time and never had a happy day there. The Poor Sisters of Nazareth were founded in the mid-19th century in Hammersmith, London, to take care of the young and the old. What is it that makes these Nuns so down right nasty mean? My grandmother, aunts, uncles, great aunts and uncles cousins ect ect, were mostly raised in the Cotholic Missions on different Indian Reservations. And, like all of those involved in the civil action, she wants to have her story heard. Narcissistic people can be mean for a variety of reasons. NEW YORKAs a growing number of Roman Catholic dioceses across the United States investigate child sex-abuse claims against clergy and are releasing the names of priests accused of such crimes, another hidden problem has begun to surfacenuns who sexually abuse children. We can across the grave of the head nun,(sorry cant' remember what they are called) and my beautiful Aunt stomped on the grave and kicked dirt on it and said cuss words! Nuns have to obey their superiors, which can lead to a feeling of being trapped and powerless, and it can also lead to nuns being quite resentful towards those in positions of authority. And in states where the statute of limitations has been amended to allow victims of sexual abuse to file complaints, SNAP is urging them some now in their 60s and 70s to file claims against their alleged abusers. I believe its what turns so many of them into nasty bitches in the convent.. Nuns could be jealous of the attention that Catholic Mothers get. He'd never told anyone. He told a teacher about his embarrassment and she suggested that he could go into any church. I thought bugger that, I'm saying my piece.". I telephoned Cardinal Winning, and asked him to do something about all the things that were coming to light about Nazareth House. This kind of behavior applies to nuns, as well. Many of those alleging physical, and to some extent sexual, abuse are now elderly people who say their entire lives have been affected by what they endured as children. Only my opinion of course, but I'd blame it on a lack of physical and emotional shenanigans with members of the opposite sex. It is a Christian duty, for your greater glory, not theirs. The current limit on cases before that date is being challenged in the courts, and members of the Scottish parliament are mooting a change in the law. Any child caught speaking native was punished. The one thing that I have found from talking to them and from past stories they have told me before they died was the Nuns of the Caotholic Missions were always mean and abusive to the children. A nun all of a sudden picked the kid up, carried him to the door, then slammed the door into his head. Sister Margaret McCurtain, a glinting Dominican scholar and one of Ireland's best-known Catholic reformers, suggests the "sexual oppression of nuns could emerge later in the form of cruelty". ", What was it, though, that caused such cruelty by women? To hide injuries from visitors, children were shut into a "black hole" without bedding, ventilation or light. Maybe you started to believe it. "You couldn't talk to the nuns in a jokey or friendly way. Before the new law, New York had one of the most restrictive statutes of limitations for childhood sexual abuse. Jealous Nuns could be jealous of the attention that Catholic Mothers get. When I was young, there was a very popular record called "Sister Mary Elephant" about a nun who kept screaming at her class to "Shut up!". Nothing. There was church every day of the week. Sorry, I have to go, she told the nun who had terrified her. I have not found many "nice" stories about nuns. "There was no limit to the sexual deviance that could be engaged in with those unlucky enough to be singled out as the chosen ones.". and so on. Sex with children is a crime, but "reasonable chastisement is still a lawful reason for inflicting pain on children," explains David Spicer, a barrister and former chair of the British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. "We were skivvies, basically. This can lead to a lot of unresolved issues, and these issues can eventually turn into anger and resentment. Yet another was scarred after being scalded by a nun who accused her of not using enough hot water when washing. "Some would smack you as they came by. So we sat on the sheet to dry it - we were only children. God is Love, Sister Mary Juanita Barto told Finnegan as she repeatedly raped her in classrooms at Mater Christi High School in Queens in the late 1960s. Celibacy is NOT normal for humans. This was their holiday. Are thay taught "Spare the rod spoil the child" in nun school? When Finnegan finally summoned up the courage to confront Sister Mary Juanita in the early 1990s more than 20 years after graduating high school in 1969 she found herself tongue-tied. When finally a key was found, they went in: the room was almost as he had left it, and behind a plywood panel there were his childhood documents, exactly as he had predicted. Give us an apology. But theres an expectation for nuns to dress modestly at all times. Dispenza, 78, has fought for more than two decades for justice for victims of clergy abuse and plans to take her fight to the Vatican on Monday. Now, 30 years on, he wanted the police and his solicitor to find those hidden documents because, he believed, they would confirm his recollections of his time at the orphanage. (11 Reasons Why), Why Are Vegans So Entitled? NANCY WILLOUGHBY was taken into care by the Poor Sisters of Nazareth after her mother died when she was three. "I don't want their money," she says. "Looking back, I think one of the reasons was that the nuns weren't happy and decided we damn well weren't going to be either. Bob Marley, "We went to explore the Moon & discovered the Earth" Gene Cernan. I blame Nazareth House. In the grounds, he noticed that where once there were playing fields there was now a children's nursery. My sister and I have tried unsuccessfully to follow this up. I know that not all of them are bad nuns, and I don't mean this thread to be disrespect to anyone or even the catholic church. Please refresh the page or navigate to another page on the site to be automatically logged in, Please refresh your browser to be logged in, Extra 20% off selected fashion and sportswear at Very, Get up to 10% off using the Booking.com app, $6 off a $50+ order with this AliExpress discount code, 10% off selected product with this eBay discount code, Compare broadband packages side by side to find the best deal for you, Compare cheap broadband deals from providers with fastest speed in your area, All you need to know about fibre broadband, Best Apple iPhone Deals in the UK April 2023, Compare iPhone contract deals and get the best offer this April, Compare the best mobile phone deals from the top networks and brands. Once I was beaten black and blue, so badly I had to stay in the infirmary for five weeks, and when I came out I was given a bag of sweets and told to tell no one about what happened. Imagine trying to be perfect all the time. Even then Aitken was shadowed by unhappiness. "The nuns never believed I was deaf. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Their father didn't stop them: "I thought there was nobody. "Most of the time he was like a recluse. Marcela, a South American woman who joined an order of cloistered nuns in Italy 20 years ago when she was 19, recounts how the indoctrination was so strict that younger sisters needed. My grandmother was 3 years old when she was first brought to the mission. "I was spat on. ", Like other inmates, Cusiter vividly recalls night-time. Never has been and never will be. "Looking back, I think they really despised the children. Sleep was routinely interrupted by their constant checks for children wetting their beds and the beating that followed. Some nuns are just following the example set by other nuns. ", Her younger sister has never forgotten that day: she could scarcely swim, but managed to grasp a long log. Thank God they chose the nuns. In the words of one man who had been put into a home after being abandoned by his family: "Some people say to me, 'Well, that's what it was like everywhere then', but it wasn't. Women Religious orders are very closed systems, more so than the priesthood. One of the nuns said: 'You watch you don't get blood on your dress or you'll catch it.' He wasn't prepared to accept that it was the truth. "You woke up to this thrashing. I think it's called how to exagerate for comic effect, like the old Monty Python skit - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13JK5kChbRw, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Many youths vow to never be like their parents, only to grow up and mimic the very things they hated as children. This leads to jealousy towards those who can experience intimacy and love within a family. If you did it wrong, you got a clip." He was put in Nazareth House when he was two. So we swapped our sheets for her, rinsed the wet one out and went to dry it on the radiator. This can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety, leading to nuns taking their frustration out on others. They did so because they wanted to jealously safeguard the gold standard for all children, a stable home run by their mothers and fathers. By using this site you consent to our use of cookies as per our, People who don't know how to weep with their whole heart, don't know how to laugh either. Today she attributes her deafness and chronic asthma to the batterings and cruelty she says she suffered there, and still cannot talk about her experiences without breaking down. It is to be a test case, in which 11 former inmates will appear in court, and is expected to be heard in Scotland later this year. "She especially hated me. Neither woman could understand why there was so much cruelty, with Mary saying: "They were nuns and educated and took up their vocation to go in there for prayer and looking after us. Her own efforts to challenge the hierarchy of the church have been distressing and her association with the public campaign against the Sisters enraged other members of her congregation. our nuns would cut a finger off if you were late for class, some kids only had thumbs, we had to learn a new word every day if you couldn't pronounce it the nun would set about you with a baseball bat, on the day we had to learn Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ten kids got killed, we slept outside on the grass, in the winters we covered ourselves with cowpats (dung) to keep warm, we had turnips for breakfast lunch and dinner, but on sundays we had a real treat for dinner, the turnip was cooked, my aunt on visiting stalag sacred cross found the grave of the mother superior and dug her up, she then used her skull as a toilet, but she was a dirty cursing perverted old b**** herself. His childhood memories of the orphanage are filled with emotional and physical terror. Ranged against them are the Catholic hierarchy, the asylums' insurers, who insist that there must be no admission of liability, and a sceptical hauteur that flourishes across the political and legal establishment. Why Are Nuns So Cruel? This can lead to a cycle of cruelty thats hard to break. He sent the envelope to Cameron Fyfe, a Scottish solicitor, with a note naming the boy with whom he had shared that room. Nuns can be cruel for a variety of reasons. "So I went to St Mary's Cathedral in Aberdeen and I said, 'There's this man comes to the home and plays with my private parts.' Then there were all these flashbacks." You think your nuns were bad? Its this unattended rage they live with. It's easy! One of these burst and burnt my foot badly, leaving a permanent scar. But though he is active in progressive politics and his music club, says, "I'm also very lonely, I have to admit that.". She became imprisoned in the safety of her own home. Are just some of them mean? I believe it was that they treated indigenous people like savages that werent even worthy of owning their own land ..ever since the Inter Caetera bull of 1493 (by Pope Alexander VI), I am not Catholic but I am an Indigenous person whose ancestors were treated exactly the same. "I didn't want money. (11 Reasons Why), Why Does Batman Not Kill? Jesus dies for their sins, as He lived a perfect life. Kathleen Batey, a 47-year-old cleaner living near Newcastle United Football Club's mighty stadium, is not one of the campaigners seeking legal redress. That started from the moment I went in there. Ya the pope is the boss speaking for god. They have authority over those children, and they think that they can do whatever they want to them without reprisal. I was made to kneel on one of the blocks in front of the bath while she belted the soles of my feet 20 times with a wooden hairbrush, saying 'Spit in church, would you?' Joseph had been left alone in verminous conditions. There is still never a day when my sister does not fear being punished for something. Currie also told his priest about the "dirt" in confession, "but he was deaf and he would say 'speak up'. Then, in March, a shocking report was published into allegations of abuse and brutality at one of the order's homes in Queensland, Australia, over a 90-year period ending only in 1976. Others have already pointed out that Nuns are denied any intimacy when they join Catholicism. She and her group are demanding the pope help victims of nun abuse and fire anyone who has covered up crimes by Catholic clergy. The orphanage survivors' civil case must show that their complaints refer not just to rogue nuns but to a regime for which the order itself was responsible. It was a dreadful experience and I will never forget it. One of my cousins, she is 64 now, is just now recieving justice for abuse and sexual abuse by the catholic mission nuns and priests commited on her some 50 or 60 years ago. why doesn't vanderbilt have a volleyball team; kreslenie ceruzkou portrety. She has never consulted lawyers, nor sought compensation from the church. Terrified, I remember holding out my hand thinking an adult would take it. "After a real struggle, we have persuaded the legal aid board to support 11 test cases," says Fyfe. "I began wetting the bed and this was seen as a dreadful crime. They said there were no records of her presence. She asked me to go upstairs and tell her how I was getting on. This can lead to nuns being quite resentful toward Mothers. And then she left. (11 Reasons Why). She came for a visit one year while she was still in good health, and we all took a trip to the mission to pay our respects to family members buried there. 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