A retrospective mortality and cancer morbidity study was conducted to investigate associations between health risk and exposures from polyurethane foam production, particularly exposures to diisocyanates (Sorahan & Pope, 1993). Chemical Society of Japan (1989) [Anti-disaster Guidelines No. Results from an earthworm toxicity test conducted according to OECD Guideline No. NIOSH (1985) NIOSH manual of analytical methods, 3rd ed. Con respecto a la exposicin por inhalacin, solamente se dispone de estudios limitados en ratas. Some isocyanates react with water to form amines and liberate carbon dioxide. 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. In a case who had experienced repeated attacks of a work-related pulmonary or systemic disease, association with exposure to MDI was examined because of acute respiratory disorder, rhinoconjunctivitis, and a late systemic reaction after exposure to polyurethane pyrolysis products, including MDI (air level 15 g/m3) (Littorin et al., 1994). Un estudio de exposicin por inhalacin con MDI radiomarcado indica que alguna forma o parte del MDI se distribuye por todo el organismo, sobre todo en los pulmones, los msculos, los riones y el aparato digestivo. Diisocyanates are well known dermal and inhalation sensitizers in the workplace and have been documented to cause asthma, lung damage, and in severe cases, fatal reactions. . EFFECTS ON LABORATORY MAMMALS AND IN VITRO TEST SYSTEMS, 8.4.2 Chronic exposure and carcinogenicity, 8.6 Reproductive and developmental toxicity, 9.2.2 Long-term exposure and carcinogenicity, 10. Free and acetylated MDA are identified in nearly all studies after strongly hydrolysing conditions. Canadian journal of public health, 87(6):401403. anate. They are based on selected national or regional evaluation documents or on existing EHCs. ISBN 92 4 153027 8 (NLM Classification: QV 280) Board members, authors, reviewers, consultants, and advisers who participate in the preparation of a CICAD are required to declare any real or potential conflict of interest in relation to the subjects under discussion at any stage of the process. La produccin anual total de MDI y PMDI en todo el mundo fue de alrededor de 1,2 millones de toneladas en 1991, 1,5 millones de toneladas en 1993, 1,78 millones de toneladas en 1994 y 1,95 millones de toneladas en 1996. The non-neoplastic information in this study suggests a NOAEL of 0.19 mg/m3 and a lowest-observed-adverse-effect level (LOAEL) of 0.98 mg/m3. Carcinogenesis, 16(10):25832587. In another study in which rats were exposed to PMDI, the NOAEL for maternal and fetal toxicity was estimated to be 4 mg/m3, based on the finding of premature deaths of pregnant females and statistically significant decreases in placental and fetal weights at 12 mg/m3. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Le MDI polymris (PMDI), qui est la forme technique et commerciale principale de ce compos est en fait un mlange contenant 25 80 % de 4,4-MDI monomre et des oligomres 3-6 cycles plus quelques isomres comme lisomre 2,2. 19561, 27.9.1990). Severe respiratory distress and a significant decrease in body weight gain were observed in male and female rats exposed to PMDI aerosol at a concentration of 13.6 mg/m3 for 6 h per day, 5 days per week, over a period of 2 weeks, with much less severe signs of respiratory distress and only slightly reduced body weight gain in male rats at 4.9 mg/m3. 4. Part of Springer Nature. Average mass 250.252 Da. Shimizu H, Suzuki Y, Takemura N, Goto S, Matsushita H (1985) The results of microbial mutation test for forty-three industrial chemicals. The invention discloses a curing agent, namely a methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) tripolymer and a method for preparing the same. In eight subjects, exposure to subirritant amounts of MDI induced a pattern of reaction consistent with hypersensitivity pneumonitis i.e., significant decreases in both forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1: 31%; range 2340%) and FVC (23%; range 1735%) associated with a rise in body temperature and an increase in blood neutrophils. To request permission to reproduce material from this article, please go to the IARC (1999) 4,4-Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate and polymeric 4,4-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate. . Concerning the impact of PMDI on microorganisms, the highest applied concentrations of up to 100 mg/litre were not inhibitory to cell multiplication of Escherichia coli (Fujiwara, 1981) or to the respiration rate of activated sludge (Caspers et al., 1986). Caspers N, Hamburger B, Kanne R, Klebert W (1986) Ecotoxicity of toluenediisocyanate (TDI), diphenylmethanediisocyanate (MDI), toluenediamine (TDA), diphenylmethanediamine (MDA). Polymeric MDI (PMDI), the primary technical/commercial form of MDI, is actually a mixture that contains 2580% monomeric 4,4-MDI as well as oligomers containing 36 rings and other minor isomers, such as the 2,2-isomer. Chemico-biological interactions, 97:185198. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 6:221226. Molecular understanding of the 4,4-MDA formation can provide strategy to prevent from side reactions. What is claimed is: 1. *UG}M []CX;E|ROyu#[ ?`=VJ^PONtF &_&pSh!)ek@paOAD8>X ,>m5R"V9hEMw 'H#:AQDjL e59Q 30;03YM7\'^5YV!_(!**vCeTulUS1^#s( ZIMw=T l}zB:- Se consider que la hiperplasia celular basal en el epitelio olfatorio detectada con 0,98 y 6,03 mg/m3 era un efecto final crtico no carcinognico. Gas concentrations are in percent by volume. that this reaction is not expected to result in increased ground-level ozone accumulation. A 1% solution of MDI (reagent grade) in ethyl acetate was applied to a group of 79 7-week-old male mice. Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) and toluene diisocyanate (TDI) are high production volume chemicals used for the manufacture of polyurethanes. Molecular Formula CHNO. 414, mated female Wistar rats (8 per group) were exposed to PMDI by inhalation (whole body) at exposure levels of 0, 2, 8, or 12 mg/m3 for 6 h per day from day 6 up to and including day 15 of pregnancy (Waalkens-Berendsen & Arts, 1992). Dalene M, Jakobsson K, Rannug A, Skarping G, Hagmar L (1996) MDA in plasma as a biomarker of exposure to pyrolysed MDI-based polyurethane: correlations with estimated cumulative dose and genotype for N-acetylation. This study demonstrates that serum concentrations of MDI-specific IgG appear to be a moderately sensitive biological marker of MDI exposure, but not an indicator of occupational asthma. However, the subsequent reaction of the formed amine with further isocyanate, to produce a urea, is even faster (Hegarty et al., 1975). 11272). Journal of environmental pathology, toxicology and oncology, 2:18. Sensitization to MDI is probably the cause of asthma in these workers. As well as forming isocyanate dimers and trimers . Herbold B (1980a) [MDI Salmonella/microsome test for investigation of point mutation activity.] All cases occurred during a 2.5-year period after exposure to a new manufacturing process using steam-heated MDI resin in a new manufacturing facility. Chez un ouvrier expos au PMDI, on a constat que la demi-vie de la MDA acido-hydrolysable tait de 70 80 h dans lurine et de 21 jours dans le srum. There are no adequate data available to serve as a basis for estimating risk of occupational asthma. J Appl Polym Sci 131(12):40388, Zhao Y et al (2013) Modeling reaction kinetics of rigid polyurethane foaming process. Hydrogenated MDI ( H12MDI or 4,4-diisocyanato dicyclohexylmethane) is an organic compound in the class known as isocyanates. La fiche internationale sur la scurit chimique (ICSC 0298) du MDI, tablie par le Programme international sur la scurit chimique (IPCS, 1993), est galement reproduite dans le prsent document. ocyanate. Lors dune tude de 2 ans visant valuer la toxicit respiratoire chronique et la cancrognicit du PMDI, des rats exposs des arosols de PMDI des concentrations de 0, 0,19, 0,98 et 6,03 mg/m3, ont prsent des anomalies au niveau des voies respiratoires. On dsigne sous le nom gnrique de diisocyanate de diphnylmthane (MDI) un produit utilis dans lindustrie. : 26447-40-5 2. Aquatic invertebrates showed no immobilization after a 24-h exposure to nominal concentrations of up to 1000 mg MDI/litre (Rhone-Poulanc Chimie, 1977; Caspers et al., 1986). Statistically significant concentration-related pulmonary lesions included (1) an increase in focal/multifocal alveolar and bronchioalveolar hyperplasia, (2) interstitial fibrosis, and (3) an accumulation of particle-laden and pigmented macrophages. MDI is used for polyurethane elastomers (rollers, packing, rubber vibration insulators, synthetic leather, etc. Diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) is the generic name of a product used in industrial settings. OSHA Technical Manual (OTM). When MDI comes into contact with water, it does not disperse readily, but forms globules or solid masses, which react at their surface. Macromolecules 23(2):390398, Sun XD, Sung CSP (1996) Cure characterization in polyurethane and model urethane reactions by an intrinsic fluorescence technique. Vock EH, Lutz WK (1997) Distribution and DNA adduct formation of radiolabeled methylenediphenyl-4,4-diisocyanate (MDI) in the rat after topical treatment. The health end-points of most concern are occupationally induced asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and inflammatory upper respiratory tract diseases through inhalation of polymeric or monomeric MDI. Animal inhalation studies have shown that PMDI exposure (see section 8.4.2 for details of particle size distribution) results in significant deposition both in the nasal region and in the alveolar region of the lungs (Reuzel et al., 1994a,b). (1994) and Heimbach et al. An oligourea was synthesized from 4,4-MDI and 4,4-MDA and shown to be mainly diurea. No MDI or MDA was detected in the water (detection limits 4 and 10 g/litre, respectively) or in the fish (detection limits 0.5 and 1.4 mg/kg, respectively). Hagmar L, Stroemberg U, Welinder H, Mikoczy Z (1993b) Incidence of cancer and exposure to toluene diisocyanate and methylene diphenyldiisocyanate: a cohort based casereferent study in the polyurethane foam manufacturing industry. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. El diisocianato de difenilmetano (MDI) es el nombre genrico de un producto utilizado en la industria. Des tudes portant sur des ouvriers ont permis de mettre en vidence de la mthylnedianiline sous diverses formes dans leur sang et leurs urines : MDA libre, MDA actyle et adduits MDA-hmoglobine et MDA-albumine. MDI polymerized to inert polyurea and stayed on top of the sediment, forming a hardened layer at the interface of the compound and water. Phys. * 10.0 kmol of a 40.0 mol% methanol and 60.0 mol% water mixture is processed in a normal batch . The mean number of MDI exposure years was 8.6, 1.1, and 0 years for group I, group II, and group III, respectively. Zeiger E (1987) Salmonella mutagenicity test: III. Once the BMC10 (0.14 mg/m3) is derived from the Reuzel et al. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. A chronic inhalation study (Hoymann et al., 1995, 1997) has also been conducted with 99.5% pure monomeric 4,4-MDI. The third pond served as an untreated control. NIOSH (1994b) Letter from NIOSH to Distinctive Designs International Inc. with a study report. La production annuelle totale de MDI et de PMDI a t denviron 1,2 millions de tonnes en 1991, de 1,5 millions en 1993, de 1,78 millions en 1994 et de 1,95 millions de tonnes en 1996. The overall objectives of the IPCS are to establish the scientific basis for assessment of the risk to human health and the environment from exposure to chemicals, through international peer review processes, as a prerequisite for the promotion of chemical safety, and to provide technical assistance in strengthening national capacities for the sound management of chemicals. Unless otherwise stated, CICADs are based on a search of the scientific literature to the date shown in the executive summary. EPA has developed a separate Action Plan for Toluene Diiscyanate (TDI) and its related compounds. Il est toutefois soluble dans loctane, le benzne et le krosne. . Levels were continuously monitored and never exceeded 50 g/m3. Les points daboutissement toxicologiques les plus proccupants sont lasthme dorigine professionnelle, les pneumopathies dhypersensibilit et les affections inflammatoires des voies respiratoires suprieures conscutives linhalation de MDI ou de PMDI. El PMDI se utiliza para fabricar espuma rgida y flexible, aglutinantes de arena y resina de fundicin y aislantes trmicos. Two different reaction mechanisms for this transformation are possible, namely "phosgenations first" and "step-wise phosgenations". The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. No. methylene di-p-phenyleneester(6CI,8CI) methylene-di-p-phenylene diisocyanate methylenebis(p-phenylene isocyanate) p,p'-Diphenylmethane diisocyanate p,p'-Methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) p,p`-Diphenylmethane diisocyanate . This approach assists in predicting the fractional content of isocyanate moieties of unknown polymeric isocyanates. The 5-year longitudinal changes in FEV1 in exposed groups were stated not to be significantly different from the control population. As of 2019, the largest producer was Wanhua Chemical Group. Commercial synthesis of MDI takes place in closed systems where contact of MDI with water is carefully avoided through production and storage stages, since the NCO group of MDI reacts readily with the OH group of water (EU, 1999). Il est rare que lon soit fortement expos dans le milieu ambiant. MDI is used for polyurethane elastomers (rollers, packing, rubber vibration insulators, synthetic leather, etc. It has a transient existence in water; thus, its water solubility is only notional. Chem. EPA has developed a separate Action Plan for Toluene Diiscyanate (TDI) and its related compounds. To generate different urea's, various primary and secondary amines were used as pre-catalysts. Some body weight depression was observed in males of the mid-concentration group through week 10. Methods Objects Chem Anal 15(1):3339, Huang XY, Yu W, Sung CSP (1990) Studies of Model Urethane Reactions and Cure in Polyurethanes by UV Absorption and Fluorescence Spectroscopy. However, when guinea-pigs were exposed to a high concentration of 4,4-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate (135 or 360 mg/m3 . Los datos disponibles indican que no hay que preocuparse por los efectos del MDI en los organismos del medio ambiente, aunque para llegar a conclusiones definitivas se necesitara informacin ms detallada sobre la formacin de MDA en el medio ambiente y sus efectos en los organismos. Una vez recogida de manera adecuada la forma aerosol mediante interceptadores, burbujas o filtros, el MDI y el PMDI se analizan mediante cromatografa lquida de alto rendimiento. . 11122). Lung to body weight ratios were significantly higher only in the mid- and high-concentration groups relative to controls. PMDI is a dark reddish brown viscous liquid with an indefinite melting point around 0 C and a vapour pressure of <1 mPa at 20 C (DFG, 1997). Access the public comment docket for the Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate (MDI) Action Plan (Docket ID EPA-HQ-OPPT-2011-0182) on Regulations.gov. The investigators did not find an association (using standardized mortality ratios or SMRs) between exposure to diisocyanates and cancer. 4,4'-diphenyl methane diisocyanate (MDI ) / 1,1'-methylenebis(4-isocyanato-benzene) . `"v7.=:@[pxBD O5 208 are presented in Table 2. ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSPORT, DISTRIBUTION, AND TRANSFORMATION, 6. The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany, provided financial support for the printing of this publication. The first draft is based on an existing national, regional, or international review. No hay datos disponibles para la exposicin oral, pero es poco probable la exposicin de las personas al MDI por esta va. The RDDR adjusts for dosimetric differences between laboratory animals and humans by applying normalizing factors to various areas of the respiratory tract. o-(p-isocyanatobenzyl) phenyl isocyanate. International archives of occupational and environmental health, 61(8):495501. Where spillage is to soil or water, MDI has a transient existence due to its reaction with the water to produce predominantly insoluble polyureas. Total world production of MDI and polymeric MDI is over 7.5 million tonnes per year (in 2017). Analysis of HRF production by subpopulations of peripheral blood mononuclear cells showed that lymphocytes and adherent cells were major sources of both spontaneous and antigen-stimulated HRF (cellular immune response) (Herd & Bernstein, 1994). 4,4'-Methylenediphenylene diisocyanate. The amine product will spontaneously react with another isocyanate molecule forming a urea. Exposure to PMDI aerosols at a concentration of 12 mg/m3 caused premature death in 2 out of 25 animals. TDI is used to make flexible polyurethane foam for furniture, bedding, carpet underlay and other products. Authors are required to take reviewers comments into account and revise their draft, if necessary. N.O.S. Le MDI ne provoque pas dintoxications aigus chez lanimal. Chin J Chem Eng 25(10):14351441, Cao Y et al (2015) Kinetics of the decomposition of dimethylhexane-1,6-dicarbamate to 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate. Skarping G, Dalene M (1995) Determination of 4,4-methylenediphenyldianiline (MDA) and identification of isomers in technical-grade MDA in hydrolysed plasma and urine from workers exposed to methylene diphenyldiisocyanate by gas chromatographymass spectrometry. However, significantly more frequent respiratory symptoms were sometimes observed at these concentrations, although it is not clear whether they were caused by simultaneous exposure to other compounds. Female Wistar rats were treated topically (on the back) with 14C-MDI (labelled in the ring) in acetone to investigate the possibility of systemic circulation and DNA-binding potency of MDI (Vock & Lutz, 1997). In such atmospheres, exposure may be to unreacted MDI or to a mixture of MDI and polyols, reactants used to convert MDI to polyurethane foams. [9] These rigid polyurethane foams are good thermal insulators and used in nearly all freezers and refrigerators worldwide, as well as buildings. The most commonly applied industrial synthesis of 4,4-methylene diphenyl diamine (4,4-MDA), an important polyurethane intermediate, is the reaction of aniline and formaldehyde. Se bas principalmente en los exmenes de la Sociedad Japonesa de Salud Ocupacional (JSOH, 1994) y de la US EPA (1998) para la evaluacin toxicolgica y de la Unin Europea (EU, 1999) para la evaluacin ambiental. The reactions between substituted isocyanates (RNCO) and other small molecules (e.g. In contrast to the results reported by Reuzel et al. Pour ce qui est de lexposition par la voie respiratoire, on ne dispose que dtudes limites sur le rat. D16. The Committee submits the OEL as a provisional OEL to a meeting of JSOH councillors and to an annual general meeting of JSOH for temporary approval, after which the provisional OEL and documentation are published in JSOHs official journal, Sangyo Eiseigaku Zasshi (formerly Sangyo Igaku [Japanese Journal of Industrial Health]. Bulletin europen de physiopathologie respiratoire, 23:561564. [5] Other major producers are Covestro,[6] BASF, Dow, Huntsman, Tosoh, Kumho Mitsui Chemicals. ! _ ( 5 ] other major producers are Covestro, [ 6 ] BASF, Dow Huntsman. Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany, provided financial support for the of. On an existing national, regional, or methylene diphenyl diisocyanate reaction with water review formation can provide strategy to prevent from reactions. High-Concentration groups relative to controls in these workers were exposed to a new manufacturing facility ''! 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