Neville is portrayed to be left-handed. When he went to the Ministry of Magic later that year, Bellatrix taunted him about his parents, but Neville fought back, much to Bellatrix's surprise. As the Carrows no longer had hope of finding any real leverage to use against Neville, and had no reason not to simply kill him, Neville went into hiding in the Room of Requirement, where he was soon joined by a number of other Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students who saw fit to do the same. I used to notice that when you did it, Harry.Neville discussing the resistance to the Carrows at Hogwarts, On 2 May 1998, Neville enthusiastically greeted Harry, Hermione, and Ron, and led them from the Hog's Head into the Room of Requirement. During their years at Hogwarts, they became closer as Hermione encouraged him to stand up for himself when Draco Malfoy and his friends played pranks on him, or made jokes at his expense. As with co-stars Daniel Radcliffe (Harry), Rupert Grint (Ron), Tom Felton (Draco), and Emma Watson (Hermione), the baby fat slowly melted off over the years and Neville blossomed in front of our eyes into a genuinely handsome young man. [29] After the passwords disappeared, Sirius Black managed to enter Gryffindor Tower with a knife. Rubeus Hagrid arrived soon enough and took Neville to the Hospital Wing. [12] The midwife who attended the birth assumed that his father had tucked him in more tightly. However the other students pointed out that Neville should be all right; he was a pure-blood and thus unlikely to be attacked. I got this one (indicates to a large gash on his cheek) for asking her how much Muggle blood she and her brother have got.Neville explaining Hogwarts new regime and his stand against the Carrows. It was reported by Rita Skeeter that Neville was the godfather of Harry's second son, Albus Potter. Neville was one of two infants referred to in a prophecy made by Sybill Trelawney about the person with the power to defeat the Dark Lord. Neville is a pure-blood wizard born to Frank and Alice Longbottom, who were prominent Aurors and also members of the Order of the Phoenix during the first war against Lord Voldemort. [59], Neville enlisted some students to help with caring for his Mimbulus mimbletonia over the winter. 10. Once inside, he excitedly showed them his Mimbulus mimbletonia, a birthday present from his great-uncle Algie. McGonagall knew that Neville was capable of more than he seemed and saw that he was actually brave, and thus encouraged him to work to his potential. Neville Longbottom (b. He was also the godfather of Harry and Ginny's second son, Albus Potter. As Harry pulled Neville up a flight of stairs, Neville accidentally smashed the prophecy. During Neville's last year at Hogwarts, he, Luna and Ginny, re-formed and co-led Dumbledore's Army in order to oppose the Carrows. [39] Part of Neville's problem seems to have been poor self-esteem, as he referred to himself as a "nobody" and "almost a Squib"[25] at times. It is possible Snape hated Neville so much because if Voldemort had chosen to go after him rather than Harry, Lily would still be alive. She has an older twin brother named, Keith and older sister named, Alice. In an attempt to control Neville, Ministry Auror John Dawlish was sent to take Neville's grandmother hostage; unfortunately for Dawlish, the tenacious Augusta Longbottom fought back, apparently putting Dawlish in St Mungo's and going on the run. Neville thought Albus Dumbledore was the greatest wizard of all time. [28], The next day in Potions, Neville again managed to earn the ire of Professor Snape. Moments later, he crashed back to the ground when the chandelier collapsed. Sent into the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid to search for an injured unicorn, Neville and Malfoy went along one path with Fang, while the other three took another. As he revealed in an interview with The . What initials were found on the note? He is a very timid boy, often seen as a bit of a dunce. And finally, Voldemort tortured Neville by trying to set him on fire (he set the Sorting Hat on fire, which had been placed upon Neville's head). What do I have to do to make you understand, Longbottom?Snape tormenting Neville. Click here to learn about Neville's head of house, Professor Minerva McGonagall. Post . Also during the Battle Neville duelled Scabior on the Covered Bridge. [59], Later in the school year, during a detention session, Neville introduced his old friend Harry Potter to the students when he visited the school. Her name holds a deeper meaning, but it was almost something entirely different. 'But he might have chosen wrong!' said Harry. He has also been featured in several other films and TV series like Me Before You, Wasteland, and The Syndicate.He has a huge social media fan base with over 2 million followers on Instagram and more than 1.7 million followers on Twitter. At some point, Trevor escaped into the Hogwarts Lake. He stated that he was proud to be their son and knew that they loved him, even if they couldn't recognise him. [46], When another Death Eater seized Neville, Bellatrix Lestrange briefly tortured Neville with the Cruciatus Curse, both to try to make Harry hand over the prophecy and to see how long Neville held out before "cracking" like his parents. After he recovered, he participated in the all-out battle that followed. At some point they became very close friends. He somehow was able to turn his Shrinking Solution orange instead of green. To counter the boggart, Lupin asked Neville to picture Snape in his grandmother's clothes. When he learned Malfoy was trying to get them caught, Neville snuck out of Gryffindor Tower to find them and warn them. Eventually, the Carrows realised that Neville was the main ringleader and decided that Hogwarts could do without him. [59], Neville remained unconscious when Daniel Page, Ivy Warrington and their friend arrived at the caravan dungeon to save him and Esme. When asked what scared him most in the world, Neville replied "Professor Snape", to which everyone found amusing. I'll I'll fight you!Neville bravely standing up to his friends, Neville began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on 1 September 1991. There are all kinds of courage. [50], Towards the end of the school year, Neville participated in the Battle of the Astronomy Tower. Matthew is known for his role as Neville Longbottom in the Harry Potter film series. He even taunts Voldemort, saying that he will die in vain, (though Voldemort simply laughs at him), he pulls out the sword and Harry reveals himself to be alive. Harry throw Neville the prophecy to cast Impediment Jinx on Malfoy. [59], He was interrupted again by Crane in another class when talking about vampiric vegetation, and was asked about his storeroom. Neville had fainted, and Harry saw out of the corner of his eye a red flash of hair in the wind to his right side. After learning Neville was indirectly responsible, Professor McGonagall banned him from all future visits into Hogsmeade for the remainder of the school year, gave him a detention, and forbade anyone from giving him the password to the common room, thus he had to wait outside the portrait until someone came by while security trolls hired to guard the Fat Lady leered unpleasantly at him. They were quick to mobilise against the invading Death Eaters, with Neville at their lead, while Harry, Ron, and Hermione were searching for Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem. He became a member of Dumbledore's Army partially in order to oppose her. This was likely caused by his grandmother's belief that he was not living up to his parents' accomplishments, and browbeating from fellow students and people like Professor Snape. [62], Neville was said to strongly resemble his mother. Harry barely even thought- "Ron! -- Neville Longbottom ( OP10) The Mimbulus mimbletonia is a very rare magical plant, native to Assyria, which resembles a grey cactus but with boils where the spines would have been. Desperately, he asked Hermione for help; she whispered instructions to him out of the corner of her mouth. And as the films liked to stick quite closely to the description from the book, this caused Matthew Lewis, the actor who played Neville, a bit of a headache. Hermione apologised and struck Neville with a Full Body-Bind Curse so that she, Harry, and Ron could leave. opposed the new headmaster, Severus Snape, and the two new Death Eater professors, Alecto and Amycus Carrow, who taught anti-Muggle propaganda and the Dark Arts. Neville would later fight in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries (1996), the Battle of the Astronomy Tower (1997), and the Battle of Hogwarts (1998). [54], During the first round of battle, Neville used various plants to attack Death Eaters, and helped transport the injured and dead when a temporary cease-fire was called. Nonetheless, Voldemort picked Harry for the reasons Dumbledore theorises here. [52] Ginny and Neville also fought at the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, and the Battle of Hogwarts (where they blew up together the covered bridge). It turned clear once whatever was forgotten was remembered. With some encouragement from Jacob's sibling, however, Neville promised to practise hard until he made his family proud. He also held a mandatory Herbology lecture for members of the Statute of Secrecy Task Force, including the same Calamity Investigator, where he discussed better clipping techniques and allowed the Calamity Investigator to try them out. He also informed the trio that the D.A. The boils are a defensive mechanism that spew Stinksap upon contact. Jacob's sibling offered Neville a Wizard Cracker, which the boy happily accepted. . Furthermore, it's unknown if his appearance changed as he matured over the years, but it should be noted that the film Neville grew from a short, chubby boy into a lean young man taller than even Harry. [22], For standing up to the trio, Neville won ten points for Gryffindor at the end-of-term feast. However, he soon became separated from her and ended up lost in the hospital. Neville admitted in 1993 that Snape scared him more than anything else in the world, and was the form his boggart took. He met Dumbledore in 1991, when he was the headmaster of Hogwarts. As the battle restarts, Voldemort, in his rage, actually. They were placed in the . Longbottom is a family name around Bristol, where JK Rowling spent part of her childhood. [46] Neville would later carry on their legacy as a resistance fighter against Voldemort's regime at Hogwarts, and later in his brief career as an Auror. [14], Neville asserted that he wanted to grow up to be just like his parents one day, but was afraid he would simply be a disappointment due to Augusta previously claiming that he had a lot to live up to. in 1996, Harry noted that Neville looked happier than usual without Snape around. He cast some spells to mend the damaged tree. Bellatrix Lestrange led fellow Death Eaters; Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, and Barty Crouch Jnr in the torture Neville's parents by means of the Cruciatus Curse, leaving them permanently incapacitated in St Mungo's. She still seems to love her son, giving him what she can . RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Things About Mad-Eye Moody The Movies Leave Out. Lewis certainly had a major glow-up and became one of the heartthrobs of the cast. Because Hermione had "always been so nice", Neville plucked up the courage to ask her to the Yule Ball in 1994, though she had already accepted the offer of Viktor Krum.[36]. Along with Luna Lovegood, he was the only member of Dumbledore's Army to reply to the summons via the coins. In Care of Magical Creatures class, Neville practised bowing to a hippogriff; he constantly backed away from the beast, which did not seem to want to bow back. Frank and Alice were tortured into insanity with the Cruciatus Curse by Death Eaters Bellatrix Lestrange, her husband Rodolphus Lestrange, her brother-in-law Rabastan Lestrange, and Barty Crouch Jnr. In the spring of 1994, Neville lost the passwords to Gryffindor Tower; because Sir Cadogan changed them so frequently, Neville needed to write them down so he could remember them. Neville was their first victim, being attacked by a Dementor when he was picking herbs with students in the Forbidden Forest. Didn't you hear me say, quite clearly, that only one rat spleen was needed? Previous to this, there were various attempts to make him show signs of magic, including dropping him off Blackpool pier, where, according to Neville, he nearly drowned. In his first Potions lesson, Neville melted Seamus Finnigan's cauldron, and was subsequently drenched in the boil-curing potion they had been brewing. In his own way to subvert the Carrows' manner of discipline, Snape only gave them a detention, sending them into the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid. This was likely due to his own experience with his parents being subjected to the curse's worst possible outcome: the onset of permanent and complete insanity. meetings, and was the fastest to pick up new spells aside from Hermione. His performance in Dumbledore's Army increased to the point where he managed to master the Shield Charm before everyone but Hermione. Get his left side! Upon returning Trevor to his proper size, Snape took five points from Hermione simply to spite the Gryffindors. After Dumbledore's death in 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince', Harry finds a message left in the counterfeit horcrux they'd retrieved. Minerva McGonagall was Neville's Head of House and Transfiguration professor during his years at Hogwarts. [10] Sometime afterwards, he either sent an application to or was offered a place on the Hogwarts staff by Headmistress Minerva McGonagall, and ultimately landed a teaching job in the Herbology department,[4] under Head of Department, Pomona Sprout. The classes he were cleared to take were Herbology, Charms, and Defence Against the Dark Arts. When an unidentified student realised they had seen Harry at King's Cross Station, Harry remarked they had been very confused, which Neville thought would happen to the best of them. Magical Characteristics. Doll eye color: Green. [57], Throughout his new career, his students would come to be impressed whenever he showed them his Dumbledore's Army coin, which he and other D.A. He was given to Neville by his Uncle Algie upon Neville's gaining admission to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The actor, best known as the clumsy Neville Longbottom of "Harry Potter" fame, is a dashing suitor in the PBS reboot of "All Creatures Great and Small." 8 Matthew Lewis and Rachel Shenton in. He, Ron, Ginny and Luna joined Harry and Hermione, who had left Umbridge at the grace of infuriated centaurs. This story does not allow contributions. The other was Harry Potter, and it was Harry whom Voldemort targeted on 31 October 1981 making Harry his equal and leading to his first defeat. [28], In their first Divination class, Neville accidentally broke two of Professor Trelawney's tea cups while reading tea leaves. However, he thought that they should not be breaking rules and risking that Gryffindor would lose more points, and blocked the portrait hole, willing to fight them to make them stay. Neville was later invited to join Horace Slughorn, the new Potions Master, in his train compartment. [20], In time, Neville learned about Harry and Hermione's attempt to take Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback up to the Astronomy Tower to send to Ron's brother Charlie. members kept as a keepsake and had come to be seen as something of a badge of honour. At the time of his birth, Neville was marked by a prophecy as being one of two children with the potential to defeat Lord Voldemort, the most powerful and feared Dark wizard in the world. [38], When Harry, Ron, and Hermione began organising Dumbledore's Army, Neville was among the first to sign up. Item Number (DPCI): 086-14-2290. . At one point, Sprout even spoke of Neville's strength in the subject to Barty Crouch Jnr, while he was disguised as Professor Moody. Neville met Ron Weasley on the Hogwarts Express at the start of their first year. [59], During the first Hogsmeade weekend trip in the 20102011 school year, Neville caught up with Ivy Warrington, Daniel Page and another student after they fought a masked wizard following a magical display that damaged a tree. 's most courageous members. Material: Plastic. When encouraged by Hermione, Ron, and Harry to stand up for himself, Neville replied with "how I can barely stand at all" but, despite this previous mind set Neville grew to be someone who was much more difficult to bully by his later years at Hogwarts. To practise the Disarming Charm, Neville was paired with Justin Finch-Fletchley. had taken to living there. From the moment he made his appearance in the books he was depicted as a 'round-face boy'. Matthew Lewis had to wear fake teeth for the fourth film. Steven McMackin{{ relativeTimeResolver(1611104959174) }} LIVE Points28 Rating Similar Questions Sign in to view all similar questions What color is neville longbottom 's eyes? [51], Alecto, Amycus's sister, teaches Muggle Studies, which is compulsory for everyone. After scoring his breakout role in 2001's "The Sorcerer's Stone," Lewis transformed. The world first fell for Matthew Lewis as the nerdy but lovable Neville Longbottom across eight world-conquering Harry Potter movies. Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixGinny Weasley introduces Neville and Luna. However, he thought he was very close to being a Squib and was still in danger anyway. Neville and Hannah Abbott were never shown as being more than classmates during school. Literature Neville helped re-form Dumbledore's Army, along with Ginny and Luna, and maintained a steady opposition against the Carrows throughout the course of the year. It is stated by Dumbledore that both of them had "thrice defied" Voldemort by 1981. [63] He was also somewhat buck-toothed. [12] She often chided Neville for not living up to his family's honour and was partly the reason for Neville's lack of self-confidence early in his school years. [53] As students returned, along with the Order of the Phoenix, Voldemort and his Death Eater army approached, laying siege to the school in the hopes of capturing Harry Potter. [1][2] Moments after his birth, Neville was able to adjust his blankets so that he was swaddled more snugly, but no one witnessed this unusually precocious display of underage magic. After Lord Voldemort's first defeat, four fanatically loyal Death Eaters tortured Neville's parents, Frank and Alice Longbottom, to the point of insanity, using the Cruciatus Curse, in an attempt to force Voldemort's whereabouts out of them; this fact initially haunted Neville, but eventually spurred him to rise to his full potential. She and Luna Lovegood were co-leaders of the re-formed Dumbledore's Army along with Neville when Snape and the Carrows controlled Hogwarts. I'll try to get the right! Professor Sprout was Neville's Herbology professor, and as Neville proved to be quite adept at Herbology, possibly the best in the year, she was undoubtedly the Professor he got along with best. Once in the Hall of Prophecies, Harry was drawn to an orb that had his name on it. He was put in the dungeon of Gridley's caravan along with Daniel's sister Esme. Umbridge unfortunately wasn't fooled and ordered the Inquisitorial Squad to round them up. Matthew Lewis remains beloved by the Harry Potter generation as the bumbling, big-hearted Neville Longbottom. Neville seemed to get a bit more mature and determined in the, Neville confesses to Harry and Ginny during the battle that he is in love with, Neville is not burned by Voldemort, he instead makes a speech that despite Harry's 'death,' he still exists in their hearts, and that he didn't die for nothing. Neville Longbottom has a very distinct look. The four Death Eaters were all sentenced to Azkaban for their crimes, while Frank and Alice were sent to St Mungo's Hospital, where they would live the rest of their lives, not being able to recognise their own son. Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 1.1.1 Discovered in chapter 7, The Sorting Hat 1.1.2 Discovered in chapter 9, The Midnight Duel In 1994, Harry learned that Neville's parents were tortured into insanity by Barty Crouch Jnr, Bellatrix, Rodolphus, and Rabastan Lestrange. Thanks to Hermione, Neville was able to fix his potion so that his toad wasn't harmed. This wand was later broken during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. In their fifth year, Neville became a member of Dumbledore's Army, an organisation led by Harry to oppose Dolores Umbridge and learn practical defensive magic. Brown. Check out our neville longbottom art selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. While training with the D.A.equipped Neville to face the Death Eaters in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, the sense of camaraderie Neville enjoyed with them made him one of only three members (along with Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood) to answer Ron and Hermione's call leading up to the Battle of the Astronomy Tower. [42] This was proven by his participation in many battles and his revival of the D.A. Barty Crouch was given the Dementor's Kiss in 1995 after having been exposed, losing his soul.[68]. Here are 5 funniest & most heartbreaking quotes said by him. After arriving at Hogsmeade Station, Neville told people about the experience in the compartment. Neville refused Harry's suggestion that he leave with an incapacitated Hermione to go get help, instead carrying her while he and Harry searched for Ron, Ginny, and Luna. Neville Longbottom, now a popular Herbology teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is here in Patagonia with his wife Hannah. meetings during their sixth year. Hannah is eventually retrained as a Healer and applies to become the new matron of Hogwarts, a job held by Poppy Pomfrey during their years as students. As the class departed, Professor Trelawney warned him that he would be late next class and urged him to work hard to catch up with everyone else. Before Neville left, his mother handed him an empty Droobles Blowing Gum wrapper; while his grandmother wanted him to throw it away, Neville instead pocketed it. As soon as he held the Remembrall in his hand for the first time, it turned red . Minerva McGonagall saw how easily Harry retrieved the ball and asked him to join the team. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! [41] Their torture clearly haunted him, as he was badly shaken by seeing the Cruciatus Curse demonstrated on a spider in his fourth year.[33]. Neville challenged Malfoy on hearing this, and single-handedly took on Malfoy's friends Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, while Ron fought Malfoy. Throughout the Harry Potter series, the wizard was seen by others as clumsy, as dim, as a coward. [37], After arriving at Hogwarts, Neville helped Harry get into Gryffindor Tower as Harry had not learned the new password yet, and then defended Harry during a verbal fight with Seamus Finnigan, claiming that the Daily Prophet was going downhill, not Harry and Dumbledore. During a Christmas season in the 1980s, Neville travelled with his grandmother to St Mungos to visit his parents for the holidays. Years after the war, Neville was given the position of Herbology professor at Hogwarts, although it is unknown if McGonagall was still teaching there. During the Sorting Ceremony, he silently argued for a long time to be placed in Hufflepuff, but the Sorting Hat won in the end, and Sorted him into Gryffindor. [21], The night Quirinus Quirrell attempted to steal the Philosopher's Stone, Neville followed Harry's advice and attempted to stop Harry, Ron, and Hermione from sneaking out, though he did not know what they were trying to do. In addition to this, Neville also indirectly fulfilled his role in the prophecy by destroying Voldemort's last remaining Horcrux as it was this act which rendered Voldemort mortal and allowed Harry to finally defeat Voldemort. I learned loads with you!Neville to Harry Potter on D.A. When he was younger, Neville was clumsy, forgetful, shy, and many considered him ill-suited for Gryffindor house because he seemed timid. Amycus taught Defence Against the Dark Arts, which he changed to the Dark Arts, and Alecto taught Muggle Studies with an obvious anti-Muggle slant. Nearly everyone laughed at that, and then Professor Lupin replied thoughtfully, "Professor Snape."[8]. We can't let him fall!" It is possible that she applied in order to be closer to Neville. Harry and Neville also recalled the numerous adventures they had gone through when they were in school, and Neville remarked that despite the experiences, they always tried to stay out of trouble, but he and Harry knew it couldn't have been true, which was also reflected on their faces. [39] With Harry's encouragement, by the beginning of Christmas break, Neville had improved "beyond all recognition. Death Eaters Alecto and Amycus Carrow were appointed professors at Hogwarts in 1997, after Dumbledore's death. They run into the Time Room, where he disarmed Rabastan Lestrange who was struggling with Harry, accidentally disarming Harry as well. She was also a friend of Neville's grandmother, and had known his parents in their days as Aurors.