That being said, a variegated adansonii can be astronomically priced, with one recently fetching $38,000 at auction. However, the growth of the two adansonii differs. (ANSWERED), How To Get Rid Of Thrips In Monstera? (Nine Reasons & How to Fix), Why Is Monstera Albo So Expensive? Should You Worry If Your Monstera Starts To Sweat? Philodendron minima: this plant is a bit tricky. Leaf Texture The texture of the two adansonii forms differs completely. Once it has rooted, you can transplant it into a soil mix. If pets come into contact with these plants, they may display different symptoms, including mouth irritation, swelling, and discomfort in the lips, tongue, and mouth. The leaf of Monstera can grow an average length of 36 inches. To prevent root rot in your Monstera, its best to check your soil with a fingertip instead of necessarily sticking to a stringent watering regime. You wont find yourself paying much more than you would for any other common Monstera houseplant, depending on the size and maturity of your chosen plant. Try our list of Rare Plant Shops or Etsy. Real VS. It does look like a very young plant, which makes it harder to tell exactly, especially with varieties of M. adansonii. This treasure is famous for its growth and really gets going when it has the opportunity to climb, stopping only when it has reached the top end of its support. They can survive and thrive in spaces that receive bright but indirect light, with no real need to be too close to windows, as long as the area is illuminated for most of the day. (How To Fix It), How to Know When to Repot a Monstera (EXPLAINED), How to Make Monstera Grow Faster (5 Steps + Tips), How to Encourage Variegation in Monstera (4 Steps), Can Monstera Grow & Live in Water? Related: Heres the Best Pot for Your Monstera. Indeed, it is one of the smaller plants in the Araceae family. Monstera Monkey Leaf: origin and properties. Technically speaking, Adansonii can reach a height of up to 4.00 meters (13 feet). The Adansonii subspecies Adansonii is native to the region from Antilles to Tobago. There is, however, a difference in how much these plants climb. Some of these differences are mentioned below. Unveiling the Rare Plants High Price, Why Are My Monstera Leaves Getting Smaller? The ideal temperature range for this plant is between 65F to 85F (18C . Monstera Adansonii Variegated. These roots help anchor the Monstera plant to any structure, such as a tree or a moss pole. 1. I always throw in an extra handful or two . Indoors, they do best with 6 to 8 hours of indirect sunlight daily. Because this plant is so accessible to many hobbyists, Monstera Adansonii had been given a lot of common names. MONSTERA OBLIQUA VS. ADANSONII. You can expect to pay between $15 and sometimes $30. One main difference between the Adansonii and the Dilciosa is the leaf size. The Monstera Adansonii can survive in temperatures as low as 55 degrees Fahrenheit and as high as 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Variegated adansonii are spectacularly rare and go for exorbitant prices when they do become available. Indeed, the ever-elusive Monstera obliqua is also a species of adansonii. Like other Monstera varieties, the allure of these plants is largely due . It is found in Central America and is known for its pale yellow spade, which is larger than the spadix. Item Information. If youre inspecting your adansonii regularly for signs of distress, you should be able to identify potential root rot quite quickly, but immediate action must be taken to curb the spread of this disease on your Monstera. You'll have a brand new plant to give to a friend or trade at a plant swap. Monstera Adansonii Variegata @michelles_50plants Keep the soil moist. Monstera adansonii is known for its beautiful heart-shaped leaves. Here'sall you need to know about taking care of Monstera Adansonii Best Monstera Adansonii Varieties 1. Generally, when people refer to the Monstera adansonii, they think of the easy-to-find, glossy green creeper adorning the homes of thousands of houseplant enthusiasts. 1 Answer. Naturally found in Guatemala and Mexico, this Monstera has unusually smooth leaves. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. It must also be noted that two things will directly impact how big an adansonii grows, namely season and planter size. Lets jump right in. Needless to say, once the sun comes back, theyll bounce back in full force. Several varieties of Monstera adansonii exist under one umbrella term. In some regions you may find mature specimens in which 80% of their leaves are perforations while elsewhere the leaves may be entire. They grow similarly-shaped holes inside the leaves, and the leaves themselves are narrow rather than oval or arrow-shaped. (ANSWERED), Why Are My Monstera Leaves Turning Black? You can purchase soil pre-made or mix it yourself. Thickness of the leaves. Some Monstera plants have wider, rounder leaves, while others have narrow ones, but they are the same species of plant, however, they may be different subspecies. Where the deliciosa and other popular Monstera have split leaves that look as though theyve been cut, the adansonii typically has apertures closer to its leaves central veins. Narrow-form plants have more elongated foliage, with the leaf tips often pointing slightly to one side. However, this is just a ballpark estimation and depends on a few factors, including the size of your adansonii and its planter, temperature, and how much humidity they receive. So, dont think of it as minimizing your plant, but rather as a rejuvenation tactic. In a few weeks, it should be able to hold its own and will continue to root upwards. In healthy Monstera plants, they will be glossy. Not bad at all! A truly special sight to behold is the incredibly rare variegated Monstera adansonii. Reply. While this gorgeous plant is sometimes (incorrectly) palmed off as a Monstera obliqua, it is closer in appearance to the deliciosa, just on a much smaller scale and with denser growth patterns. While the adansonii narrow form grows upwards to considerable heights, the wide form grows horizontally into a bush. Over watering the plant can develop root rot and yellow leaves. Related: Monstera Light Requirements: How Much Does It Need? If it is water-logged and soggy, the chances are high that your plant is infected. As an alternative, a trailing Monstera adansonii in a hanging basket can look spectacular as you let their beautiful leaves drape downwards. Its most prolific growth is during the warmer months, from spring to early autumn, after which it enters a slow or dormant phase. Symptoms of root rot include yellowing leaves, drooping, stunted growth, and a damp-smelling, foul odor. The size depends on the age of the plant. Their seems to be several clones on the market. 16-28C (61-82F). Monstera friedrichsthalii, Monstera adansonii care and growth requirement, Osmocote Smart-Release Plant Food Plus Outdoor & Indoor, Its common names are Adansons Monstera, Swiss cheese plant or vine, five-hole plant, Monkey Mask monstera or Cheese Swiss philodendron, South and Central America and surrounding islands, Evergreen, tropical climbing hemiepiphyte, 6.5 to 20 feet (2-6m) in the wild and 4 to 8 feet inside the house. While adansonii are resilient, it must be said that its not a good idea to repeatedly let your Monstera dry out to the point that they start to wilt. Fortunately, when those signs of underwatering start to appear, you can solve this conundrum with a hearty dose of H20. One of the biggest challenges facing houseplant owners is root rot, which can be devastating if not treated timeously. Aside from the obvious perk of emulating their natural environments, misting also goes a long way to keeping an adansonii looking its best. However, if youre growing an adansonii from a cutting, the onus is on you to ensure you have the right ground mix for your new baby. Uncovering Plant Care Solutions, What Temperature Can a Monstera Survive: Essential Guidelines for Plant Lovers, How Long Does It Take for Monstera to Grow a New Leaf: A Quick Guide, What Do Monstera Aerial Roots Look Like: A Visual Guide, What Do Monstera Seeds Look Like: A Comprehensive Visual Guide, How to Stake Monstera with Bamboo: A Quick and Easy Guide, Why is Monstera Obliqua So Expensive? Also, they can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. Monstera Monkey Mask is a common nickname for the Monstera adansonii and derives from its distinct fenestrations. Most of the plants in the Monstera genus are epiphytes, which means they possess both aerial and ground roots. For example, if your plant gets a lot of sunlight, it will produce bigger leaves with more holes in them. Monstera adansonii is a popular houseplant that is easy to care for. Planning your cuts in advance is essential to creating the overall shape you desire. Otherwise, they do not look vastly different from the Adansoniis, so you may not always be able to tell the difference straight away. They have big, variegated leaves with thick white stripes or blotches on their green foliage, and they are not a different species or subspecies! The swiss cheese vine plant requires medium to high temperatures (60-80 degrees Fahrenheit) and does not tolerate frost or cold temperatures. The Monstera adansonii has more main varieties that differ vastly from one another. The plant's slow propagation rate, however, makes it very rarIf you . (ANSWERED), Monstera Amydrium vs. Monstera Adansonii (Key Similarities and Differences), Philodendron Selloum Vs. Monstera Deliciosa (Differences and Similarities), Rhaphidophora Hayi vs Monstera Dubia (Differences and Similarities), Philodendron Ginny vs. Monstera (Key Differences), Monstera Acuminata vs. Adansonii (Key Differences), Monstera in LECA vs Soil (Which Is Better? Best. The Monstera Adansonii is a fenestrated plant (leaves with holes) that grows smaller than the Monstera Deliciosa. Consider tying a small piece of yarn to the portions you want to trim, to remind you of your choices when the time comes to cut. They can reach almost 14 inches in length. The two Monstera do well in bright indirect light and can get damaged if placed in direct sun for too long, making the leaves turn brown. Some varieties have narrower leaves, while others are wider and rounder. Top Factors Explained, How to Save a Dying Monstera Plant: Expert Tips for Revival, How to Split a Monstera Plant: Expert Guide for Healthy Division, Where Should I Place My Monstera: Optimal Locations for a Healthy Plant, How to Root Monstera Albo Cutting: A Step-by-Step Guide, What Are the Slits in Monstera Called? For the most part, the Monstera adansonii price is reasonable, and they can be found worldwide in nurseries and other shops. A general rule for watering is to check the top two inches of the soil; if it feels dry, you can water the plant. For this reason, a Monstera adansonii moss pole may need regular replacing or extending. The swiss cheese plant variety 'Monkey Leaf' (Monstera adansonii) is native to the rainforests and riverbanks of Central and South America where the climate is humid, and the soils are acidic with a thick layer of humus.Legend has it that a monkey hid behind a Monstera leaf after spotting a botanist. Monstera adansonii Narrow Form As the name suggests, the leaves of the narrow form are narrower than the wide form. To summarize on a high level before I get into the details, here are the 7 distinguishing differences between the two Monstera species: The inflorescence. (EXPLAINED), How to get monstera leaves to split (EXPLAINED), How to Repot Monstera With Moss Pole? Also a tree climber, Blanchtii may be found in secondary forests in northeast and southeast Brazil. Monstera Adansonii is a fast-growing aroid which is best known for the prominent holes on its leaves even as a young plant. Set the vine in a glass of water until roots form and then plant the cutting in soil. These days, you could probably grab a cutting from a giving friend or neighbor and end up with your own flourishing adansonii in no time. The leaves of Monstera adansonii are larger Monstera acuminata has smaller leaves than its competitor. Generally, a soil mix with coco peat moss or perlite, balanced fertilizer, is a good choice for the vining plant. Care-wise, the Adansonii thrives in similar conditions to most Monsteras. 1.5 to 2.5 feet wide (slightly narrow than monstera adansonii) 2 to 3 feet wide: Humidity percentage: 65 to 80 percent. Still, I try to bring you the best information possible about the varieties of this plant. It may also take on a foul odor once infection sets in. Cut a piece of the vine with at least a few leaves. It has the classic leaf fenestrations, and it loves to climb, so make sure you provide it with plenty of support. If you notice your Monstera adansonii leaves turning yellow, dry and crispy, theyre likely too close to the sun. The best way to emulate the moist soil of the jungle floor is to water once per week. The young plants need to be repotted more frequently. Exploring Causes and Solutions, What to Do if Cat Eats Monstera: Immediate Actions and Prevention Tips, How to Get Rid of Gnats in Monstera: Effective Solutions Explained, What to Do with Burnt Monstera Leaves: Effective Remedies and Tips, How Often to Water Monstera in LECA: Expert Guide, How to Get Rid of Scale on Monstera: Effective Solutions Guide, Where Can I Buy Monstera Fruit: Your Ultimate Guide to Sourcing Exotic Produce, How to Fix Root Bound Monstera: A Concise Guide for Healthy Growth, How to Care for Baby Monstera: Essential Tips for Healthy Growth, How to Save Overwatered Monstera: Expert Tips for Plant Recovery, What to Clean Monstera Leaves With: Expert Tips for Shiny, Healthy Foliage, How to Get Bigger Leaves on Monstera Adansonii: Expert Tips for Growth and Care, Why is My Monstera Turning Light Green? Manage Settings The Monstera adansonii is part of the Araceae family and is the second most popular houseplant in the Monstera genus after the Monstera deliciosa. The leaves of the wide form of adansonii have more holes than the leaves of the narrow form. As the name suggests, the two differ in how the adansonii leaves look. How can you tell the difference between Monstera deliciosa and adansonii? Nine times out of ten, if you see a Monstera at a local nursery marked as obliqua, youll be purchasing an adansonii that is incorrectly marketed. Continue with Recommended Cookies. An Adansonii is priced similar to most other common indoor plants. What soil is best for Monstera adansonii? (ANSWERED), How Long Does it Take a Monstera Leaf to Unfurl? They can measure up to 20 inches long and 12 inches wide, while the adansonii's leaves are around 15 inches long and 9 inches wide. (EXPLAINED), How to Get Big Monstera Leaves? Despite their many similarities, these forms do differ in some characteristics. If this is not your taste, they can also be trained to climb along a trellis. It has larger holes than the narrow form leaves. Why are my Monstera adansonii leaves turning yellow? Hi, I'm Naomi and I'm here to help fellow houseplant lovers get their own plants thriving! This characteristic is mainly due to the light received by the plant. Some of these requirements are mentioned below. Why is My Monstera Turning Yellow: 7 Reasons & How to Fix? (EXPLAINED), Monstera Adansonii vs. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma (Key Differences), How To Cut Leaves Off A Monstera? This is because there is less chlorophyll in the leaves of the narrow form, and so too much direct sunlight could damage the plant. Narrow form tends to have less holes, unless you train it to climb a totem pole or climb up something else 1 More posts from the Monstera community 282 Posted by u/Beneficial_Skirt_593 (ANSWERED), How to Train Monstera to Climb (Seven Easy Steps), Why Does My Monstera Have Brown Spots? Monstera adansonii love a good misting, which, when undertaken regularly, is beneficial for keeping them moist and upping their humidity intake. While these symptoms can indicate numerous issues, the most common is dryness. Also, the internal surface of the spathe is of a cream color. Usually, if you buy an adansonii from a supplier, nursery, or garden center, the presumption is that it is already housed in appropriate soil. Snip off a section of vine that includes at least two nodes (those knobby bits where the leaves form). The monstera adansonii variegata is a monstera that has been bred to have more green and white strips. As new growth springs forth, you can manipulate it gently to grow around the pole rather than straight up. In truth, adansonii come in many shapes and forms literally. (ANSWERED), How Long Can Monstera Live in Water? (ANSWERED), How Big Does Monstera Adansonii Grow? An immature leaf of Monstera adansonii Schott. (EXPLAINED), Why Doesnt My Monstera Have Holes? Monstera adansonii Round or Wide Form. . If you hear someone referring to a Monkey Mask, the chances are high theyre referring to the Monstera adansonii. If it is dense and wet, you should hold off on watering. Adansonii, the kind that most people imagine when they think of cheese plant or Monstera, is the variety with large, hole-filled leaves that scrambles up tree trunks and fans its huge leaves toward the sunlight. 2 x Monstera Adansonii | Wide & Unusual Narrow Form Unrooted Cuttings. Sun Exposure: Partial of indirect sunlight. (Step-by-Step Guide), How To Root Monstera (Step-by-Step Guide), Monstera vs. As this plant matures, its leaves get bigger and more fenestrated. I also find that some forms of adansonii such as the adanosnii sp. Where the moniker Swiss Cheese Plant is often used interchangeably between Monstera species, the title Monkey Mask seems to be reserved more specifically for this breed. Leaf Color. Supplemental feeding with a nutrient-rich fertilizer is also beneficial as is providing bright, indirect light. Plant enthusiasts use these characteristics to differentiate between the two adansonii forms. The rarity stems from the fact that these white areas are caused by a genetic mutation, so the numbers of these plants cannot be increased by cultivating seeds. Indoors, they also attach themselves to various supports as a means to reach greater heights, with their natural inclination being to grow upwards. friedrichsthalii AKA Narrow Form adansonii or . Its remarkable how your watering practices can affect an adansonii, but also good in a way as how your Monsteras leaves behave can tell you a lot about your plants overall health. However, one of the most crucial factors to consider when caring for this plant is its temperature requirements. This makes the leaves resemble Swiss cheese. These gratifying plants are fast to multiply, provided you select a healthy cutting and practice a few weeks worth of patience. If you want to grow its stunning types, then check out the Best Monstera Adansonii Varieties below! The same is true for the Monstera adansonii. If you notice your Monstera adansoniis leaves turning yellow suddenly, your plant is in ill health. A well draining mix, with 20% perlite to it. The narrow form of the plant requires less light than the wide form. jus__plants. The very young plant has a curved leaf blade, and the leaves tend to have around four elliptical holes. (EXPLAINED), How Long Do Monstera Plants Live? b) Leaves Monstera adansonii leaves begin small but get incredibly big as the plants age. Leaves from an adult plant are very big, usually ovate, with large holes in them and highly asymmetrical. Because these are so unusual, they tend to be expensive to buy, even when you purchase small cuttings. Consequently, it is advisable to mix your soil with moss or bark for extra organic matter and to occasionally feed your Monstera with a bit of fertilizer for extra nutrition. With ovate to elliptic, falcate leaves, they can grow fast and get very big when grown in their native environment. ), Monstera White Tiger Vs. Albo (Similarities And Differences), Monstera Marmorata vs. Aurea: Key Similarities and Differences, Monstera Deliciosa Large Form vs. Small Form (Key Similarities and Differences), Why Is My Monstera Growing Sideways? Affiliate Disclaimer: is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Monstera Adansonii Narrow Form Summary. 1. Its resilience, ease of care, and lacy, delicate look make it a definite fan favorite for Monstera enthusiasts. This is perfectly normal, and the plant is simply dormant. The appearance of Monstera Obliqua can vary greatly from one another. Monstera adansonii Albo - minty variegata for sale in NZ. The monstera obliqua is one of the rarest varieties of monstera. Perlite retains water while also aiding drainage by trapping air and expanding, allowing excess moisture to filter out. Monstera adansonii is different from epipremnoides in the size, color, texture, and perforations of the leaves. (EXPLAINED), Can You Propagate Monstera Without Node? Wide form is also used . Uma publicao partilhada por Planted by Indi ???? The holes on the leaves of the wide form are more symmetrical. To diagnose the same, you can also feel your plants soil. There are various forms of Monstera adansonii including: Narrow form (the leaves are, er, narrower) Wide form (the leaves are, er, wider) Laniata (honestly, there's a raging debate over whether this is even a thing, similar to the whole Monstera borsigiana, but from what I can tell, the holes run close to the central vein of the leaf) At worst, your adansonii may require some pruning and potentially repotting. Add to Favorites More like this Narrow Leaf Monstera - Monstera Adansonii Narrow Form - Swisscheese Vine Plant - Narrow Monstera Vine Plant - 4" Pot Live Starter Plant Ad vertisement by OkPlants . The texture can also vary between plants. These plants look very much like the normal Monstera adansonii, and the leaves and stems are very similar. there are even more types as well. Monstera adansonii and Philodendron are related plants, but there are important differences. Monstera adansonii are not particularly expensive (generally ranging from $10 to $30), especially as they are becoming more freely available and popular. Monstera adansonii require regular watering, usually once per week. Bolivia (not official ID) and narrow form looks similar to esqueleto in terms of perforation and leaf size. Whether youre buying your adansonii from a store or growing it from a propagated cutting, there are a few fundamentals to keep in mind. While they are similar in appearance, there are clear distinguishments between the two once youre familiar with the Monstera family. Albo Variegata. But Laniata has more coriaceous leaves and more irregular and numerous perforations. Some of these similarities are mentioned below. Essential Tips to Fix It, When to Use a Moss Pole for Monstera: Timely Tips and Guidelines, How to Get Monstera to Grow Bigger Leaves: Expert Tips and Tricks, What is Eating My Monstera Leaves: Uncovering Culprits and Solutions, How to Make Your Monstera Grow Faster: Proven Tips for Lush Leaves, How to Treat Monstera Root Rot: Effective Solutions for Healthy Growth, How Long Does it Take for Monstera to Propagate? A Monstera adansonii needs an aroid soil mix that is well-draining and moisture retentive. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Plants of the wide/fat/round form have leaves that are crinkly and bumpy, with a "bubbled" appearance. The growing season is the best time for pruning a Monstera adansonii, as it will have plenty of energy from the sun and warmth. Vote. Feed a balanced fertilizer monthly in the spring and summer. It's relatively inexpensive. (ANSWERED), How To Propagate A Monstera Adansonii (Step by Step Guide), How Often Should You Water Monstera In Summer? Unraveling its Mysterious Origins, Why Is My Monstera Growing Mushrooms: Causes and Solutions, Why Does My Monstera Have White Spots? Monstera adansonii Round Form The Monstera Adansonii Round Form has the same holes in the leaves as the Narrow Form but is wider and more heart-shaped. Obliqua's holes are much bigger; even some say they are more hole than leaf! It is one of the most readily available and well-known species among Monsteras. The length of the leaf extends to twice the width, and the leaf tips are pointed, giving the leaf a narrow shape. Resulting from a genetic mutation, this specimen can be identified by its bright white stripes or patches, which often cover up to 70% of a leaf. It is hard to find and when or if you're able to find it, Monstera Adansonii Care, Propagation & Varieties Read More While the adansonii is not yet as commonly found as the deliciosa, for example, it is no longer a scarce commodity either. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'plantinggeek_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_6',125,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-plantinggeek_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Their leaves tend to be ovate-elliptic to oblong-elliptic and are quite big, more than twice as long as wide. In the following sections, well look at what happens when your adansonii gets too thirsty, as well as how to improve their hydration intake. They also have a feather-like shape, while Monstera leaves are round and heart-shaped. The Adansonii's all look similar, and it is very difficult to get them labeled correctly. Wide form Monstera adansonii can be identified by their thicker stems and rounder leaves, whereas narrow-form adansonii have thin vine-like stems and slightly more elongated leaves. Then place in water and wait for several weeks, and sometimes over a month, for roots to form. Let's go over all the tips you'll need to provide your jungle beauty the best of care! A rare and costly third form of the adansonii plant in the variegated Monstera adansonii albo. Monstera adansonii typically has smaller, smoother leaves that are a darker shade of green compared to the more textured, lighter green leaves of Monstera esqueleto. In summary, all you need to do is snip off a stem cutting with clean, sterilized tools, and pop it into a container with fresh water. Condition:--not specified. The main difference between a Monstera adansonii vs Monstera deliciosa is that a deliciosas leaves are much larger, as is the plant overall. Make sure it is properly hydrated even when the temperature rises. They are viners genetically designed to seek out bigger plants, like trees, to shelter against. it's happy in its 4 1/2 inch wide pot. The swiss cheese vine plant does well in a pot with drainage holes in well-aerated soil. Monstera adansonii are easy to propagate from cuttings placed in water. One of the most significant differences that separate a Monstera deliciosa from adansonii is the size of the leaves. Monstera Trellis vs. Moss Pole What Should You Use? The epipremnoides also usually has lighter colored leaves, and they tend to be bigger and rounder. Monstera Friedrichsthalii vs. Adansonii: Key Differences and Similarities, Swiss Cheese Plant vs. Monstera: Key Differences and Similarities, Monstera Pinnatipartita vs Peru: Key Differences and Similarities, Rhaphidophora Cryptantha vs Monstera Dubia: Key Differences and Similarities, Monstera Light Needs (Requirements Fully Explained), Monstera Lechleriana vs. Adansonii: Key Differences and Similarities, 5 Monstera Plants That Cost More Than a Car (#3 Price Will Shock You), Monstera Laniata vs. Adansonii Key Differences (w Pictures), Monstera Siltepecana vs. Peru: Key Differences & Similarities, Monstera Adansonii Wide Form vs. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. 2. This history of Monstera plants is somewhat vague. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'plantinggeek_com-leader-3','ezslot_12',130,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-plantinggeek_com-leader-3-0');There are several Monstera species that can be thought of as Adansonii but are actually different species. Trim the yellow leaves. (EXPLAINED), How Big Does Monstera Get? Monstera Laniata vs Adansonii are two plants that have a similar appearance. 2. Plant Zone: 11. That's because the Monstera Adansonii is rare. As juvenile plants, the two forms will creep on the soil and look for a structure to climb onto. 47.7k members in the Monstera community. The variegated form comes in different shades of colors in the leaves, mainly cream-colored or white. However, it could be just the Monstera adansonii var. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Hi and welcome to r/monstera - Our community is all about the discussion of all things Monstera related Press J to jump to the feed. The Monstera Adansonii is also known by many other names including: Adansonii plant Adansonii Monstera Swiss Cheese Plant Five Holes Plant More importantly, it is one of those houseplants that collectors want to have. How to deal with Monstera adansonii root rot.