My Homebrew: Races | Subclasses | Backgrounds | Spells | Magic Items | FeatsNeed help with Homebrew? On the night of the Great Storm, he is brought into the nation of Silvanesti by bypassing the shield that surrounds the city, put there by green dragon Cyan Bloodbane. Being the leader of the church of Paladine, Crysania seeks ways to communicate with the gods once again to revive the faith and hope of the citizens of Krynn. Arrogantly he demanded to be given the power to control humanity, one of those acts responsible for causing the Cataclysm, when the Fiery Mountain foretold by a former friend of Pilofiro comes crashing down on Krynn, destroying the Holy Empire of Istar on the Continent of Ansalon. Sturm died just before the outbreak of the Chaos War, when the Dark Knights of Takhisis assaulted Kalaman. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Laurana might work as a scout, but her stats make her pretty potent as an all rounder in 5e so she will also rock as a Baneret. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! After training with Sturm Brightblade under Flint Fireforge's tutelage, he joined a mercenary army and began traveling with his brother. However, the enemies decided to hold Palin for ransom. Cyan returned to Silvanesti where he intended to bring about the end of the Silvanesti. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Was it treachery? He bestowed his magic sword Wurmsbane to Tanis when he chanced upon his tomb during Dragons of Autumn Twilight. Angriff Brightblade, human, is the father of Sturm Brightblade. Alleran was a minor mage who often entertained crowds, stealing from them in the process. Dragon Highlord He trails Mina to Sanction and witnesses the downfall of Takhisis. Could you please edit it, so I can accept a verified answer. Fair Although he immediately feels a sense of dubiousness due to their racial differences, in the end, he admits his love of her. I know Soth was arguably the most powerful of the Dragon army leaders, but I don't think that has to mechanically mean he's got the highest STR. As I recall, barbarians had insane XP requirements. Marcus Cadrio took over the duties of Highlord of the Black Dragon Armies after the death of Lucien of Takar, however out of respect to Lucien, Cadrio never took the title of Highlord and ruled his army as a Highmaster instead. Raistlin really shows up the difference between 1st and 5th edition. and release human prisoners held captive by Lord Verminaard, killing him in the process. In the context of 5E, 22 str feels appropriate here for both of them. Laurana was then forced to mature very quickly, going from a naive, spoiled princess to a general leading armies. Darlantan is a Silver Dragon created by a fiction writer for the TSR publishing company, in the vastly popular Dragonlance series. He is known more for his deception, trickery, cunning and magic than for his physical might, and is known to be incredibly self-serving. Following the death of Verminaard at Pax Tharkas there were supposed sightings of both the Highlord and his dragon Ember chasing the refugees to Thorbardin and also within the mountain kingdom, in the search for the Hammer of Kharas. The fallen cleric hinted at being the Highlord, however given the villain's death earlier in the war, this is known to be untrue. While on patrol duty, the Majere siblings discovered a fleet of boats approaching the coast. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I wonder if there is a supplementary book, maybe a short story, that sheds some light on this issue (although they have a lesser level of canon), I had always assumed that after Fistandantilus/Raistlin's forces took it, the dwarves never went back. 'Ride, little pony - ride!' During the Chronicles Trilogy Paladine helped the Heroes of the Lance indirectly through Fizban. [18] When she was 17 she emerged from the Storm that marked the beginning the War of Souls. I often see 'loose' miniatures of just Verminaard himself or other characters on eBay. Kitiara Uth-Matar is a fictional character from the Dragonlance campaign setting created by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. Process of finding limits for multivariable functions. His army conquered wherever they trod and always returned victorious to the mines. Took the words right out of my mouth, Cybermind Why even bother with Lord Soth stats. The mighty conqueror was defeated and killed. Kith-Kanan, on his deathbed, pardons Ulvian and confirms Silveran his successor. Predecessor The only existing official miniature (s) of Verminaard are from the old Ral Partha metal line, "Dragonlance Villains", 10-504, and the "Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Dragonlance Miniatures Set 1" from the TSR line. A red dragon, whose real name is Fenalysten. Class Long later during the War of Souls, Laurana led the fight against the green dragon overlord Beryl, helping to slay the dragon but at the cost of her own life. [14], Flint the King author Mary Kirchoff said she imagined Flint's voice as a combination of Wilford Brimley and Yosemite Sam, and referred to Tasslehoff Burrfoot and Flint as "the Abbott and Costello of Dragonlance". He aided Laurana and the Qualinesti in their plight against Beryl. Crysania survives, but is blinded. A draconian in the aura that can see or hear the aurak can't be charmed and has advantage on saving throws made to avoid or end the frightened condition on itself. And here we leave the . The Dragonarmies of Ansalon are the collective armies used by Takhisis during the War of the Lance. This is the strength levels for each character. Silveran is the son of Kith-Kanan and Anaya. She married Caramon Majere during the War of the Lance. Children Unlike her siblings or parents, Laura did not follow the life of an adventurer, instead she took over running the Inn of the Last Home from her parents. That's crazy and to anyone who has read the original books know that Soth was well beyond Verminaard in terms of physical strength. It includes accounts of their early lives in the series. He traveled often with his brothers, Sturm and Tanin Majere, while they were trying to finish their quests to become Knights of Solamnia. I've been . But how did the Dragon Highlord Verminaard manage to take the fortress in the first place? He leads the elves against the nation of Ergoth, and when he wins, the Swordsheath Scroll is signed and grants Kith-Kanan the land to build the nation of Qualinesti. He was destined for greatness according to Paladine, but corrupted from birth by Takhisis. After the battle was won, Caramon was confronted by his brother Raistlin, who had now turned to the Black Robes. These heroes have been entombed in Solace, at the Last Heroes' Tomb. Race Huma then died from his wounds. Review invitation of an article that overly cites me and the journal, How to turn off zsh save/restore session in Most Dragon Overlords were from an alien world where Dragonkind is the only intelligent race, they were able to access Krynn as a result of the movement of Krynn by Takhisis. LOL! The ancient red dragon attacked Ember in confusion and left Verminaard vulnerable. With the construction of the Towers of High Sorcery, people from all over Krynn were able to learn the secrets of spellcrafting, that is, using specific words, gestures and rites to create magical effects in a safe and ordered manner. Amongst their number were clerics, wizards, warriors and rogues. II, Amber and Ashes: The Dark Disciple vol. Twin brother of Caramon Majere,[1] Raistlin was a frail and sickly boy, who was often bullied as a youth, causing him to develop an arrogance and hatred of other people. Without his use of magic to save Tasslehoff Burrfoot during the War of the Lance, the Heroes would have all perished at Neraka; but he only did this because he eventually desired to overthrow Takhisis himself and did not wish to see her enter the world until he had grown strong enough to defeat her and take her place. Wanderer was Riverwind's grandfather, notable for being one of the only Que-Shu to still believe in the ancient gods, perhaps instilling those beliefs in Riverwind. Onysablet, or Sable, was a great black dragon who resided around the ogre realms of Kern and Blde. This was shortly after the Cataclysm (39 AC), and up until the events of the War of the Lance (348 AC), the history of the fortress suggests that it was abandoned. Legend. So Raistlin could easily have been 5th level; he just didn't know Fireball. They each contain a certain color of chromatic dragons and are led by a Highlord. His staff is also in one of the most powerful magical objects and later it was used by Raistlin and Palin Majere. Solamnic The dragons are shown as they grow to have vastly different traits, all of which differentiate them from their brethren and in turn come to shown as traits not just of those individual dragons but of the different types as well. From an early age, Caramon's deliberate way of considering ideas earned him a reputation for mental dullness. As for casting Fireball, remember that wizards have to have the spell in their spellbooks, not just be of appropriate level. Raistlin uses her to enter the domain of the evil goddess Takhisis in order to kill the goddess. Soon after the transformation, the scale started to pain him harshly and frequently. The young Verminaard was delivered by the druidess L'Indasha Yman in the Khalkist Mountains, when the Solamnic lord Daeghrefn brought his pregnant wife through the mountains. In place of their draconic breath weapons, they have unique magical abilities. In spite of being the mastermind behind the War of the Lance and the Dark Queen's favorite emissary on Krynn, I can't seem to find many images of just him. Berem refuses, claiming the brilliant gem will more than pay for their needs for years to come. Unfortunately for Verminaard his reign of terror did not last. rev2023.4.17.43393. During the Council of Whitestone, only Fizban (the avatar for Paladine) and Tasslehoff Burrfoot keep Solostaran and the other heads of the council from wrongfully taking the dragon orb to combat Takhisis. Eventually Damaris and Trapspringer fall in love, deciding to marry, which also relieves Tas of his betrothal. Spouse There are some renowned groups of people who are considered heroes for their acts in times of war, including the Heroes of the Lance, the Last Heroes and the Heroes of the Heart. As a foil to the Knights of Solamnia, the Knights of Takhisis are organized, honorable and evil - a deadly combination. [17] She could not remember what had happened to her before a shipwreck left her on Schallsea. He swears to repay Huma and becomes a valuable ally to the Knights of Solamnia, giving them details of the Dark Queen's armies and their tactics. Tracy Hickman, who basically created all the characters wrote the stats for each character in the game for the 1st editions, so he has the final say. However, tainted by Takhisis, Verminaard would instead become one of her champions during the War of the Lance, and one of the first Clerics to show signs of the return of the true gods during the Age of Despair. Where Aglaca followed a path of light, Verminaard turned to darkness. He also became good friends with a gold dragon, Sunrise. I'd probably go with level 3, as by that time everyone has their subclass. [15] Flint appears as one of the player characters in the video game Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes of the Lance.[9]. Death [5] The tag line of the film "Chaos. None His attacks help to conquer a good deal of Ansalon. Sithel is the second Speaker of the Stars, the son of Silvanos (founder of the elven nation Silvanesti), and the father of Sithas and Kith-Kanan. @TimSparrow - edited now, is that ok for you to accept? In 2nd edition AD&D, his stats were : STR 14 DEX 10 CON 15 INT 12 WIS 16 CHA 18 He wore Plate mail +2, and had an artifact weapon called Nightbringer (+3 heavy mace, on a successful melee attack, the weilder can speak the command word (midnight) , which causes a blindness spell to effect their opponent for 2d6 x 10 minutes. Son of Palin and Usha Majere, Ulin became a white-robed wizard. Verminaard of Nidus (Reorxmont 12, 313 AC - 351 AC) was the last of the line of Huma Dragonbane and a Warrior who rose to prominence under the dark shadow of the Dark Queen. When he took the Test, the Heads of the Tower in Wayreth Forest feared his arrogance and ambition so much that they cursed his sight, causing him to see the inevitable decay of all creatures, in the hopes that this would teach him compassion, but it only increased his bitterness. After time traveling, he married Tika Waylan, and together they had three sons (Tanin, Sturm, Palin) and two daughters (Laura and Dezra). [4], Rino Romano voiced Caramon Majere in the animated film Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight. [1] After the War of the Lance, he spent his time trying to maintain peace between two rivaling countries. Having worked on farms since his youth, he favors physical activities. Rugoheras, became Highlord of the Red Dragon Armies after Verminaard's death. Fair-skinned, nearly seven feet tall and imposing, following the events after Verminaard left the lands of Nidus and East Borders, the dark warrior always wore his Dragon Highlord helmet, never taking it off around other people. This, to me, looks like solid proof that Verminaard needed a serious tune-up. Their importance is reflected in the original cover of Dragons of Winter Night (1985), which has a blue frame. In the novel Dragons of the Highlord Skies, the second volume of the Lost Chronicles, Emperor Ariakis pressures Kitiara into a plan to trick the Solamnic knight Derek Crownguard into questing for a recently discovered dragon orb, so that he may become enthralled by it and compelled to do the bidding of Ariakis. Through the magic of another one of Kith-Kanan's sons Ulvian, Silveran mortally wounds his father. Crysania and Valin travel back to Palanathus to face the trials of the Age of Mortals together. Lauralanthalasa Kanan (her full name) was a young, exceptionally beautiful princess of the Qualinesti elves. Her dying prayer, sent through the portal of the tower, reaches Paladine who uses her pleas to find the planet Krynn. [22] Her symbol is an amber teardrop. "Make haste! Founded by Sara Dunstan in the name of Steel Brightblade. Product History. He converts to the faith of Paladine after Goldmoon shows him the Disks of Mishakal and healed him completely as the first cleric of Mishakal. Good. Caramon Majere (Younger), human, was the first born son of a woodcutter and the twin of Raistlin Majere,[1] with a complicated childhood. However, Dhamon decides to try to kill the shadow dragon with the help of a wingless Sivak Draconian, Ragh, the mad Solamnic Knight, Fiona and the Ogre mage Maldred. The Wizards of High Sorcery are a powerful institution in Krynn. the army of Fistandantilus captured the fortress. Aug 11, 2015. Lord Verminaard is the main antagonist of Dragons of Autumn Twilight, the first book of the Chronicles of Dragonlance trilogy. When confronted with the young mage's arrogance and cynicism, Par-Salian cursed Raistlin in the final stages of the test, giving him hourglass eyes that allow Raistlin to see things only as they wither and die, apparently to teach Raistlin compassion. Verminaard Race : Human Gender : Male Class : Cleric 8th Level Alignment : Lawful Evil AD&D Stats: Str 14; Dex 10; Con 15; Int 12; Wis 16; Cha 18; Ac 1 (plate mail +2); THAC0 16; hp 50 Residence: Wanders Ht 6'2"; Wt 195 lb; Mv 12" Preferred Weapon: Nightbringer Special Abilities: Titles: Verminaard was evil since childhood. ADnD 1st and 2nd edition Lord Soth: 18 (99) Caramon: 18 (63) Riverwind: 18 (35) Cleric He is currently the mayor of Solace, having given up the magic after the War of Souls. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. He was imprisoned in the dungeons under Neraka for a time (it is believed Takhisis feared the influence he might have on her followers and imprisoned for that reason, however the truth is not certain). "[6] The final book of the trilogy Test of the Twins appeared on the NY Times bestseller list for several weeks in 1986. He defeats Takhisis and forces her to swear that she will not reenter the world again, although she tries to numerous times afterwards. [28] Montse Sant in her work The Book of the Dragon called Sturm "the brave noble".[29]. The stats are comparable to whatever the designers wanted V to accomplish in this game, since he's currently bonus content (anyone get a sense they're hedging on a sequel for this book?) Dhamon struggles with his conscience to undermine the Shadow Dragon and become once again a free soul. Subsequently after that event it was said the Kitiara laid claim to the crown of power but also after the event the dragon armies were too busy fighting amongst themselves to once again attack Ansalon. Crysania eventually discovers that Tandar is in fact Valin. Actress Lucy Lawless voiced Goldmoon in the animated film Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight.[5]. Alleran eventually abandoned Tika and Otik became her adopted father. She finds love during the Chaos War in the person of a White-Robed mage named Valin who serves for a time as a guide of sort for the blind priestess. There is the Emperor of Ansalon book, but the image is dominated by the . A Knight of Solamnia who was stationed as a guard at the Tomb of the Last Heroes at the start of The War of Souls. Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News,, Strength or Dex for a Goblin Tempest Cleric/Genie Warlock. Later in the War of the Lance he traveled to Neraka where, despite his dislike of personally fighting his enemies, got into a fight with a red dragon. Occupation He later had a son of his own, but during the Chaos War, when shadow wights attacked the tribe, his child's mother was essentially wiped from existence, with not even Wanderer able to remember her. They were founded when the deities Solinari, Lunitari and Nuitari taught a certain group of people how to draw power from the moons and shape it with their wills. They are ultimately all defeated in various stages. During the War of the Twins trilogy, Tasslehoff has to come to terms with the fact that what he does or does not do has an effect on those around him, while he is assisting Caramon Majere on his quest to stop his twin brother Raistlin from attaining godhood and dooming the world of Krynn. Linsha specializes in missions where stealth is an important factor, usually collecting information for the Knighthood. Without the emerald, the Foundation Stone is useless, and Takhisis is prevented from entering Krynn. Reorxmont 12, 313 AC Verminaard grew up in the small province of Nidus in the dark region of Taman Busuk. During the War of the Lance, Alhana leads her people in exile to Ergoth. He is the companion of Huma Dragonbane and aids Huma in the fight against Takhisis. Later, when a dragon attempts to use Dhamon to help the shadow dragon rebirth, the process goes awry and Dhamon becomes a shadow dragon. Let. Moonrise over Palanthas is a Dragonlance browser game which takes place in the fabled city of Palanthas. However in his time of need, he was abandoned by Takhisis and was overcome by their superior numbers. In later novels, they had five children: Tanin, Sturm, Palin, Laura and Dezra Majere. It is this pair that is featured on the cover of the "Red Dragon of Krynn" boxed set, featuring a Dark Knight armed with a Dragonlance, astride a mighty red wyrm, slaying a silver dragon. Caramon's journey to the future showed that he would have defeated Takhisis and all of the gods, but Raistlin chose to turn aside from his path because he was told of this vision by Caramon and Crysania and shown that because he only learned to destroy, never to create, as a god he would rule only an empty universe and be alone forever. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. He does this because he knows the half elf is a bastard, but has captured the attention of his sister, Laurana, who holds the high station of being daughter of the speaker of the Suns. [19] She reunited with her adopted mother, Goldmoon, in the Tower of High Sorcery in Nightlund, which led to the rediscovery of Krynn by the other true gods. Fistandantilus was a black-robed Wizard of High Sorcery during the years immediately preceding the Cataclysm of Krynn. We have updated our privacy policy. There's no way they would have attempted to take back the fortress. Eye color Alhana Starbreeze, Silvanesti Elf, is first introduced in Dragons of Winter Night as the daughter of Speaker of the Stars Lorac Caladon. Alias He was betrayed during the Siege of Castle Brightblade by Boniface Crownguard, and disappeared shortly thereafter, having traded himself for the life of his men. His mission in life is that of personal gain and to relieve himself of the scale on his leg, rapidly spreading, enforced by the magic of the Shadow Dragon whose blood was used to undo the control that Malystryx had over Dhamon. After the events of the Dragons of Spring Dawning, she is convinced that she can turn Raistlin from evil but falls in love with him instead. He is the Paragon of Redemption, standing across from his father, on the Protector's Path to Godshome. His passion for the magic arts fueled his will, driving him to sacrifice even his health in order to become a mage. Despite having lost contact with his father, Sturm continued to follow the rules set by the Code and the Measure, focusing on becoming a Knight of Solamnia. None He was the lowest level starting character though. Ariakan Ariakas, human, is the son of Duulket Ariakas and an aspect of the sea goddess Zeboim. She commands her forces to search for Berem, who is known to them as the Everman due to his immortality. During the War of the Lance, the Dragonarmies were split into five great armies, representing each of the chromatic wyrms of Takhisis. How to make characters like in Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, Ignore/Block Essentials, Paid Registrations by. We must carry Lord Verminaard to his chambers! On his return to Nidus and wielding Nightbringer, Verminaard killed marauding ogres, saving the soldiers of Castle Nidus, and his father Daeghrefn. Probably faster to do that than post messages here insulting industry veterans. He is fatally wounded by Mina after he refused to further worship Takhisis, and is later killed by Malystryx. III, "Kiefer Sutherland headlines Dragonlance movie", "The first Dragonlance novels gave Dungeons & Dragons a new dimension", "Why Dragonlance should be the next fantasy film franchise", Player's Guide to the Dragonlance Campaign, Dungeon Master Option: High-Level Campaigns,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 November 2022, at 12:24. She becomes the prophet of the goddess Mishakal. I could only find three, and only two are "official," and of those only one has him look menacing. After bursting forth from the tree that was formerly his mother (upon her death while she was still pregnant with him, she became a tree), he is taken to Qualinesti. The way Raistlin is written, he either needs to be a level 3 novice or have the 8 con suggested by his 4e version, upgraded to 10 as he levels. The Heroes of the Lance infiltrated the mines, freeing the prisoners and the crazy female red dragon Flamestrike, who confused the imprisoned children for her own hatchlings. Crap to that. Daughter of Palin and Usha Majere, Linsha joined the Knights of Solamnia in honor of her father's brothers. She had red hair, though it later turned white. The Dragons is a sister novel to another by the same artist called Kagonesti. Eventually, Raistlin travels to the past and absorbs Fistandantilus into himself. They are split into five branches, the Red, Black, Green, Blue, and White, all of which are led by a number of Highlords. It was prophesied by the god Paladine that in conjunction with his true brother, Verminaard would achieve great things and be able to banish the dark forces forever. Worked on farms since his youth, he joined a mercenary army began! Structured and easy to search for berem, who had now turned to.... 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