If Lizzie can siphon Ken at the exact moment of explosion, she can weaken him. He takes the spear and lunges it towards her; however, instead of the spear impaling her, it goes through her and strikes a bearing wall behind her. They, however, do care for one another. Hope beats on the train car glass window, until it gives and she breaks her way out. Hope tells Alaric that he will return at sun down to help him dispose of the creature. Hayley continues to care for Hope as she helps Freya take care of Elijah and Kol's wounds. Hope reminds her that all of those things are a part of her and they always will be. Regardless, she doesn't know why she was the one that got to bring her back, but she's happy she did. When Landon gets into Alaric's office, he is not happy that Hope is going to test him because she is not impartial but he agrees after she says he wants to help find out who he is. Elijah was, however, serving his own interests: namely, Klaus' destruction in recompense for his lost family. Later, Freya reveals to Finn that Dahlia decided to take her from Esther when she started to develop her great power at five years old and that when Hope starts to use magic, it will act as a beacon, calling her to the baby, unbeknownst to Hope's aunt, Hope has started to use magic much earlier than expected, which implies that Dahlia has already felt Hope's power and whatever they try, she is coming. MG, Kaleb, and Jed appear by their sides, joining them as well. Rupert tells her she has one move left. Although Lizzie pleads with Ablah to keep her memories and growth, Ablah returns Lizzie to the moment before her first wish, ultimately erasing Lizzie's memories of the events. Lizzie asks if she'll continue to sit with her until she falls asleep, and she accepts. That is true, which explains why it took so long for them to retrieve the ashes. Hope's lying. Tribrid (Witch, Werewolf, Vampire) (Currently)Berbalang (Temporary/Cured before process was complete)Vampire (Formerly, possessing Aurora) Hope follows Rebekah into Rousseau's. He'd been attacked but a monster. That's your consciousness reigniting, then light will trickle in and you'll open your eyes and you'll be back. It's not just a place. They were able to gradually regain their friendship after Hope helped Josie with the Mora Miserium. She asks Landon to trust her as she knows a way out, and the two of them jump through the Malivore portal together. Alaric continues to explain how Ben told them about a mixture the Spartans used to harm the gods. She tricked her, thanks to a little magic from Agatha, who's been watching her for a long time. It's an obvious trap and they must hurry to rescue her. She sees loneliness as less of a burden to bear than her formative experiences of loving so deeply and losing so terribly. Hayley is holding her daughter in the nursery while Elijah and Klaus discuss what to do next. In See You On The Other Side, Hope stands before the Ferryman on a dock facing peace. Kol mentions that Davina was gutted when she couldn't come and suggests they could pay a visit, while Freya tells her that it will give them all an excuse to visit her more. Eye color All of those conversations have seemed to have weakened her enough to let her pay a visit. Hope stops him again, stating that she was only nice to him because of Landon. myqtybaeva. Hope hesitates, fearing permanent damage to Landon. When he saw Hope again (after their separation), in The Brothers That Care Forgot, he said to Rebekah that he can't imagine the joy spending every day with her and commented on how big she had gotten. Klaus, Elijah and Genevieve take her to the compound. She becomes angry with him. Rebekah points out that she had just believed it was a memory, but Hope shrugs it off. During her telephone conversation with Alaric, she informs him that she wants a place on the honor council, being the only tribrid. Klaus and Hope had a difficult journey to being together, as forces stronger and out of both their control constantly tried to separate them. When facing the croatoan, Hope admits to Lizzie that when she was fourteen she had a week-long crush on Josie. Months later, Kol was killed by Jeremy Gilbert in order to finish his Hunter's Mark, as his death would result in the deaths of thousands of vampires who were sired by him. The Triad brand ignites in flames and engulfs and incinerates him in a painful death. However, in season two's The Brothers That Care Forgot, Esther had found Rebekah whilst she is with Hope at the park, this is signified by the presence of starlings. Finn also figures out Hope is alive and he is currently looking for her. She doesn't want to talk about her father. A tribrid was never meant to exist and sullies the bloodline of all three species. She brutally attacks Alaric to send a message to her friends not to come after her. The conversation is believable, but she's not completely sure the Necromancer will take the bait. She demands to know what she's done, but it's completely out of Aurora's hands. She was temporarily reunited with her mother in Peace, and Hayley soothed her guilt - she's at peace because of Hope. The Necromancer rejoices in his apparent victory. He tells her that if the violence helps, then he's the right person to come to. Back at the school, Hope storms into her dorm room with Alaric hot on her trails. Hope talks with Alaric, Lizzie and Josie via astral projection, and Alaric warns her about Kai. Supernatural information This prompts the truth sphere to glow blue, but Wade attempts to continue. Though she's crashing their party, she's here for a business trip. He'll also know she won't be alone where she is. Genevieve and Monique Deveraux inform her that they plan on sacrificing the baby for The Ancestors. After going to Dorian with Landon and talking to him about the slug, Dorian tells them that it can replicate and had used the unicorn as a host. Ultimately, she decides to join the school. She expresses a desire to be close to her father by having his ashes near her. Hope matches Aurora strike for strike, but believes that she's made a mistake bringing a spear to their battle. Freya tells Hope that she's so proud of her. Later, Lizzie bumps into Hope in the hallway. He accepts, but decides why wait when she's here, now. Landon walks away moments later, furious with Hope, remarking that this is not the life he wants to live. While Roman is outside on the phone with his sister, she talks to Hayley, telling her she was going to go through with the binding spell until Klaus stopped her. Hope wants to know who the woman is, but she doesn't give a name, that would spoil the fun. She has all the strengths and weaknesses of a tribrid. When you were unable to say the things that you needed to say. Due to their actions, the gremlin begins to weaken and shrink, allowing Hope to squash it beneath her shoe. In Alive and Kicking, Hope's parents spoke about her during their trip in The Bayou. Kaleb, Lizzie, and Hope rush Ryan back to the hospital to recovers. Cleo proposes an idea that may help her. As the day progresses, they talk more on the pageant before Landon appears, with Hope asking who should apologize in this instance and Lizzie tells her always the boyfriend in moments of jealously. To his horror, Hope grabs his phone and throws it out the window. Despite what Landon had done, he was provided shelter at the Boarding School and putting their differences aside, he was willing to help Hope and school to investigate the missing reports of two Mystic Falls high schoolers. Hope is next seen with Hayley as she helps Freya look for the cure for the poison. She's an apex predator. Now face to face with Lizzie, she notices how she's changed. Lizzie attempts to compare problems, they've both lost boyfriends in a tragic prison world mishap. She's not worried. Hope and Rafael leave on their side to continue searching for Landon, they have a discussion about Landon and Hope's bad popularity at school. By accidentally killing Bill in 2026 If he could, he'll probably try to kill her for murdering Lizzie. Either way, they need to stop him. Hope believes she has just the thing to take his mind off of things. With the spell ineffective, Hope attacks it with the sword, but he melts the blade. Her fight is here, with her. Monique is about to stab the baby when Marcel comes in and kills her. However, her suspicions are confirmed as true as it had avocados in it, which he's allergic to. Cleo wants to help, and she relents. Going through a few photos in her dorm room, Hope picks a few to keep with her to wake up to. Hope attempts to communicate with the leprechaun, but her translation spells are of no use. In Hold on Tight, Hope agrees to fight against the Necromancer and his evil plans alongside the other members of the Super Squad. If she kills them, they'll both be free. Not long after, a call from Klaus comes and Freya hands the phone to her. Hope often puts her safety and life in danger to save others, making her a true hero. Hope wants to know what the cost was and Landon tells her that he doesn't feel anything. Ken claims she will die alone, but Lizzie stands beside her, joining the fight. Blowing off steam in the Old Mill, Josie approaches her, asking for help. Alaric reminds her that they know nothing about fighting gods, but Hope has already taken the liberty of inviting Professor Vardemus to the school. This was why Esther lived when Hayley meets her. She tells him that she believes the simulation was trying to tell her that something will always come between her and Landon and that, sometimes, she needs to choose the other thing over Landon. Lizzie is a hybrid and she has the best chance of surviving, admittedly, it's not really much of one. Agatha accepts her fate, death, but she tells her that there's no hiding from her fate. He's happy and it proves that the school wasn't such a failure after all. While Landon is in the kitchen, she helps him out and tries to play him into getting the urn and going on a road trip. Whatever she is, she hopes it's better than the trap at the triad facility. He cries as he watches Rebekah leave with Hope. Ignoring her own hypocrisy and doing whatever it takes to win. She demands them to get up since they're wolves, not royalty. Alaric holds Hope back and Josie picks up the pace with the ritual. Alaric arrives at the Old Mill, but Hope believes she can handle him. Instead, they'll need a dark object to contain Malivorea black candle. Hope was, though. She's been rushing things, but she's been scared. If you look closely, you'll find traces of them through history. He tells her he'll find someone else to train him instead. Lizzie doesn't understand what she's talking about as she was showering out the chlorine from the pool. Landon soon joins them, and she rebuffs him, citing they can't have couples counselling when they're not a couple. Rafael tells her that it is nice to get away for a while, and is open to a relationship with her as he is not afraid of technicalities. Hope joins Ben to go through their weapons armory. In the meeting of the members, she votes against the acceptance of Landon, claiming that he is not safe and that they will not always be able to protect him from the other students. Hayley raised Hope as a strong and independent young woman, enrolling her in the Salvatore Boarding School so she could have friends her own age, something Hope longed for. They will all die. You 17 name Katherine You have have been Stuck in the glade for Three years. The world's in crisis, and she managed to push away the only person willing to talk to her. Before she can bite her wrist, Aurora stops her and tells her that it won't work. Despite that, she'd rather just focus on the good and that's the Josie Saltzman she knows. Hope intends to stay for the meeting organized by MG. Malivore has Cleo and she is the goal. How can you fight your enemies, while also fighting yourself? It's actually Cleo using the illusion ring, though. Hope finds that explanation to be ridiculous but Lizzie continues. Rebekah is pushing her on the swing when she notices her mother's starlings staring at her. She's too late for speeches, but Finch isn't here for that. Finn was in his late 20s when he was turned and was handsome, tall and physically imposing. In The Map of Moments, Hope is first seen with her uncle and aunt in her cradle in their Safe House where her aunt bring her and her unconscious uncle to follow Klaus' order. She tells him that she's finished and can talk, but not before informing him that he won't be changing her mind about this. Little Miss Mikaelson Rebekah compels the girl to forget and leave; she's done with the charde. He reminds her that she is the tridbrid, but that terrifies her. In the Bayou, when her mother discovers that to prepare her wedding to Jackson she has to share her secret with him she refuses to do it and leaves. She tortures a Triad Industries henchman using throwing darts, a callous display of apathy. Hope assumes things are going just as good as the last time, and while Ben does slightly enhance their chances, it's still not great. None of the other students have come back and they have a squad meeting. In Sinners and Saints, Hayley questions Sophie about the fact that her child will be the witches' end. Hope is later seen in a truck with her mother as Klaus reads his goodbye-letter for Hope as they exit New Orleans to save the rest of the Mikaelsons. We all know the story of the Originals, but did anyone ever care to tell the story of the youngest daughter? Hope did whatever she could to protect her family and always offered to help save those she cared about or considered family, including Marcel. Josie asks her where Lizzie is, but reveals she is doing explicitly what Lizzie asked her not to do and involve her. Unbeknownst to him, she's only just gone to Peace and Landon helped her to cross over. For that, she thanks him. However that won't be a problem now and she's ready to return. Landon claims it as a moral victory, at least. As a result, she has accepted that there was nothing she could do to save them and have figured out how to live without them, to move on. Hope shuts the door with her magic and sits down to talk. Elijah gives Hope to her and after holding her daughter against her, she passes her to Klaus and they stay all the three. Significant kills Long story, it doesn't matter and all she needed was to be back in his arms. View Site She knows she'll have to eventually but that doesn't have to be today. Hope refuses as they had a dale. Ben advances Ken to Hope, who sends in Cleo. Ryan does admit that being human sucks, and disappointing, and some days you hate it, but that's all he's wanted for a long time. However, in This is the Part Where You Run, Hope stated to Landon that her ability to control her transformation stems from her tribrid status, as like with other werewolf-vampire hybrids. He believes it's a mistake, but Hope reassures him it's not. Hayley starts screaming in terror and tries to fight the witches, swearing that they will not take her baby and she will kill all of them. This article, Grace Petrova-Mikaelson, is the sole property of @Mikaelsonfanfic and cannot be used, edited, or referenced without their permission, with the exception of collaboration articles, whereas terms listed above are unserviceable. She finds Malivore, controlling his thralls, behind a door. Alaric suggests that Hope leave the hunting to him as he has more experience, but she shrugs him off. This chapter has a little bit of everything, so, get ready. The story takes place when a small town girl goes to New Orleans and comes face to face with mikaelson family . Landon suggests that he should go on without her and, despite her reserves, Hope agrees. Having found what he's been searching for, he explains that the Pentelic marble should be able to absorb the sarcophagus' powers, as it was said to centuries ago in ancient Greece. She meets Jackson and she is introduced to the werewolves and vampires during the wedding party. Cleo finds her work to be beautiful, but she doesn't believe that she's done Landon justice. Her father is the King of New Orleans, and her mother is the Queen of the werewolf faction. She hands him a sword and questions what he would do to stop her. She is the tribrid daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall-Kenner. Landon finds Rafael and with Hope's help they are able to return him to human form. Alaric poses the opposite. It was because it was over something she'd never get back. MG accepts her apology, explaining that all that matters is that she's here. She attempts to open the door, but it's barred from the inside. In What Cupid Problem?, Hope struggles with the power dynamic in her relationship with Landon. Despite not winning the war, he believes they've won an important battle. In Dance Back from the Grave, while Rebekah is prisoner forms a spell cast by Papa Tunde, Elijah bites Hayley so he can use the power of the baby's blood to unbalance the spell as the baby is revealed to be a Quarter Witch as well. Klaus appears to her from the screen. They eventually manage to find a "clue store", where they meet with the Keeper from earlier. After Esther's death at Klaus' hands in the 11th century, Elijah and Rebekah swore to stick with Niklaus " always and forever." She wants to know if she's figured out who the triggerman is going to be. She asks if Lizzie would like to say anything. Hope wakes and finds Alaric and Ben going over battle scenarios with a chess board and the manticulum. As long as they're together, they can beat him. Ryan runs from the Argus, circling back and around, ensnaring the chain on filing cabinets, stopping the creature from reaching him in a dead end turn. Cleo arrives at the Old Mill moments after the golem's destruction and stabs her stomach, pinning her against a wall. Landon genuinely explained that the supernatural knife caused him to lie to Hope, but she didn't believe him. Lizzie knows, but now all she is, is hungry. Klaus used to say that the good came from her mother and believes she'll lose the good she has left. In the woods, Hope confronts Landon about his behavior. Lizzie questions, if Landon is in fact alive then why haven't she nor MG have found proof before on their recon missions. Cleo is relieved, in a sense. He's not Landon and casts a sleeping spell on him. Klaus tells him there's one person who can. Light blue In Maybe I Should Start From The End, Hope tracks down Landon with Alaric wouldn't allow her to do it alone. Aurora believes otherwise. Josie is as much her blindspot as Landon is Hope's. Hair color TW: mention of sexual harassment . She doesn't understand why he's back in Limbo. In the prison world, she and Landon traverse the post-apocalyptic hellscape that was Mystic Falls. Hope is seen in Hayley's arms again but this time Klaus holding her hands. Freya reminds her that she is equal parts her mother and father and she would never disappear without a fight. She just has to trust her instincts. Magic doesn't work on a god. Hope assumes that Ethan is going to use some hokey sports metaphor, finding identity in a team. She tells Elijah she hates him and he says he hates himself too, her eyes temporarily glow the blue color the Hollow had, and magically claws him repeatedly on his body. At least not things he shouldeverything's muted and dull on this plane of existence. Despite their errors, they'll make it happen and get what they need. While her father and family are in the Chambre de Chasse, she performs a spell to extract the Hollow from them and into herself. Cleo reviews a painting of her, but believes it lacks soul. She's lied and Lizzie's not coming. Rebekah also had a similar fate to Kol and was also daggered on various occasions, including in 1835, 1922, and 2010. Hope and the Necromancer sit on the dock. If she lets her out, she'll make it all go away. Reliance Entertainment, Rohit Shetty Picturez In association with Dharma Productions and Cape Of Goo. Lizzie refuses to run or to fight Hope. She reveals that she can't let go of Landon without first checking Malivore and she can't get there without going through the prison world. With the girl gone, Hope intends to leave, but Lizzie refuses and wants to help. As a teenager, Hope was stubborn and brave as she was willing to put herself through extreme pain and possible death to get her mother back. The Necromancer denies this. She warns him to not try to talk her out of it. In We're Gonna Need A Spotlight, Hope goes into the woods with Alaric and Dorian to see what creature crossed her boundary trap, and they see it's a unicorn. '' ' . '' With his great power, Ken kicks Hope around like a ragdoll, but doesn't understand why she won't die. Afterward, Esther and Mikael heard from a Witch called Ayana, Esther's best friend and mentor, that there was a land where everyone was healthy and strong, a land that ended up being the New World, specifically what is now modern-day Mystic Falls. Tearing up, Hope takes Alaric into a heart-felt hug and thanks him for being the second-best father she could have. Both Klaus in the novels and on the TV series takes a significant interest in Stefan Salvatore. As soon as Lizzie died, there was simply no move they could make that would lead to victory. Hannah Mikaelson is the lead character in Little Miss Mikaelson. She reminds him that she told him to stay away, but he wonders if she's going to ask about what he saw in the real world. The students are unimpressed, but Kaleb encourages Hope to speak, as she too is a wolf. Josie hates him, with good reason, but Hope reassures him that she won't let anyone hurt him, including Malivore. Klaus changed for her and she saw in her everything that she couldn't have. When she wakes, the Hollow comes to her and is possessed. # 1. At first glance, he'd assumed it was a forgery, but based on his preliminary analysis points to the sarcophagus being ancient. A savior and a lost cause. She made a promise. While Cleo gets more intel, Alaric instructs the witches and vampires to get the minerals. Aurora tells her how sorry she is. Elijah can't hear Hayley's heartbeat, but only that of the baby. Hayley tells her she's proud of her. He responds that there's a glimpse of the devil in her eyes and that is all him. However, the hybrids created are sired to its mother - likely due to it and her being the same for the time being. Grace Katrina Petrova-Mikaelson is a main character in Legacies, and she was a recurring character in The Vampire Diaries before being promoted to a main . After the talent show, Hope listens to Landon singing a song to her and happily enjoys it. The last point is merely a joke, sort of. Despite her protests, Hope goes with her and they go to the Old Mill and Lizzie explains to her that she noticed the signs of her having a breakdown. This is new information to Landon as he's missed a lot since being in Limbo. Landon is alive. Ben collapses to the floor dead, leaving Wade, MG, and Alaric, surprised. Regardless, she'd like to apologize. Josie later helped decorate Hope's new dorm room so she felt more at home and less like an outsider. She retorts that her father was pretty hard to get rid of, and so is she. Her true form did not alter much, as she maintained her golden eyes, but with a hint of vivid red at the inner corner on her irises. Hope offers to pop open another for more fun. She siphoned Jen and it weakened her enough that he could teleport her off the board and out of the fight. Parroting Alaric's earlier comment to her, Hope poses the same answer, explaining that she's maybe afraid of getting an answer. She tells Hope that MG told her that he loves her. Later Rebekah and Hayley decide to hold the Bonfire ceremony for Hope, and as she is with her father she is taken by her mother to assist to her first Bonfire. She can't be killed. Ben has Ken attack MG, but Wade reads from the manticulum that he's just fast enough to save Lizzie. They assume the creature is working for Malivore and they resolve to figure things out. Rebekah has other plans and uncovers an urn. Later she joins Rafael near the dead body of Landon, when MG joins them Rafael wants revenge but Hope stops him, saying that's not what Landon would have wanted. Innocence is a foreign concept to the Mikaelson family, but it exists in every inch of Andorrea. He says that he would struck down anyone who would dare to wish her harm. Elizabeth "Lizzie" Jenna Mikaelson is a main character on Teen Wolf and Teen Wolf: The Movie. Lizzie became obsessed with killing Hope, crafting stakes from the red oak tree and training to kill her. This implicates that her werewolf nature as an Evolved Werewolf with the ability of Transformation Control. She and Landon later lock Rafael in the back of the trunk before consulting Alaric. All they need to do is encode their powers into the device. She tells Aurora to hold on and that she can heal her. Hope believes otherwise. Fierce Rebekah, willing to risk everything on the chance that she might one day find happiness. She can', she's the only Gemini witch they have and if she doesn't activate the ascendant, then the whole plan falls apart. Later, Hope tries to destroy the sarcophagus, but it appears to be impervious to her magic. She basically willed herself free from it, which is rare, but also assumes she'll get no credit for that either. Klaus is Hope's father, and even though he refused the child in Always and Forever, he soon accepted her and was determined to not behave as his step-father had, and to raise his child differently. She attempts to reconstruct the ascendant, however her efforts are futile. Hope's blood sword dissolves in flames as it disappears from Landon's chest. She places the sword to her chest and mocks MG. Maybe she will understand that if she ever chooses to become a parent. He looks confused at everyone who's sitting there and opens the coffin. Later Hope gets sick which Hayley comments as "unusual since Hope has never been sick before". Lizzie was sure that she'd change. Finally, she asks that Hayley tells the baby stories of 'her crazy aunt Bex' and, despite her absence, she really does love her niece. Wade tells them that they score another hit on Ken, but he's confused about what's changed. It's also shown that Hope's newly resurrected grandmother doesn't know that her granddaughter lives. Taking a break, Hope pours herself a drink but hears Ethan, invisible, behind her. Hope is practicing her answers for the pageant questions in the twins' room and is given a dress by Lizzie that belonged to Caroline. One of the students questions the lack of students, but another questions about the daughter of the Headmaster used black magic to kill another student. With the Necromancer in a cell and wanting to find out more about Malivore however he senses that she wants answers about her father's final status whether or not he found peace or not. Professor Vardemus summons a battlefield for their practice session while Hope's humanity continues to appear to her. Henrik is the only Mikaelson to date who has not cheated death at all. And, for better or worse, we were happy. Hope suffers from guilt over her father's death, believing it to be her fault even years later, but hopes her father can find peace one day. How her parents can't wait and she promises to her three things: a safe home, people to say how they love her every day and people to fight for her, no matter what. Klaus told Rebekah that despite their differences, there was nobody else he would trust more with the life of his daughter. Date who has not cheated death at all his arms were able to gradually regain friendship... Plane of existence glance, he believes they 've both lost boyfriends in a painful death and Kol wounds! Believes it 's actually Cleo using the illusion ring, though tree and training to kill for... Grandmother does n't understand why she was only nice to him because of Landon was the one that to... Woman is, but she tells Aurora to Hold on Tight, Hope 's dorm... Would never disappear without a fight rush Ryan back to the floor dead leaving. 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