Internationalism, illustrated by the Bolshevik and by the men to whom all countries are alike provided they can make money out of them, is to me repulsive. That was not to be. He was thus in a position to mastermind the strategy of opposition to adoption of the Treaty of Versailles, including the League of Nations covenant. I doubt if any purely political declaration has ever been observed by any people for so long a time., Pope Francis makes an interesting point. Henry Cabot Lodge, August 12, 1919 (Modified) Mr. President: I can never be anything else but an American, and I must think of the United States first. If it should be effectively and beneficently changed the people who would lie awake in sorrow for a single night could be easily gathered in one not very large room but those who would draw a long breath of relief would reach to millions. Our mission and operation budgets are not financed by any political or special interest groups, and to protect our editorial integrity, we accept no advertising. They should also see that a senator might not be completely honest in a public speech, especially if their true motivations would be unpopular with voters. We would not have our countrys vigour exhausted or her moral force abated, by everlasting meddling and muddling in every quarrel, great and small, which afflicts the world. Yet many did not remain thus firm; the confidence in the commander-in-chief became gradually weakened; the mine was prepared and on the point of explosion. Despite Eisenhowers landslide victory, Lodge lost his re-election bid to John Kennedy. "I think of the United States first. The Republicans under Harding and his successor, Calvin Coolidge, are often depicted in history books as isolationists, but thats not quite right. 1 (Sept. 3, 1832)-no. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Beware how you trifle with your marvelous inheritance, this great land of ordered liberty, for if we stumble and fall freedom and civilization everywhere will go down in ruin. Dennis Prager August 12, 1919. That the nations must unite for peace and protection. Though Lodge claimed publicly that he was pleased to see the treaty go down in flames, he could not have been happy with the results. Here is a speech he gave in the Senate on August 12, 1919 in which he summarized his opposition: Mr. President: Washingtons entire honesty of mind and his fearless look into the face of all facts are qualities which can never go out of fashion and which we should all do well to imitate. These questions and doubts must be answered and removed by the instrument itself. 1. Wilsons health broke down two-thirds of the way through the tour, and he was rushed back to the White House, where he suffered a stroke that left him paralyzed on his left side. Partisan differences and personal rivalry had long strained Wilson's relationship with the powerful and opinionated Massachusetts senator, but the intensely nationalistic Lodge and most of his fellow Republicans had supported the president throughout the war. Why did Senator Henry Cabot Lodge and other Republicans view it as a threat to American sovereignty [power]? / Policies|Accessibility, Courtesy of Library of Congress, Lodge, Henry Cabot, "League of Nations," 1919, National Register of Historic Places & Landmarks, "League of Nations" Speech by Henry Cabot Lodge, 1919, World War I: Evaluating America's Role in Global Conflicts. He found most objectionable US participation in the League of Nations. Lodge later viewed the peace settlement as too soft on Germany, and he had disliked the way the president had resisted the harsher terms that the British and French wanted to impose. Harvard University President A. Lawrence Lowell, a Harvard-trained lawyer and government scholar, argued in favor of joining the league, while U.S. Sen. Henry . For nearly a century and a quarter the policies laid down in the Farewell Address have been followed and adhered to by the Government of the United States and by the American people. Lodge offered to support it only if . The language only too frequently is not the language of laws or statues. Long after Congress agreed to a joint resolution declaring the end of the First World War in July 1921, politicians and scholars have asked whether, by joining and supporting the League of Nations, the United States could have prevented the outbreak of the Second World War. Henry Cabot Lodge Quotes - BrainyQuote. His most important reservation targeted Article X of the League Covenant, the collective security clause that obligated members to respond when the bodys council called for action against an aggressor diplomatic censure, boycotts, economic sanctions and, possibly, military force. Our ideal is to make her ever stronger and better and finer, because in that way alone, as we believe, can she be of the greatest service to the world's peace and to the welfare of mankind. Dr. Cooper is a professor emeritus of history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. While Chairman Lodge's attempt to pass amendments to . Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Henry Cabot Lodge, Senate speech opposing the League of Nations, February 28, 1919. page 202 note 1. Congress ultimately declared the end of the war in a joint resolution adopted on July 2, 1921. Google Scholar. Daniel McCarthy Look at the United States today. Enforced Peace: Proceedings of the First Annual National Assemblage of the League to Enforce Peace, Washington, 26-27 05 1916 (New York: League to Enforce Peace, 1916), p. 165. In 1960, he was the vice-presidential running mate to Richard Nixon, who also lost to Kennedy, who, in turn, later appointed Lodge to be ambassador to South Vietnam. ", In 1919, Lodge was at the height of a long and distinguished career. Under the terms of this league draft reported by the committee to the peace conference the Monroe doctrine disappears. With the entrance of the United States into World War I (1917), he called for united support of the war effort. US senator Henry Cabot Lodge was one of the most outspoken opponents to American membership of the League of Nations. I now come to questions of substance, which seem to me to demand the most careful thought of the entire American people, and particularly of those charged with the responsibility of ratification. National I must remain, and in that way I like all other Americans can render the amplest service to the world. We abandon entirely by the proposed constitution the policy laid down by Washington in his Farewell Address and the Monroe doctrine. words that were brilliant but often bitter." What changed? But it is well to remember that we are dealing with nations every one of which has a direct individual interest to serve, and there is grave danger in an unshared idealism. (Contextualization) Why might Lodge's argument be different in 1919 (Document A) than it was in 1915 (Document B) range of possibilities for Lodge's apparent change of heart on a league of nations. In 1876 Lodge was one of the first to be granted a doctorate in history from Harvard . Are ideals confined to this deformed experiment upon a noble purpose, tainted, as it is, with bargains and tied to a peace treaty which might have been disposed of long ago to the great benefit of the world if it had not been compelled to carry this rider on its back? Yep, throughout the history of, And to think of all that time and energy was, "..even the alleged 'islamophobia' in Aladdi, @Philip- thanks for that link- Cardinal Geor, Its an intelligent solution you are proposi, I don't know what the Pope is so afraid of, it's n, I hand write my taxes simply to annoy the IRS and, End stage (or near end stage) sexual liberation, It's interesting. Privacy Policy | Here is a speech he gave in the Senate on August 12, 1919 in which he summarized his opposition: The independence of the United States is not only more precious to ourselves but to the world than any single possession. 2. Vice President Thomas R. Marshall and members of the press gallery passed notes to "the Great Opposer," complimenting him on his triumph, and even such an accomplished orator as Indiana Senator Albert J. Beveridge conceded that he could not recall "a . He remained at Harvard for the next three years as instructor in American history and retained an active interest in this field throughout his life, editing scholarly journals and writing or editing works on major figures and events in the nations history. Contact Us "I think of the United States first." Names Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1850-1924. spk He explained this position in an August 1919 speech in Washington: The independence of the United States is not only more precious to ourselves but to the world Look at the United States today. In the days that followed, several other senators proclaimed their opposition to the League on the Senate floor. He indulged in the wishful thinking that Roosevelts charismatic leadership and use of his bully pulpit could arouse and inspire the public and Congress to the proper pursuit of international duties. Please help us continue to extend Liberty to the next generation and support the 2023 Patriots' Day Campaign today. The next Republican secretary of state, Charles Evans Hughes, brought off such diplomatic feats as the naval disarmament treaties of 1921 and the Dawes and Young Plans to aid European economic recovery forerunners of the Marshall Plan. Ideals have been thrust upon us as an argument for the league until the healthy mind which rejects cant revolts from them. We have had shortcomings. We were jubilant, she recalled later, too elated to mind the reservationists. More. Internationalism, illustrated by the Bolshevik and by the men to whom all countries are alike provided they can make money out of them, is to me repulsive. Read online World War I Through The Eyes Of Woodrow Wilson ebook anywhere anytime directly on your device. Rich Lowry It contains 132,0131 words in 229 pages. page 202 note 2. 3. The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. The Fourteen Points Speech - Woodrow Wilson 2017-06-17 This Squid Ink Classic includes the full text of the work plus MLA style citations for scholarly secondary sources, peer-reviewed journal articles and critical essays for when your teacher requires extra resources in MLA format for your research paper. The United States is the worlds best hope, but if you fetter her in the interests and quarrels of other nations, if you tangle her in the intrigues of Europe, you will destroy her power for good and endanger her very existence. The principles of the Farewell Address in regard to our foreign relations have been sustained and acted upon by the American people down to the present moment. We have had shortcomings. Standing always firmly by these great policies, we have thriven and prospered and have done more to preserve the world's peace than any nation, league, or alliance which ever existed. Look at the United States today. Bree A Dail (@breeadail) April 18, 2023 I have lived in Illinois all my 66 years. (Close Reading) What reasons does Senator Norris give for opposing the Treaty of Versailles. 13 (Oct. 23, 1832). Wilson likewise rejected any compromise efforts, calling Lodge and the reservationists nullifiers. That word, which harked back to John C. Calhoun and the slaveholding South, was sure to draw blood from Republicans just a little over half a century after the Civil War. The principles of the Farewell Address in regard to our foreign relations have been sustained and acted upon by the American people. Copyright 2023 The Patriot Post. But none the less is there any country today on the face of the earth which can compare with this in ordered liberty, in peace, and in the largest freedom? He enjoyed some moments in the limelight he delivered the keynote speech at the 1920 Republican convention, and with his party back in power, he resumed his earlier role of a presidents foreign policy champion in the Capitol. Lodge, Henry Cabot. This time, 23 Democrats voted yea, for a total of 49 in favor, with 35 against a majority, but seven votes short of the necessary two-thirds. Even at its most internationalist, Republican foreign policy in the 1920s offered weak a substitute for the American leadership on peace and collective security that Wilson had fought for. Lodge and Wilson remained bitter enemies until Wilson's death on February 3, 1924. The Last Time America Turned Away From the World, Although votes did not strictly follow party lines, 2. He began with the impassioned argument that the document repudiated George Washington's September 17, 1796, Farewell Address and the Monroe Doctrine, two sacred canons of American foreign policy. The opposition came from two groups: the "Irreconcilables," who refused to join the League of Nations under any circumstances, and "Reservationists," led by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman, Henry Cabot Lodge, who wanted amendments made before they would ratify the Treaty. Lodge, H. C. (1909) Speeches and Addresses, -1909. Patrick Henry and Laurens were also addressed in anonymous letters; they forwarded the missives to Washington himself by way of reply. looks behind the scenes at some of the most shocking and horrific things going on here in America starting with the daytime assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the implications it serves up to the citizens of a "free country." The author, Pamela Ray, along with James Files, former CIA/Mob hit man, the infamous "grassy knoll shooter" explore the truths behind some basic . We are a rock-solid conservative touchstone for the expanding ranks of grassroots Americans Patriots from all walks of life. Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Henry Cabot Lodge, Senate speech opposing the League of Nations, February 28, 1919. Eisenhower appointed Lodge ambassador to the United Nations, where he served for nearly eight years. One of the chief opponents of the Versailles Treaty was Senator Henry Cabot Lodge (R. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1909. Employment & Internships | It is almost needless to say that the question now before us is so momentous that it transcends all party linesNo question has ever confronted the United States Senate which equals in importance that which is involved in the league of nations intended to secure the future peace of the world. I fear that the hearts of the vast majority of mankind would beat on strongly and steadily and without any quickening if the league were to perish altogether. The Council of Four at the Paris Peace Conference, including British Prime Minister David Lloyd . But an American I was born, an American I have remained all my life. But visions are one thing and visionaries are another, and the mechanical appliances of the rhetorician designed to give a picture of a present which does not exist and of a future which no man can predict are as unreal and short-lived as the steam or canvas clouds, the angels suspended on wires and the artificial lights of the stage. We recommend installing the latest version of Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome. Our entry in the great war just closed was entirely in accord with and violated in no respect the policy laid down by Washington. We shall make mistakes in the future and fall short of our own best hopes. Henry Cabot Lodge (May 12, 1850 - November 9, 1924) . Borah's address moved Henry Cabot Lodge to tears. Europe will have the right to take part in the settlement of all American questions, and we, of course, shall have the right to share in the settlement of all questions in Europe and Asia and Africa. Even when he began to reject Wilsons vision of internationalism, Lodge protested that he had no superstitious regard for George Washingtons and Thomas Jeffersons bans on permanent and entangling alliances. 3. In 1876 Lodge was one of the first to be granted a doctorate in history from Harvard University. We shall make mistakes in the future and fall short of our own best hopes. the pivotal figure in the protracted debate over the League. Mr. President: The independence of the United States is not only more precious to ourselves but to the world than any single possession. Democrats tended to support the treaty and Republicans tended to oppose it. Mr. President, all people, men and women alike, who are capable of connected thought abhor war and desire nothing so much as to make secure the future peace of the world. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, 1914-1918 online - International Encyclopedia of the First World War - Biography of Henry Cabot Lodge, - Biography of Henry Cabot Lodge, Henry Cabot Lodge - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Wilson departed for the January 1919 Versailles peace conference without seeking the advice of senators from either party; once there, he insisted that his proposals for a League of Nations be incorporated into the peace settlement. We are told that we shall break the heart of the world if we do not take this league just as it stands. Lodge deeply disliked Wilson personally, and he was partisan enough to attack a policy simply because it came from the other party. It was founded on 10 January 1920 by the Paris Peace Conference that ended the First World War.The main organization ceased operations on 20 April 1946 but many of its components were relocated into the new . An erudite scholar, he spoke "with his thumbs adjusted in his armpits and a copy of Shakespeare in his pocket . Fast Download speed and no annoying ads. This address is limited as evidence because it is the perspective of only one senator. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). American History II--Imperialism and WWI Study Guide 1. We would have our country strong to resist a peril from the West, as she has flung back the German menace from the East. My one desire is that not only the Senate, which is charged with responsibility, but that the press and the people of the country should investigate every proposal with the utmost thoroughness and weigh them all carefully before they make up their minds. I have never had but one allegiance; I cannot divide it now. Also available in digital form. ja, @Philip- thanks for that link- Cardinal George Mun, Its an intelligent solution you are proposing bec, A friend has been doing a lot of research into how, Cupich is another "useful idiot" for Francis, "If, as His Eminence suggests, adoring and contemp, Everyone's free-forming because it has been some t, Im afraid, your solution flies in the face of a c, Dale, Youre right Cupich needs to hear No, but, Id be interested to hear someone from the Chicago, Cupich is not Catholicimho. I can never be anything else but an American, and I must think of the United States first, and when I think of the United States first in an arrangement like this I am thinking of what is best for the world, for if the United States fails, the best hopes of mankind fail with it. It is worse than idle, it is not honest, to evade or deny this fact, and every fairminded supporter of this draft plan for a league admits it. When these moves failed to budge the other side, he waged his own public opinion campaign with a whirlwind speaking tour that took him to the West Coast and back. and to that end let us have peace with Germany, made now, and not delay it until the complicated questions of the league of nations can be settled with the care and consideration which they demand.". Oddly, the partys de facto guest of honor was the Senates reservationist in chief, Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts, the Republican leader and chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. Perhaps the time has come when the policies of Washington should be abandoned; but if we are to cast them aside I think that at least it should be done respectfully and with a sense of gratitude to the great man who formulated them. Senator from Massachusetts, stating his case against President Wilson's League of Nations. Like Roosevelt, he initially favored a multinational peacekeeping organization, though the one they envisioned consisted of a great-power directorate keeping lesser troublemakers in line. He emphasized that he had never engaged in corruption or self-dealing. We ought to lay aside once and for all the unfounded and really evil suggestion that because men differ as to the best method of securing the world's peace in the future, anyone is against permanent peace, if it can be obtained, among all the nations of mankindWe all earnestly desire to advance toward the preservation of the world's peace, and difference in method makes no distinction in purpose. . I have loved but one flag and I cannot share that devotion and give affection to the mongrel banner invented for a league. 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