He fired upon the Supremacy, which in a placating gesture had lowered its shields. Commands the dreadnought Flashing Hooves. Id love a chapter following the Rashans point of view and revealing what there true motives are and what they really think of all the prey species and their new competition. Whatever else it was, Earth was a rich source of artistic exports. ago u/mishdaddy. The Daal, Beer, and the wonderful world of marketing, Faces would make everything so much harder, Lecture on Human History by professor Hatamhob, Entry in the Galactic Encyclopaedia: Sweat. Transmitting message now. Modern militaries use brevity codes that are based off a completed action in a battle strategy that are one word, usually on the same subject (sports teams for example), and go in alphabetical order. Let me tell you why you need to try, Jenkins said, quietly. The second thing it prompted was the declaration of a surveillance and research mission to Earth. Her wingman is, Steve "Jester" Hendricks, a more experienced pilot in the ARTN. Only hope? Jenkins asked. Pretty kickass concept - a civilization shooting a last "fuck you" at their enemy but by the time it gets there, that enemy base has been replaced by a refugee camp or something. I just stumbled upon your Prey series and devoured all three parts. Abductee 907-42-96-53-3, It introduced itself. https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/ The Descent by Kevin MacLeodLink: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4490-the-descentLicense: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license This one will take the place of my usual weekly upload of Those Days With The Monsters because I've been unable to record audio this week due to illness :( I had the audio files for this already made so I edited them down, no pick ups were possible and I had to get creative at points! The story of Lablonnamedadon is one of the classic HFY stories that got the sub noticed. The story grew worse with each retelling, especially once it left official military reports. Jenkins didnt seem especially frightened by the news, but then I realised he had almost certainly never heard of the only carnivorous species in the galaxy that preferred the meat of fellow sentients. Whatever this thing was, it was from a high-gravity planet. Then it took a second. I noticed that a patch of skin on his left arm had been artificially pigmented. ThePoshFart 5 5h40m. Surprising as this was, I then decided to write a sequel, and from there the clamor for more has picked me up and swept me along. Apt, I said. It has been done. I just saw that Spellgun was on royalroad.com as a top read fiction earlier today. Rather than answer the mystery of where they had come from, they had historically preferred to tell stories and then convince themselves that the stories were true. I was linked to hfy by writingprompts though. Finally got a chance to read Part III tonight. Might do it again all over again for the story. Was 9 days late to the party. Can you check the site for Pretty III? The classic tale of first contact. The full discussion they had is still posted somewhere, I think the Arkmuse VoM page has a link to it. YASS. Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. The UTA, United Terran Alliance, controlled over 87% of mankind's colonies from its seat of power on Earth. Of course we should. Surrounded on all sides by an ecosystem saturated with toxic microfauna and parasitic nano-organisms, by vicious predators, hardy prey and an explosively unstable tectonic world, they sacrificed their own peace of mind on the altar of evolution. I stared at their twin heavy pulse guns, too afraid even to close my eyes before the end. worth a read. A setting where the PCs are fantasy B.J. This, and quarantine, both of which I found elsewhere, led me to HFY. When I go there I see the story for a few seconds but then get stuck behind ads. Some had died off so early only a few stone monuments marked that they had ever been there, some had established empires spanning nearly a dozen systems. The last thing the station did before activating this field was to spit two probes that embedded themselves in Earths lone, large moon so as to snoop on the human races communications networks and forward the information to us on the observatory. HFY, Humanity Fuck Yeah, good thread, OC, writefaggotry, Drake MacDougal, 2012-10-26: 22 : January 2013: 22759329: Clarke's Third Law /tg/ talks about science and gawks at each other's cool shit. This is going to make waiting for the fourth even harder. He threw his feet out ahead of him and slid the last few strides to the locker. You are not, Officer Aktnn, Vedreg replied. Jenkins issued a coarse sound through his nasal orificederisionbut said nothing. Just finished up reading. What we found was an outpost of a space-faring race, its people still alive and well. That's not to say I'm against what you're doing. Or at least, that's what I choose to believe. I actually gasped out loud. Gonna deliver the Rashan some good ol' fashioned freedom, one BRRRRRRT at a time. What? One of the first . Jenkins nodded, and our implants eventually decided that he meant that a prediction had come true. YES! New stories, space dragons, kickarse tales, More of humans being the cutest race in the galaxy, and exploiting the hell out of it, /tg/ asks how well Lex Luthor would do in anon's setting of choice, and /tg/ explains why people from capeshit are bullshit. Ugly motherfuckers.. The locker reacted to the security codes my station security officers harness was broadcasting and opened, spilling out a pair of pulse guns, two personal shield emitters and a magazine of coin-sized nervejam grenades. The most successful troll in /tg/ history skews the OP's topic into a debate on whether Humans are the worst fantasy race. I had been retired from the customs and immigration desk on the docking ring while my injuries were repaired, and instead had spent much of the last three groups of eight standard diurnals dealing with the paperwork and investigative work that had followed the Hunter attack. NameKevin Jenkins. Holy shit! I've read a few stories based on this universe, most have been pretty damn good. I'm so happy you have a Patreon now too. But you were fearless when those Hunters were shooting you! I exclaimed. A new HFY thread, almost no copy paste, a few new stories, and an interesting Veil of Madness continuation. Every attempt to convince people that we wanted fair negations was seen as a deception. Now, on the edge of League space, a new foe threatens the centuries-long status quo, and it's up to two outsider species - the Dreeden and their allies, the Terrans- to try and save the League before this new threat consumes it. The UTA Dreadnought "Supremacy" was in essence a city in space. He was holding himself low and hunched, and I could see those dense high-gravity muscles tense and ready under his lightly-furred skin. It would require an amendment to the Galactic Treaty of Laws, he said Which the council is historically stubborn to tamper with. Might want to see if that can be fixed. taps two fingers repeatedly in the crook of his arm. David and Gron go hunting for a lost crewmember, but encounter trouble almost immediately. At that distance, the nervejam grenades should not have affected him at all. Glad you liked it! Most of the crew found it impossible to believe that she was not insane, but Jenkins assured me that her beliefs were considered perfectly normal. They are mentally overwhelmingtheir ideas are powerful, their inventiveness puts us to shame, their philosophy explores avenues of thought that simply never occurred to us. I apologise, I said, chagrined at my own lack of professionalism. As far as I can tell, it was originally posted by an anonymous author on 4chan's /tg/ board on 23-02-10. This bot is open source. It was fucking awesome too! This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. I hope I am not interrupting, Lawyer Vedregnenug? I asked. What is it?, Our greatest weakness, Jenkins said. If you enjoy the LitRPG genre, you may also enjoy my in-progress web serial Spellgun. I was actually driving back from talking with my lawyer about fighting for the right to have contact with my own offspring when I was abducted., He looked me in the eye. I really hope not. The classic tale of first contact. David hears worrying news about an outbreak on other stations, takes some time to deal with the captured AI and develops an android body for SHODAN. (The Salvation War, #1) by Stuart Slade (shelved 3 times as hfy) With reposting of classics, statement of what HFY is, and plenty of new OC. One of his eyes had swollen and was turning a dark red-purple. For anyone who missed it hidden at the bottom of the story page-. Pretty sure the reveal was done by the original author. I visited it only once - aside from being a third heavier than usual, I swiftly felt the heat and humidity making me unwell and returned to the core of the station, which was tuned to the interstellar norm I was used to. You can find their music here:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCliumcKpyD4wSPGsfSCd0Jwhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC19SB4ExQCZLAlKa65vmoVgThis video comes instead of my 1000 sub video, which I want to take a bit more time on the edit. Clips from it were discussed on political discussion broadcasts, most of them chosen to show the worst possible take on what Jenkins had been saying. Species after species had killed each other and themselves off for one reason or another. He rolled up the sleeves of fabric that covered his forelimbs until they were bunched around the mid-joint. Good setup chapter. It was awesome. Looking at your account name versus what you've been posting, I've gotta ask: is this account purpose made? It was a short fight. It was only after Reddit user Guidosbestfriend set his own story Humans Dont Make Good Pets in the same universe and I confessed to having created the setting that I learned that The Kevin Jenkins Experience was considered a HFY classic. I didn't even need to google "grasping hoof. This is a fantastic return. Responsible part of my brain: we should get to sleap, it's 2 am, All of the rest of me: OH HEL NO IT AIN'T, ITS PREY O'CLOCK AND WE'RE READING THIS RIGHT NOW. That was amazing. Doesn't matter how long it takes, we just love to read your stuff! For nearly seven hundred years, mankind grew and expanded. You see, Earth is a death world. He never told me why he asked to have his social implant removed, and why he went back to Earth. I literally did a mini-jump as soon as I saw the words "HFY" and "Prey" in the same alert box. I nodded, fighting back the urge to excrete in my terror. His skin went bumpy and raised his sparse body fur. Raids from pirate groups further cemented our dark reputation, and in time we came to work with the role. By how easily they broke. I swallowed my pain and staggered to my feet. On the news, his eye had still been swollen and ugly, much of his flesh had darkened and bruised from minor haemorrhaging, and he had been wincing with pain every time he drew breath. There was the sound of pulse-gun fire and a squealing being galloped into the customs area before being caught from behind by a kinetic pulse that hurled it to the ground, broken and dying. When they finally get off their world in a meaningful way, when they finally become eligible for contact and for introduction into the interstellar community, we will need to handle them with utmost care. The fox is in the henhouse. This is the most fun I've had reading fiction in a very, very long time. Paradigm, I fucking love this shit. Fuck yeah". Henhouse, henhouse, henhouse.. The medical report from the team that provided care to Jenkins after the battle said that his blood stream contained a powerful combat drug, though I was certain he hadnt ingested, inhaled or injected any during the fight. Theyre both products of the same religious root anyway!. You will find documentary verification of that fact on this data storage.. The newest thread Im most curious about is the encrypted transmission the Rashan sent out that Jim is trying to decode. Honestly, Your original stories are some of the most influential on hfy, like Your stories got me into hfy! Looking back, it's actually worked out in our favour. Prey is what introduced me to HFY and I have reread 1 and 2 this morning because God damn it is feels like my first girlfriend just texted me. Baden Woods, is the brash Terran Ambassador to the Assemblage, and friends with, Nesh, the Dreeden Ambassador to the Assemblage. David picks through the wreckage of his spectacular dogfight, kills yet more Wraiths and Demons, and has a not so restful sleep. Thanks for sending me the message about it or I likely would have missed it as I was on vacation when you released it. I had to agree, as I fired a few suppressing shots around the corner. Our first inhabited planet was less than thirty light-years away, far closer than we would have thought. He was quite correct and that status made properly navigating him through the immigration paperwork impossible. It's back! Sheathed in a stealth field that bent all electromagnetic radiation around itself, and using centripetal spin rather than generated gravity, it was designed to go completely undetected. Keep it up! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com. Now, twenty diurnals after the attack, there was just some greenish discolouration to show that he had ever been injured. Dude, not a single word of this let us down, this was amazing. He and I were good acquaintances, but his species are sticklers for observing some formalities upon greeting one another. My name is indeed a reference; Index Librorum Prohibitorum, the list of forbidden books kept by the Vatican. Im a bureaucratic anomaly. I gave this some consideration, and scrapped the form. It was absolutely fantastic and exceeded my expectations in every way! Today I found your first Prey story and felt it was one of the best stories I've ever read. It was rather amusing to see the scientific community collectively slap their heads when they see the simple ideas and concepts they had missed. I had to go to civilian law enforcement before most of my property was returned. I actually gasped out loud. Whenever Jenkins was with me, I noticed that he had a habit of focusing on the worst aspects. As part of my job, I was required to pass information of potential military significance back to the Council. Was wondering when you'd bring that up. Him. All rights reserved. The security footage records you being shot seven times by heavy pulse gun fire and you have fully healed in less than three-times-eight diurnals, I said. But if that's what it takes then I guess that's whats it takes. They gave me a splitting headache from across the room.. The image can safely be downscaled to reduce file size, without any noticeable changes on most screens. I havent slept in two standard Diurnals.. Read the FAQ, read the Subreddit Rules, and check out our Wiki. Profanity A comedy. The concept of the taser was among the very first. Barely tall enough to see over the top of my customs desk, in fact. You have to understandI come from one of the more civilized parts of my planet., Vedreg and I sat in silence for several minutes, absorbing this news. A chair reconfigured itself for my anatomy and I straddled it. This story is so poignant to me so I really wanted to narrate it.Originally by /u/AssHatVik, i got the post from here:https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/blh6k1/text_no_graves_for_the_forgotten/. Sothis God created humans, got angry at them, condemned them to be tortured forever and ever after death, and then had itself sacrificed to itself to save mankind from the very torture it was inflicting upon them? he asked. It was assumed that this would be just another dead world, that we might find some usable raw materials pre-harvested in the form of abandoned constructions in orbit. I get the impression that station 442 is not the only place where you. If Jenkins was to be believed, then the line between fantasy and reality was, for many humans, invisible. I am adapting to it. Another group borrowed the idea of poetry reading and took it in turns to stand up and read their compositions aloudan exercise doomed to ridiculousness by the fact no two of them spoke the same language, but they took to it with enthusiasm.