That plus a few of the utility things ensures theres plenty to work with here. isnt awful either, giving you three points if one or more enemy units were destroyed by a Grey Knight unit that either arrived from Teleport Strike or redeployed with. : The Purifier Smite is now its own power, dealing a flat 3MWs to the closest enemy, or d3+3 if you roll an 11+ (and Purifiers get +1 to cast it). If youre trying to build competitive lists, these and Dreadknights are your bread and butter. This should be a lock on turns two and three and youve got ways to reach for it in other turns, so might be worth it in some games. Thatsfine, but because many of the games most mobile units rely on Advance or Charge boosts, flat halving of movement is always a bit less powerful than it sounds. Finally, Psyk-Out Grenades is a fully hilarious tool for punishing enemy Psykers a unit with the right keyword (and its generously distributed of all your infantry, including characters) can throw one, and if it hits (on a 2+) the Psyker just immediately suffers Perils. New and exciting is Empyric Amplification (WC7), which is your power for absolutely dunking someone you dont like. If Grey Knights (very strong) synergies with Marines big vehicles break through anywhere its probably on the Stormraven. And there you have it folks the Grey Knights. Lord of the Twelfth Legion. The floor of quality for 9th Edition books is higher than ever, and theres some decent stuff here the Visions of the Prognosticars are one of the best designed sets of upgrades out there, getting a strong Warpcraft Secondary rules, and theyve succeeded in making a Grey Knight scary at baseline. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Thats mostly because the Ritual of the Damned stratagem sheet was buck wild, overcompensating for how weak the original Codex ones were, and the extremes in both directions have been flattened out. They do get a cast as well, but are notably less useful than pretty much all the other characters in a straight up fight because the crozius arcanum isnt a nemesis weapon and has a less useful statline than those. The consequence of most other characters dropping down to just one cast is that Librarians now do stand out as better Psykers than most of your options here they get to cast two powers, and have the cute gimmick of being able to pick from Sanctic powers as well as Dominus. When you factor in Grey Knights that come with 2 attacks base, then the halberd granting +1S on both attacks trims the advantage of the falchions over the halberds somewhat, and expands the advantage of the halberds over the swords. Well have to go ahead and feed that one into Hammer of Math and see which one comes out ahead. Edit:Thanks to some feedback, it turns out I missed a subtlety on this theres a specific Rule on when after deployment effects happen, and it turns out to be in the pre game abilities step afterdetermining first turn. The others arent as exciting, but arent terrible either. There is genuinely better support in this book for running a Land Raider or Stormraven than pretty much anywhere else in Marines at the moment, so there could be some utility in these, and strange though it seems thematically they can also amp up Dreadknights, which is especially relevant for the regular flavour. The warlord trait is probably less competitive, but is very welcome for other modes of play. Keeping this is great news, as even though its 3CP for a full squad this is the exact kind of army where thats a deal youre still going to want to take sometimes looking at you, Paladin brick. Grey Knights offer you a highly elite army that trades off the durability of factions like Custodes and Death Guard for a heady mixture of psychic might and mobility. Top stuff, and likely to see play in most lists. only going to want this if Daemons are rampant in the metagame. Grey Knights | Warhammer 40,000 Tactical Guide January 7, 202219 9 Grey Knights Go to Contents The Grey Knights are a predominately mid and close range army, ideally suited for dealing with all manner of foes with strong combat, solid shooting and robust support and damage from their psychic powers. The only price you pay for all this is dropping down to a single cast, but thats rather offset by them also being substantially cheaper a GMNDK with the sword, psycannon and psilencer is now 205pts, down from 235pts before, leaving you plenty spare to buy them the teleporter and/or the Servant of the Throne upgrade for a one-turn 3++. Purifiers and Paladins also get a shakeup. , which is still mostly the same, allowing a unit to be redeployed. It does feel like some sort of cast boost is, Theres a lot of change though, especially in the Sanctic powers, which now work quite differently to normal. Realistically, Swordbearer Grey Knights might be the best place to run non-Achilles Land Raiders and Stormravens. Sanctuary (WC6) also returns, and sadly theyve finally put a sword through the heart of the OG source of bullshit invulnerable save combos. In terms of building armies, I am reasonably confident that armies built predominantly around Strike Marines and Dreadknights are at least viable, and that a few point cuts could open up more options. By contrast, Thousand Sons get +1 to cast and a 5+ Invulnerable save added to a lot of their units. As youd expect from Grey Knights, theyre also. This was Hyperion's first major combat as a Grey Knight and I'm not sure you could come closer to a literal baptism of fire. hes a vicious killer), gets AP-1 and D2 on his storm bolter and re-gains a 3+ invulnerable save via the, . no longer makes bolt weapons count as Psi. Alongside him, we're taking a fully decked out Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight. These are things you very much want to land, so this can be helpful, but honestly this could probably have just been flat +1 to cast. Its maybe not the strongest list out there, falling off after two near-mandatory picks, but having super Rites of War available brings up the standards quite a bit all by itself. Grey Knights end up with a significant amount of their tools just not, anything too much of the time, and some of that space needed to go on big, splashy effects that are widely applicable. Well have to go ahead and feed that one into Hammer of Math and see which one comes out ahead. That means its good both when its making Dreadknights ObSec and when your Strike Marines are trying to compete against enemy hordes. Layering these two effects on top of the other improvements these have received makes a spearhead of a GMDK and three regular ones look like the real deal both in Grey Knights lists and plausibly in soup. Once per game, when the bearer is chosen as the target of a ranged attack, you can immediately redeploy them anywhere on the battlefield more than 9 from the enemy, and if theyre no longer a legal target the opponent has to re-target their attacks. Both neat in the right matchup, but therein lies the problem a lot of stuff here is narrow. It feels like this could, have borne giving re-rolls as well, but any way to get a better than 9 charge was something notably missing from the previous incarnation of this book and its welcome. Other units also get some specific tricks here Purgation squads get a very welcome strat for +1 to wound at half range, Brother Captains get an extremely useful ability to provide a +1 to cast aura with Psychic Locus, and in-line with a lot of units Interceptors have their once-per-game shunt moved to a Stratagem. DjGameK1ng 2 yr. ago. Most of the Infantry units also have the Combat Squads ability. I think there are two key problems with this book that really hold it back. is still a cute but absurdly high-risk gimmick where you trade re-rolling one of Sterns hits, wounds or saves for the opponent getting a floating re-roll of the same in their turn, but, has received an upgrade. Realistically, this means having one stave in your units provides extra flexibility, and theyre free so go ahead and do that. Grey Knight detachments have a couple of limitations: All units in Grey Knight detachments gain The Aegis (discussed below), and detachments where all models are from the same BROTHERHOOD (with the exception of Honoured Knights units, this books equivalent of Blades for Hire or Dynastic Agent) become a Brotherhood of Psykers, unlocking extra rules depending on which Brotherhood was chosen. [1a] [1e] Each member of the chapter undergoes a gruelling and torturous selection process, and even once inducted, their harsh training regime is without equal. It notably punishes opponents using Scout Deploy units, which are very popular right now, and is an especially good pick in matchups where theyre liable to feed you something. Rounding things out, you get two thematic options in Daemon Slayer and Psychic Epitome. Read PDF Codex Eldar 6 Edition Eldar 6th Edition Codex Rumors - gamma-ic. This is obviously much weaker than the version of these effects that trigger at the start of the first Battle Round (since you have to declare it before you know whos going first), but if you decide you want to be putting more of your units into reserves than youre normally allowed, or want to try and pull some mind games, there might be something here. Strike Squads, Purgation, and Purifiers all went up to 17 pts base which is huge in what is considered an already overcosted army. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), James "One_Wing" Grover and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, Jack Hunter, Matthew "Rockfish" Herrington and Liam "Corrode" Royle, Matthew "Rockfish" Herrington, Jack Hunter, Colin Ward and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, Garrett "John Condit" Severson, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and MildNorman, Liam "Corrode" Royle and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, FromTheShire, B Phillip York, Will "Loxi" Angarella, Rocco Gest and Marcille "Marcy" Donato, B Phillip York, FromTheShire and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and MildNorman, The Goonhammer Review of Codex: Thousand Sons (9th Edition), incredibly official Goonhammer store on RedBubble. The rest are more specialised. After both players have deployed this allows you to redeploy three CORE units, or pull them into strategic reserves for free. Its very unlikely to be the dominant way to play Grey Knights, but its something I can imagine pulling off a surprisingly decent performance in the right hands. While the power of the Swordbearers abilities means that Im giving these the faintest little bit of a side-eye, ultimately these run you the same price as a Strike Squad for the cheapest build, and you should buy the Strike Squad. Third and finally, if youre playing against Daemons you can thoroughly ruin their day with, , an uncomplicated kill Daemons, get points secondary and itll sometimes be worth a look into Death Guard and CSM lists with lots of Daemon Engines too especially if either Magnus or Mortarion is present, since those bag you 5pts all on their own. Its reasonably costly at 2CP, but opening up +1 to hit for, targeting a specific unit as well as +1 to wound for the vehicles lets you pull off a, of a gank with ranged firepower, especially when you throw. is considerably less useful on these than some Chapter Tactics out there, and Grey Knight Chaplains arent nearly as exciting as regular Marine ones, which leaves these far weaker than their counterparts in some other chapters. In terms of building armies, I am reasonably confident that armies built predominantly around Strike Marines and Dreadknights are at least viable, and that a few point cuts could open up more options. Every little helps, but its still not reliable; one of the dice needs to be a 6 for it to change anything, after all. At baseline, the expectation is that two of the DKs go into deep strike and the GM and one regular start on the table. While this Tide is dominant for your army: The majority of units now have a keyword to replace, and a few abilities (notably re-roll auras from Grandmasters, Brother-Captains and the boost from Brotherhood Ancients) now key off it. can help you out in a turn where youre planning to make a lot of charges or badly need to seize some objectives. The consequence of most other characters dropping down to just one cast is that Librarians now, stand out as better Psykers than most of your options here they get to cast two powers, and have the cute gimmick of being able to pick from Sanctic powers as well as Dominus. If you really try you can get +2MWs out of this a turn, but its hard enough work that you probably wont bother. An Apothecary, but in Terminator Armour and with a big sword and fully five attacks. Every army in 9th gets some sort of cool upgrade option you can spend points on, and Grey Knights are no exception. They also only get one cast now, though they still know two Dominus powers, further incentivising the other options. You pick a visible enemy within 12, and then, attacks made against it with Nemesis and Psi weapons are at +1D until your next psychic phase. There look to be some extremely real soup detachment options in this book, and while you should ensure your army can maximise Tides if youre running Grey Knights solo, dont feel too discouraged from wider experimentation either. The Grey Knight Codex has a, of options that further boost your Denies, and a few that boost your casting, while the Thousand Sons have a, of boosts to casting, and only a few for Denies. provides you with twelve different options for upgrading your characters, representing either prophetic visions or special artefacts presented to a hero for use at a key moment. Its worth saying that the impact it has on Deep Strike charge maths isnt spectacular by itself, bumping you from a 28% chance to around a 39%. Essentially, 10pts extra on your Dreadknights is now going to substantially magnify how much of a headache they are to have on the table very much what you want. Last up before we move onto datasheets, Secondary Objectives. Codex Craftworld Eldar. Alongside their dark counterparts the Thousand Sons, Grey Knights are about to get a new, upgraded codex, and Games Workshop have kindly sent us a review copy so we can give you a prognostication of the future. Competitive Innovations in 9th: A Short Breather, Competitive Innovations in 9th: Our Metagame Yearns for Freedom pt.2, Competitive Innovations in 9th: The Desolation of Manchester pt.2, Battletech: Specialized Armor and How to Defeat It, Jack Harpster Talks Bringing Harlequins to the Art of War Streamhouse RTT, March of the Machine Review, Part 2 of 4: The Multicolor Cards, March of the Machine Review, Part 1 of 4: The Mechanics, Horus Heresy Model Review: Sicaran Venator, Horus Heresy Model Review: Cerberus Tank Destroyer, Announcing: The Unified Tournament Circuit (UTC). You get one-shot effects to switch off Overwatch, shoot a unit that arrived from Reinforcements, and trigger a Heroic Intervention from non-characters, and the more unique and potentially very spicy ability to Overwatch on a 4+. Good stuff. for wound re-rolls on a big unit is going to make a hideous mess of almost anything, so if youve got large units rocking in, and need something absolutely flattened, you can do worse. All of this on an objective where, on six marker maps, you never have to go past the halfway line to maximise. . Like the Grandmaster variant, basic Dreadknights rule theyre slightly down in price, have access to the same improved wargear as the Grand Masters, and crucially have been upgraded with both the CORE keyword and a baseline 4+ invulnerable save from, . Can also take the Banner of Cleansing Flame for an extra nasty surprise once battle is joined. For these, it feels like theres plausibly a play in taking a full squad of ten with four incinerators in a Rhino depending on the matchup, you can either Combat Squad them for a big damage spike from the powers, or keep them together to maximise the value of, . Rules for building an army of Grey Knights including, for the first time, special rules for each of the eight Brotherhoods that make up the order. Most of the Infantry units also have the Combat Squads ability. There seems to have been a fundamental disconnect in how these are priced presumably the cost of regular Terminators was taken as a starting point and then a premium was added on for the psychic ability (they also get Hammerhand). Grey Knights still only have one Fast Attack option, but its a good one Interceptors are very strong. Publicado el sbado, 1 de abril de 2023 . I mean this cant be a surprise if youve read the review up till now Strike Marines and Dreadknights are where its at, so lets build a list with them. Mortal wounds are already popular in the metagame and likely about to become more so, and with your models all being highly valuable defences against them are very valuable. If thats what your list needs, go wild. Loss of old-school Astral Aim shenanigans makes these a bit weaker than they once were, and your heavy support slots are now heavily contested by Dreadknights, but if you find yourself needing a few more guns, these still fill that role, especially as psycannons are a bit spicier on base rate now. Neat stuff. These are yet another unit that gains baseline. Realistically, unless you have a specific plan for a relic or a gift of the Prognosticars the price difference between one of these and more exciting options (i.e. still changes Tides, now with a rider that you cant switch back to a Tide thats already been used. Its general assembly is made up of elected business leaders and acts to represent and defend the interests of businesses with public authorities, as well as taking positions . This section of the book is pure goodness and very welcome the pricing across the board feels well tuned and there are both standout winners and a strong second tier of things youll consider if youve got spare points. Especially with Voldus looking a bit less exciting than he used to, Draigo should be a mainstay of Grey Knight armies and because hes the SUPREME GRAND MASTER rather than a regular one, you can take him and the regular flavour, which means you can still load him into a detachment alongside a Dreadknight. Grey Knights vs Necrons Warhammer 40K Battle Report 9th Edition 2000pts S10EP45 KINGS AND GENERALS! plus two Psychic Disciplines Sanctic and Dominus. Knowing two of these was vital to how Grey Knight Chaplains were used in 8th, and only getting to know one makes them quite hard to justify. They also get the ability to hand one of a sub-set of relics to a squad Sergeant. They can also upgrade basic box Dreadnoughts to be a bit more fearsome and re-roll their charges, so if you want to toss stubby robots around with Gate of Infinity, this is where you go wild. Only 14 left in stock - order soon. Losing the old version of Astral Aim is another big sting to the army, as it shuts down quite a number of nonsense combos. $5. In a Psychic-heavy metagame that could certainly be good, but this is another place where it feels like a. of Grey Knights toys have been taken away all at once keeping one of the ways to increase cast reliability wouldnt have seemed unreasonable. Your largest adult son can enjoy one turn of the old-style 3++, which is extremely cool. Its not all doom and gloom though the Banner of Refining Flame changes to a rather more exciting version thats plausibly worth a look. The usual boilerplate about Vehicles not being able to take relics is conspicuously absent, and there are no keyword restrictions on this, so now when your opponent points their lascannons at your GMDK it can teleport straight behind a mid-table wall, and woe betide them if they throw some incidental shots at him at the end of the phase. With that out the way, lets look at what these do for you. If Grey Knights (very strong) synergies with Marines big vehicles break through anywhere its probably on the Stormraven. Conveniently this was the third power shown off by WarCom, a kind of gimmick smite which you apply to a unit and which causes it to potentially take mortal wounds if it moves or charges. With the basic troops of the army being so much deadlier it is, of course, possible that youre happy just having a Chaplain kicking around for the hit re-rolls in a fight, but our read is that youre going to want to be plowing as many points into units as possible. Ultimately though, those lists are going to be operating off the fact that the two key datasheets are just tremendously efficient, kind of despite the army as a whole rather than because of it. It does feel like some sort of cast boost is conspicuously missing though, and the Sanctic Shard should probably have been left alone.. As some of the finest Psykers in the galaxy its only fitting that Grey Knights get multiple psychic disciplines, with both the Dominus and Sanctic Disciplines returning from 8th. Both the 9th edition Grey Knights and Thousand Sons codexes released alongside a double-army battlebox, Hexfire: Supernatural Warfare in the 41st Millennium. Whether Grey Knights can justify investing the price of most of a Strike Squad in a guy thats just good at killing things is an open question, but the statline is reasonably aggressive for the cost so he might see some use, which will be a relief for people eyeing up his cool new model. This obviously means that youll frequently have multiple units with each, and to deal with that all of these powers work like Smite they can be cast multiple times, with the Warp Charge going up each time you do. A Grand Master Dreadknight with both of these traits via Exemplar of the Silver Host feels pretty real! there isnt anything else in the book that quite fills that gap. As in other miniature wargames, players enact battles using miniature models of warriors and fighting vehicles. Each turn, you score points depending on how many different objectives were purified that turn, capping out at 6VP if you purified four or more. has gotten lost in the warp, so if you want to farm CP this is now your main option, and because Psychic Actions dont mess with your auras like regular ones this could be a strong pick on something like an Apothecary or Chaplain. Kaldor Draigo kicks ass, and you want to take him a, . Tide of Celerity can help you out in a turn where youre planning to make a lot of charges or badly need to seize some objectives. Its amazing what access to a good invulnerable save will do for you! Chaplains are obviously here to bring Litanies to the table, so whether you want one over, say, a Librarian will mostly be determined by the plans you can concoct using those. But to post the excerpt mentioned in the title, Angron is fucking terrifying. The most mysterious of the Emperor's servants, the Grey Knights are a unique Chapter of Space Marines. Very much a metagame call, but if Sororitas, the Thousand Sons or mirror matches become a big deal it can help tilt things in your favour. While the basic sword being S5 makes it a good default, in the current metagame the halberd (S6 AP-2 D2) is probably also worth a look, as going to S6 makes them great for mopping up various AdMech toys as they start to wound on a 2+. to one that was active earlier in the battle). That leaves him as. Some of the splashier Sanctic effects have also been moved to this one. Grey Knights are short of units that. Theyre also, rather than belonging to a Brotherhood, which does place some limitations on what you can do with them and basically requires you to bring Draigo if you want any hope of them having re-rolls to hit. : Light Cover when youre >12 away from the enemy, and Dense Cover instead if you had Light already. With the removal of lots of other options for boosting this, that can be very clutch, and its priced to move at 15pts. This rules, and it combines a lot of elements of good secondaries. This section at the end is where I can get a bit more opinionated about what the book means, and highlight any areas of disappointment or serious balance concerns arising. (discussed below), and detachments where all models are from the same BROTHERHOOD (with the exception of Honoured Knights units, this books equivalent of Blades for Hire or Dynastic Agent) become a Brotherhood of Psykers, unlocking extra rules depending on which Brotherhood was chosen. Ultimately though, those lists are going to be operating off the fact that the two key datasheets are just tremendously efficient, kind of, the army as a whole rather than because of it. New rules for upgrading your characters with gifts from the Prognosticars, offering gifts of foresight to swing the battle at key moments. With that out the way, lets look at what these do for you. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Nasty surprise once battle is joined pull them into strategic reserves for free this means that every time you this!, you get two thematic options in Daemon Slayer and Psychic Epitome enemy hordes at key moments youre to! 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