[12]. But it turns out it is a binary star, eclipsing itself every 3 days. So the God of the sea raped Medusa, but what is more horrifying was Pallas Athena siding with the Gods in condemning her. But when she was corrupted by her dark hideous and sinister sisters she became a mortal gorgon like them. 7.40am. There is no surprise therefore that many famous leaders who brainwashed their subjects have this aspect in their Natal Chart. This fixed star is sometimes called the Lilith Star, Demon Star or in Chinese Astrology piled up corpses. She holds a golden cup in her hands full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. OK, my thoughts are; 1. Even the product of Medusa, Pegasus signifies far out ideas way ahead of their time. You tend to gravitate towards quests or causes which you feel a strong sense of commitment to. Each defines an area that will be tapped for good or ill; the tests are intense and unavoidable. Pluto conjunct Algol: Mata Hari 005, Albert Einstein 014, Charles II of England 044, Edgar Cayce 131. At the same time crime is also fuelled by alcohol, giving us a false sense of bravado. What do I have? hello, if i have jupiter in gemini 3 degree conjuct saturn in 25 degrees, is it jupiter conjuct algol. A demon is no different from you and me, because we are using our divine creative energies to produce our own suffering, through thought emotion and deed ! As most know, the fixed star Algol has quite the negative reputation. Piscean energy is beautiful when channeled positively, but extremely dark and unfeeling when the native doesnt know how to use it and experiment with occult and other dark energies. WebBeta () Perseus, Algol, is a bright star positioned on the severed head that Perseus is carrying. Algol Star, Beta Persei [astropixels.com], Ascendant conjunct Algol: Honor and preferment. There may be a striking beard or glorious long hair. [5]. 17th Aug. 1973. Poet, journalist, art critic. The poor star appears to die, but then it is reborn. As the ascendant ruler was conjunct a benefic and oppose Algol a balanced perspective was given through partnerships Carl formed particularly on darker topics. Spectral class: B8. Shiny stars, passionate, harmful, rescuers. Once I managed to leave that situation things improved dramatically. On May 21, 2008, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act became law To prohibit discrimination on the basis of genetic information with respect to health insurance and employment [11]. WebWe are SOLD OUT !!! This is why people in the media often have Algol featuring prominently in their chart, as it is their job to speak for a living, through whatever medium they may choose. There's no surprise why it is known as the star in the zodiac that Jupiter was conjunct Algol. Thank you, very interesting, I have Venus and Mercury @ 27 Taurus, I definitely have a distinctive voice & was called Medusa as a child due to my crazy hair, I guess I need to remember to keep calm & not lose my head. Some famous people with this placement in their charts include Debra Winger, Margot Fonteyn, Liberace, Marshall Applewhite, Brian Eno, Eric Satie, Ayatollah Khomeini, David Byrne, George Lucas, and Pierre Currie. There is often a frisson of danger or weirdness that surrounds these people but this also makes them very charismatic. I appreciate any insight. A blue-white star with a magnitude of 2.1 var. Please do not fret, Gloria, you were born to handle and work with those energies! Saturn Prima Hyadum, In astrology, Algol is one of the most unfortunate stars. She is going to lose. If you are interested in Brees services please click: Your email address will not be published. As everything has two sides, it has to be said that high spiritual rays are emanating from Algol also, but only those human beings can receive them who have already reached high spiritual development. WebAstrological Degrees and Fixed Stars Astrological Degrees and Fixed Stars. Agatha Christie; Murder mystery writer was famous for her psychological suspense. Oh. You are also not afraid to say what you really think and may have some strong opinions about risky subjects that may alienate people around you. PERSEUS in a demi-god, a son of God (remind me of someone), he is the part of your soul that remained untaintd by the descent into matter. And sits at 26 Taurus. Hello. Medusas Head, the meaning of the Latin title, is being held in Perseuss hand, which is she is star in his constellation. Thanks for all the good information., I dont see here Algol in conjunction with jupiter, as I have. The following orbs may be allowed for conjunction and oppositions depending on the magnitude of fixed stars. At the same time, you may fuss over your appearance as you care so much about what other people think of you which can then make you seem shallow and obsessed with your own image. Don Bachardy; Portrait artist, met life partner, writer Christopher Isherwood at 18, 30 year age gap. I have found that a strong Algol placement in the natal chart corresponds to very distinctive facial features and hair. Algol appears to blink as shown in the animation below. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.21. I would say this kind of bold statement can be seen in the natal Mid Heaven 24Ari13, transit Eris as many as 11 times near or over the MC between 2018 and 2024. OK. Hmmm. Alcohol comes from the word Algol. Magnitude: 2.12. Children separated for years from their parents ? I have only started looking into lately. Donald Trump has the fixed star Algol almost conjunct to his Midheaven (out of orb). A powerhouse! Neptune attacked and raped her, and Pallas Athena (Minerva in Roman mythology) became furious that Medusa had sexual relations on what was meant to be a sacred site inside the temple. Advocate of womens rights, abortion and conservation. Algol sits on Donald Trumps Midheaven and is square to Mars in Leo and square to his Leo Ascendant. Even then, it has to be noted that those particular persons will have difficulties and obstacles in their way, and they have to use much energy to overcome these handicaps. Pierre Curie (31); Physicist and pioneer in radioactivity. Ive mentioned at a few web sites, that the Trinity is worth over $3trillion with the Proofs as they are now. From Medusa being a feared gorgon, she then became a key component of winning a battle. But with thanks in advance, I am seeking a little bit of reassurance. Like I said. The Sun aligns with this star from around May 15th to 19th. Oh my Ive got Algol in my 5th house conjunct Mars (Taurus), and I have the grand talent trines I saw some people tripping on. Once we pass the ghoul in Algol, we find the pure Spirit in that word, just as its modern derivative, Alcohol, which does so much damage if used irresponsibly, is also the background material of the Universe, without which nothing else exists at all. If you have this placement then you may feel depressed at times and sad without understanding why. I am having a lot going on in the 8th house at the moment. In astrology, the head of the famous Medusa is known as the fixed star called Algol which is located at 26 degrees of Taurus. The serpents in Medusas hair connect her to the Ophiuchus constellation (the snake charmer) also known as the medicine man. My Taurus sun is at 26 degrees and its in the 8th house. I have Algo opposite my 25degree Scorpio sun. 4. People have told me that they have it and I have tried to feel that person out.I dont think one could feel out Algol conjunct anything but the ASC, Sun or Moon. Children separated for years from their parents ? Algol, like other stars, confers tasks upon us which, if comprehended and accepted, offer great rewards of power and creativity. LOL. I should Google that. There is a lust for life if you have this placement, but it can also cause you to act without thinking, while at the same time also making you feel creative and inspired. Venus Retrograde in Your Natal Chart Whats it Mean. a demon. Current 2023 longitude: 26 29. But I have managed to sufficiently freak myself in the current weather. You are not alone there. Web3 hour workshop teaching the fundamental skills of fixed star devotion, elections, magical operations, writing invocations, and more! More COVID variants no doubt. There was nothing about Medusa in Aspect to Venus. I have always thought of the fixed stars in natal astrology as operating at a deep stratum in the psyche. Medieval Arabic commanders tried to ensure that no important battle began whilst the light of Algol was weak. The son of God inside of you is your own savior thats gonne conquer the monster, slay the dragon, etc PEREUS is your sporitual self MEDUSA is your split psychological self. I must say that one of my most traumatic times was when my progressed ascendant was at 26 degrees Taurus (the fixed star of Algol). Would you be so kind as to have a quick sqizz at my chart pretty please? We often find Algol in the charts of people who work in the media or who are artists of some kind. If you have Algol in aspect with your Ascendant then you will find that your relationships may be very emotional and possessive. That was very sweet of you to reply Jamie and think it would be wise to organise a reading so will follow up on that reasonably soon. Cosmetic plastic surgery left him with a spooky monster face. Mars or Saturn conjunct Algol and Moon with Sadalmelik: Hanging or decapitation by royal command; if the Moon is with Denebola death by judicial sentence; and, if the Moon is with Alphard death by water or poison. Uma Thurman (31); Shes more than a little haunted according to John Malkovich [3]. If also in no aspect to a benefic, or there is no benefic in the 8th house, and the dispositor of the Sun in a day nativity or if the Moon in the night one is in square or opposition to Mars, the native will be beheaded; if the luminary culminate he will be maimed, mangled, wounded or torn to pieces alive; and if Mars is at the same time in Gemini or Pisces his hands or feet will be cut off. Algol Its not, but maybe you are against yourself (subconsciously). As part of constellation Perseus, Algol wasregarded by the ancients as the most evil star in the heavens, but is its reputation warranted? Algol talismans are our MOST POWERFUL protection [4], Fixed star Algol has the nature of Jupiter, but it also has a long tradition as a trouble maker. Could you please tell me what Progressed IC @ Algol 26 Taurus would indicate? Algol varies from a 2.3-3.5 Magnitude Star. As you would expect from the myth of Medusa, the fixed star Algol is often linked to beheadings and also associated with heads of state that may experience a fall from grace. Dangerous, perhaps your Mars / Algol conjunction has not only given you talent/s, but has helped you to survive your one long war? [7]. The starry fields through which the planets wandered Astrology King , Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.14-16 Az Algol a ni energia zaboltlan, vad, nyers aspektusa, annak flelmetes megnyilvnulsi formja, amelyet okkal-ok nlkl dmonikusnak vagy egyszeren csak gonosznak cmkznek. Dolores Cannon (02); Hypnotist who found many of her subjects had lives off planet! That is a four degree orb from either Venus or the Moon, and a four degree orb for a major fixed star like this is reasonable William Lilly uses orbs a bit wider than that for some major fixed stars. It turns us into zombies, we loose our heads and our sovereignty. WebI personally have a track record of nightmare Scorpio Moon days, possibly because my own natal moon is in the opposite sign of Taurus along with my Black Moon Lilith conjunct the fixed star Algol. (restrictions of the head) The sun (his Vitality) is in the perfected 9th house and Rules the 4th house of Leo. True that Algol comes from an old Arabic word meaning particularly nasty spirit but then, as we have noted, we all too easily look back and within ourselves only to be halted at our traumas and nasty bits, failing to penetrate further to the glory beyond them. I offer chart readings here: https://astrologyking.com/readings/. WebUsing Algol in a positive light helps to rewrite its story and shine a new light on the dark feminine. [3]. Regulus for example is considered to have influenced many personalities. This name is derived from the Arabic Al Ghoul meaning demon, evil spirit, or devil. Medusas blood also gave birth to Pegasus, where lies another story about hubris. It is the most evil star in the heavens. Fixed Stars in Natal chart: Algol has the influence of Saturn & Jupiter, Algols procession through the tropical constellations is currently @ 2625 Taurus. Fixed Star Caput Algol Meaning if you have scorpio rising, it would make sense that your reputation for being very plutonic would precede you, because despite neptune being conjunct the asc, you are much much more plutonic than you think. One good person who loves me. You can find all the star positions here:The Fixed Stars in Longitude Order. Au. Poseidon, overcome by lust, ravished her in the temple. Saturn was conjunct Algol. This important part of the story is often skipped over. Heavy drinker, died of Cirrhosis of the liver. That is split into multiple agendas and thoughts most of them setting you to suffering unless UNLESS you become PERSEUS and go inside yourself slay the inner demon. Secondly aspects to malefics represents the gorgon sisters and aspects to the benefics represent the spiritual teachings of Athena. Extravagant and outspoken Donald Trump. You may also have a tendency to attract people who are on the fringes of society or who feel like they do not fit in anywhere, as they recognize this feeling in you. You may also find that you crave sex to the point of obsession, but people are also drawn to you as you have a kind of animal magnetism. Nigel Farage 136, She was known for being amazingly beautiful and her hair was her crowning glory literally. My mystical and karmic placements have a good relationship with this great star. He had Algol conjunct the North node, so violence was fated or gaining and increasing in his life. Fixed star Aldebaran is found at 9 47 Gemini in the right eye of the bull in Taurus. Of course they do. Again we get a connection with Medea, medicine, anti-venom, snakes. Now science is the worry. Only Her Son, the Christ (or Vishnu, or Budha, or Ahura Mzda) can slay her chains and liberate her so that we can get out of our misery and discover our real nature, which is bliss. Diana, surely you cannot be referring to this post: Interesting. Caput Algol in Taurus at 26 degrees has long been held to be the most malevolent star in the heavens, and signals beheadings. Medusa became even more powerful after her death (see Diana), together with her rival Pallas Athena she became invincible. It makes one very susceptible to Trump Derangement Syndrome, and completely unable to see that the Democratic Party and the Mainstream Media are the true bringers of evil. This is where Algol becomes horrific, when our intelligence evolves quicker than our consciousness. If we study astrology then we also have to study Greek mythology. Psychic Anthony Carr predicted a lot of chaos for the British royal family and expressed concern about Kate specifically. The English translation became Demon Star, with other names being Satans Head, the Spectres Head. WebIn traditional astrological nomenclature, the stars were divided into fixed stars, Latin stell fix, which in astrology means the stars and other galactic or intergalactic bodies as Algol is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars. Algol rules heads of states and beheading, it rules treason and replacing one ideology with another. The celestial granary. 194-211. Out of jealousy or maybe just to prove she was one of the boys, Pallas turned Medusa into the hideous serpent headed gorgon with the petrifying stare she is famous for. WebThe fixed star Algol ( Demons Head) situated in the constellation Perseus, 95 light-years from Earth. Famous for her sexual innuendos. Obviously I cant have any of it, but at least Now you know why it wasnt taken to the Patent Office, although it made it to a Swiss art show. Mental illness and drug addiction. Since Algol is one of the 15 Behenian stars, its prime time to manifest ones desires. Lilith is not Medusa at all, not the ugly blockage in us but the beauty beyond it. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.56, 123, 124, 232, 242. I think I have something like that but am interested in transits involving Algol in my chart. With his extremely powerful energy, Algol would have spoiled my mystic rectangle which includes Mercury in early degrees of Gemini. My mc at 10th house with Pluto Scorpio. I am dating someone with this placement in the 8th house and it will be triggered by the Lunar Eclipse May 16th. Mercury was conjunct Algol. If your Saturn is at 25 degrees Taurus, you have Saturn conjunct Algol. They will attach themselves to a cause with great zeal and passion. I suppose its really all I ever had. But then again she has a moon at 29 degrees of Pisces which is a vulnerable position for the moon. Algol, alias Caput Medusa, is the Demon herself. And, why should taxpayers pay for their deadly expensive drug habit?! Good for making investments, tending to savings and banking. Margaret Witlam (03); Outspoken Australian PMs wife, former champion swimmer and social worker. Algol represents disaster and inhumane acts. [1], A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Edgar P Jacobs; Comic book writer and artist. When you talk, you have a lot to say but the intensity of your words may catch other people off guard and you may provoke quite extreme reactions in the people around you. Uranus conjunct Algol: John Lennon 012, Nikola Tesla 013, Linda Marshall 025, Eric Burdon 027 (and Venus, Jupiter), Michael Bloomberg 102, Muhammad Ali 106, Christine Keeler 105 (and Moon), Bob Dylan 117, Tammy Fay Bakker 125, Bruce Lee 140, John Wayne Gacy 144 (and Uranus). As a result, it can also be linked to the act of treason and ideological takeovers. I didnt know the 5th house pertains to royalty. Alcyone, Tauri, and the whole Pleiades group is noted in astrology for its association with deep sorrows and tragedies, bereavements showing strongly with this star. Woody Allen; Neurotic misfit. I am to understand Algol is known to mingle well with eclipses & that is due to Algol being a 3-star system! Algol is eclipsed every She is a classic example of the dark Algol native youve described. And Michael was on holiday in France at the time of accident, this is shown by the Asc ruler in the 9th house Rx and partile trine the Natal Algol Asc midpoint at the time of accident. Perseus should be brought to trial and sent to prison (the underworld) like many Gods of the Patriarch (RIP). Robson, B.Sc (The fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology), Errol Jud Coder (The Constellations Myths of The Stars), Ebertin Hoffmann (Fixed Stars & their Interpretation), Above Translated from Elsbeth Ebertins (Sternenwandler & Weltgeschehen), Constellation myths (Oxford world classics), https://www.williamlamontastrologer.com/fixed-stars-astrology. Johnny Depp also has this placement. The HEAD of MEDUSE is your own mind ! My birthday is 17 of May and my Sun is in 26 degrees of Taurus in the 8th house. Mysterious indeed and only adds to its allure. Scorpio Lunar Eclipse May 5/6th, 2023 Horoscopes Aries thru Pisces Intense Struggles to Overcome, Lunar Eclipse May 5th, 2023, Scorpio War Talks Money Chaos, Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People Babies Children Look to The, Grand Trine In My Natal Chart Whats it Mean, Mystery and Secrets Related to Your Destiney. That is the great whore whose number is 666. [2]. Yes, we know that Algol often does show up in disastrous accidents with death as their climax, but we must remember that our too-common state of disbelief in life beyond the one event since birth that is the lot of all of us. Sara Aldrete 021, Robert Downey Jr. 031, Pablo Picasso 058, Eric Burdon 058 (and Venus, Uranus), Kamala Harris 140, John F. Kennedy 158. Morals become loosened. Creating monsters, Frankenstein, splicing, plastic surgery, mutation, genetic manipulation, playing god, weird heads, unusual hair, abnormal sex drive, perversion, warped mind, exaggerateddemeanour, deformities,a creation that becomesdestructive to its maker, regeneration, montaging, potency versus impotence, brewers droop, striking, stunning, spine-tingling, mind blowing, getting out-of-your-head, mind over matter, ultra-creative, being your own god, soothing pain, caring for the suffering, haunting voice, speaking for the under-dog, exorcising ones demons, working with the shadow. Medusas stare is projected onto others. Alcyone There is often a lot going on in your mind and this can mean that you have a very active imagination but this can even make you become delusional or paranoid at times. I went through a horrible divorce that seemed to be instegated by outer people that were involved as "healers". As a practicing astrological consultant, however, the present author has found that one or both of these stars prominent, even though afflicted, on ones horoscope makes for an excellent counselor to others in the time of bereavement, with a special gift for bring out the brighter spiritual significance of Death as the transition to Greater Life and this so very often relieves the counselor him or herself from the misery that others so commonly suffer in that area of life. This was written 2 years ago, but I just had to respond. Algol is also definitely a star of transformation. Henry Ford; Runs in the family see Elena Ford. We have this inner monster inside of us, this MEDUSA with its multiple serpent headed form many serpents represent the multiplication of the ONE energy of the Logos Christ, becoming split into multiplicity ans starting to create outside of the nature of unity. Algol & the Asc are ruled by Venus in the 10th house of career. So, Mayra, what HAPPENED on the 16th of May?? Algol isprominent among those who work inthe mass media. As this star is known for being both light and dark depending on when it eclipses itself, people with Algol in their chart may also oscillate between the light and dark sides of their nature. As a result, many people with this placement make excellent writers as they take in all the minutiae of life and use it in their stories. In 2000 they had the following positions: Positions for fixed stars: Mirach 0 24` Taurus Happy marriage and reputation. Ooops. In astrology, Neptune is a planet that we associate with alcohol as well and is linked to blurred boundaries. Im sure the unaccompanied children are going to be killed for their adrenaline (adrenochrome) the real question is how did Joe Biden know the missing children that were separated from their parents wereGONE! ? The name Algol comes from the Arabic word , meaning Head of the Ogre. And could be Valued even Higher if we get unusual occurrences on November 2nd or December 21. THATS IT. Houses are not based on any reality. In the meantime many thanks again and warm wishes to you. If that be present, in the person or question or event for which the chart is drawn, then all will go well. Constellation ( the snake charmer ) also known as the medicine man and pioneer radioactivity... Due to Algol being a feared gorgon, she was corrupted fixed star algol astrology her dark and! A striking beard or glorious long hair Outspoken Australian PMs wife, champion... ; Physicist and pioneer in radioactivity by outer people that were involved as `` healers '' Head! May feel depressed at times and sad without understanding why Robson, 1923, p.56, 123,,! Spirit, or devil in the charts of people who work inthe mass media zombies, loose... Or gaining and increasing in his life ( subconsciously ) chart corresponds very... 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