And the Divide answered. Your history has proven this, here. You? {Echoing player}The supply line - the artery for the West? No words of yours will change what is about to happen. The Mojave'll become Vegas. [NCR] Those bodies in the silo were NCR soldiers some special forces. They told me what it was like to grow in that world all they had done to lift it up protect it. Left the colors to mark my way, like always, case someone finds them, learns the pattern - the Courier might. And for you you'll want to see your home one last time, see what happened. Historians. {Disdain, player has it wrong}New Canaan? As I said before it's of no consequence. Whatever you saw out there, wasn't enough to make you stay. {No sound file}. {Cold, player blew it}Fire will rain on the West and the East, as intended, and the last words of the messenger of the Bull - nothing but lies. They'll lead you to your home one more time, lead to the ending of it - {slow, cold}maybe remind you why you wander. The damage here looks like it was caused by underground detonations - on a scale I've never seen. {No sound file}. {Disdain}Keep them, listen, study them - they won't help you here in the Divide. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic098. >, Heard tales of you walking the Mojave. [SUCCEEDED] {Hesitant}Maybe not. You walk, leave ruin in your path you can't leave alone. Irony's sharp. You already know this. Far enough to see the end. I'm not interested in the history of this, we're done talking. I'm not one for it, either. You must be willing to kill {emph}anyone, children, mothers, the weak, elders if these New Canaanites value the generations, that is what you must kill. {Beat, this is the punchline}Through it all, kept calling out - maybe calling for home. {Reflective}Can be a place of mind, a moment where you know who you are, the history of it. I want you to die knowing you're wrong, and that's what history will remember. {Commanding}For now - find the trigger for the warheads, buried in Hopeville. The past of other Legates are not filled with victories. {Narration}For Ulysses his journey was over. For the two-headed Bear NCR they don't have symbols in the same way Legion does. [Legion] The dead? {Prove it}Even if you speak for Vegas and its ghosts, nothing you can do can prevent the missile's launch. If you need answers, speak. I've never seen corpses mutilated like that. {Beat}No, I know the truth of it. If there's time, I will. Save it for the road ahead. {More to himself}As for anger it is what I carry for the dead, and all that come here. {Beat, dismissive}You'll know by the end. What's {emph}inside that machine - that's all that mattered. {Quiet, reflective}Big Empty's proof where that road leads. The roads, and the flags above them, carry equal blame. Then the Mojave will fall, Bear will starve, its flag will burn. [Legion] Seeing this place. {Narration}The act was discovered 200 years later, as other Couriers explored the Mojave wastes. {Thinking}You were the only one willing to make the journey to and from here a hard road. {No sound file}. That's why the Legion and NCR conflict must continue. Legion wears many colors, East and West. Yet you believe in the wrong symbol. New way of thinking. {Beat, rallying}But it is their philosophy that was flawed - their weapons, used with new perspective Those weapons can be used to kill a symbol that has already proven itself wrong. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic119. {Resigned, a little sad}I could no more go back than you could return to the West. If you're Legion, are you angry because I destroyed the Divide supply line instead of you? Doesn't matter now. Actions would have had more voice. Other Couriers could have been Legion - like me. [NCR] Those soldiers in Hopeville were once NCR, I'm sure of it. Pieces of the Old World like that just need someone careless enough to take them where they need to go, to do their killing. Its logs tell of a place where America survived may still exist. The sequence has begun, just as before. If he'd been stronger, he'd be alive, and we wouldn't be talking. It's dangerous as fuck and full of evil doers and lawlessness but you . Simple on the outside, computer parts. Got drunk on the Vegas lights, the spirit bled out of them. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic078. Maybe not. A sign. [Legion] Legion doesn't kill Legion. I do this because I care, because I believe it must be done. Destroyed it all. Why you didn't stay in the West. Makes them stronger. I never sought to escape. When we meet, this machine won't keep me from you. {Slight beat, firm}Always was. You believe. {No sound file}, [FAILED] {Disgust, slight dismissive}I know you. I knew {emph}of you, your name. {Bitter}Could've breathed new life into the Mojave, bridging East, West. {Beat}Wasn't just you. {Beat}Those missiles you've seen, buried in their silos. Companion? You showed me a road, a way to carry my message. Nothing more to say, I've already won. Machines bombs, things of NCR, are your tools, not mine. If you don't - I do, and that's enough. I'll remain here in the Divide for you to return. >, NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic007. The Bear and Bull - NCR, Legion - came in waves. He put Colorado to the sword, broke the Hangdogs by throwing their hounds upon the flames, so they might burn forever in the afterlife. {Slow}I don't blame you for the Divide. Chris Avellone stated that he has "a lot of love for Ulysses in Fallout" because he "likes the idea of someone hunting my player for reasons of his own, and then hearing the reasons why and realizing how important even the smallest of my . {Smile/sneer}What kind of world would this be if Courier killed Courier. [Legion] You've been to Denver? The giants here will listen to it. Now see the road the Old World paves and what the lights of New Vegas promise, if they haven't blinded your eyes. {Emph}You carried that thing to the Divide. You have spoken truly. And then you came, with the package. I've had enough of this - whatever your game, I'm done. {Accusing}Was something more to you. Different view. Ulysses is the Spirit of Fallout 1 and 2. Denver's far to the East - Legion territory. Or maybe you walked so far West, the Bear's sickness crept into you. If the West thanks you the East won't, in time. {Narration}It was an ending to things - a way of erasing the road that had led to this point and the history that had walked with it. Part of your message, whether you meant it or not. [FAILED] They're more beasts than men now. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic013. I believe destroying the symbol is never the answer. I've been collecting them. From after the Great War. Whether made by them or not it came here. You have no such defense now. {Looking at player's inventory}Let's make something new from the old. {Cold, player blew it}The West will burn, as intended, and Vegas will follow. {No sound file}. I'm not done talking to you yet, there's more I want to know. They blew up the lands West and East of the Mojave damning them all to hell. You and I. Weigh you down long enough to let death catch up to you but you survived. And beyond it saw the rest of the Old World hell there, all carved up like garden plots. {Grim, taunt}Running out of time, Courier. You're a Legion traitor, and now you'll die. You saw one locked in the silo beneath you. Back to the job you refused. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic069. Was going to watch, see. [SUCCEEDED] {Conceding to player's request, a little less challenging. If it felt like something fighting for, you can rebuild it. {Derisive, echoes player's comment}My family? Don't hear a Geiger ticking there, more to fear from predators than rads. [FAILED] No your answer is not enough. {Dismissive, player isn't much of an outdoorsman}Doubt you'll ever walk that far, you'd need the land to sustain you. {DUPE}{Farewell}The Divide belongs to history now. Not going to waste time trying to make the blind see. {No sound file}. {Introspective}Hope of the Old World, wrapped in fencing, covered in storm. I stopped only because of you. Let him dream of the Old World {emph}he remembers, and keep those memories where they belong, in his head. I found some recordings from you on the road. Something larger - yet they let the rest of the world suffer. I'm heading back to the Mojave to settle some things. Do not translate. When all seemed lost, you asked it even though you feared the answer. I asked. And they told me I had already been there. {Beat}Had to know the why of it - {Beat}now, I'll show you. {Narration}{Female}The Courier walked until she stood again upon the edge of the Divide, the last road she would walk before the second battle for Hoover Dam. [Legion] You might not believe in nations. Fallout New Vegas has a command console that can be accessed with the backquote/tilde key (the `/~ key), which will trigger a command input menu to appear on your screen. You wouldn't have recorded those messages if they didn't matter to you. And if your eyes try to make sense of it when you reach it {cold, downnote}home's not what it was. {No sound file}, I hold Legion to be my brothers even as misguided as they are. That grave of lights, back to dust and ghosts, as was meant. {DUPE}{Quiet, accusing}I carry no hatred for duty if that's what this was. There's a way the Twin Mothers in the East used to brew it, though. When you say, "slower death for the Mojave," you mean they're spreading out from the Divide. It was an accident. [SUCCEEDED] {Nod}Makes sense. {Beat}The West shall answer first. It was the key. It will {emph}keep happening. < Storage Node Ulysses giving player final direction. None of the people that lived here survived yet all of the West and the East, they hold on as the Divide tears at them. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic076. Only able to remember her name and age. History has proven it. You {emph}led me here, so that I could see. Thought it was an insult at first. {to himself}know better now. I still don't understand - why are you doing this? {No sound file}. Not a camp - vigil, maybe. Want more than that, walk the road. [FAILED] {Disdain}Search history, might find meaning in it. {Scoffs}Blame you? {Emph}Caesar would be history's hypocrite if he was angry about what happened. It was all you could say to prevent from being killed. Here - might make the Twin Mothers' history live a little longer, you carrying it. Even one sting can kill you. No. {No sound file}. Made your way through Old World towns, the tunnels that join them now, the High Road. Unfortunately, different doesn't always mean . Left marks for you, colors'll tell the way - if you're smart. Still to have helped carry out such an act, then not face it Not my way. {Quiet, to himself}Answer told me what happened here at the Divide, the how of it, and that was enough. {Shrugs}Done with blame, and Caesar was big on strength making right. Caesar respects such strength, I told them. {Beat}The Mojave awaits. Taught them the power in the casings to channel the spirits in their guns. If the Divide couldn't kill you perhaps these spears of the Old World can. If they've become ghouls, the radiation would strengthen them. Have fight in you, at least. [SUCCEEDED] {Hesitant}Your actions have carried strength. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic092. {Scoffs}No need to destroy the Bear, just cut its throat. {Irritated, player hasn't given up}Even in this place, NCR's shadow falls. Use storm, sky. More importantly, not for House, but for the families on the Strip. Never would have known the Divide had it not been for you. Cast it and the tapes aside. {Marked Men enter the Temple, combat starts}They come for us, East and West alike. Shown strength coming in here - if strength's what you respect, then you belong East of the Colorado. Ulysses Was Meant Give the Courier More Info on Caesar's Legion As mentioned, Ulysses was actually supposed to be a companion that the Courier could recruit in the base game of New Vegas. For all you've seen behind you - {quieter}there's worse along this stretch. To others. Where another history was put to the blade, lesson taught. [SUCCEEDED] {Hesitant}There is conviction in your words, enough to rival a Legate, perhaps Caesar. Waited too long. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic023. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic002. Keep talking like that, I'll see you dead. Whatever flag you follow, or followed then either way, you got too much of the Bear's sickness in you to live. No, not the Mojave. {Dismissive contempt, under his breath}Don't need Old World medicine to kill you. Caesar taught them the last one, though, so that's it for them. I'm talking about the past, in the respect they showed you. No, not Legion less history than that. {Beat, slight condemnation}Just like NCR - voice without fire, without strength, sick. House is not the people of Vegas - you have walked the Strip, yet have seen nothing. You followed the East once, you can do so again. Had to see what was there, couldn't leave it be. To honor Caesar - destroy the {emph}history of New Canaan, and the way they {emph}carry it - in their generations and family. But rather than cracks in the earth, it was a road from the West into the Mojave, a supply line. {To himself}Must've took off. Slave weapon? Our history. Answers'll come, closer you get to home you and that machine. {A Marked Man uses a stealthboy}Watch the shadows - the beasts cloak themselves in Old World tech. {Contacting player through radio}There you are, you went quiet for a time. Comes down to perspective, how far one's walked, and what they've left behind. {Slight disgust}Maybe you took that machine with you. {DUPE of AvoidThreat: Player threw a grenade}Explosive! Seems you just proved his philosophy to him. That place and I have a past, owe it a debt - and it owes me. Tunnelers. Promises to keep. {Reflective, Ulysses is getting to the core of the reason of why he's doing all this}The community that was once here and the package you brought both had markings of the Divide. Then detonations, quakes, caused them to surface? Vegas is one of the safest places in the Mojave, and that gives me hope. Never the answer have known the Divide the West into the Mojave wastes quakes, them... They 're spreading out from the Divide supply line Even in this place, NCR 's shadow falls show. To grow in that World all they had done to lift it up protect it Divide supply line that. Grow in that World all they had done to lift it up it. 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